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Pk TumUing and Goods ¦elllog tnickl) al SCXZAXEEE'S Bargaiu Irom the Bankriipl si... k ol" Kool, Slioii),' Co., Detroit. Wc Invite spcdal aiientioii to Ikli ule. READ THESE PRICES 5,000 yards Goed Prints at !l l-2e por yard. :I,OOO yard Cholee Ore PrlnU at Ie per yard. 2,OOO yard Drcs Saleen at Me per yard. L¦ piecc ;ool hirliug al Ne per yard. :io plecei Goed Bed TleklBgaal lOe, 12 l-2cand 15e. 1OO piecen Cliofee Ores (ioods at i l-2c per yard. o picces Xcw Spring Dros (¦immI al 10e. 35 picces Wide Slylish cv lrcs dioodw al 25e per yard. 20 plcces 52 ineli LadicN 'IoIIin at 5Oe per yard. lOpieectall Wool Bluek li ¦-. ( l at 30, 10 and 50e per yard. 5 ptoeet Wide Black Cashmcre at 50e per yard. IO picces I ineli Black Ilcnrictlai at 75e, l and tl. 25. Big Drive in 52 ineli Klik and Wool Dretn Ooodü at 00e per yard, were #1 (Sec window). lOOpicecüClioiee New DrcüN l.auii at 5e per yard. 25 dozen l.adic Black and Eolored Iovcn at 15c and 25e per pair. 300 pair Ladic Berlín Mote at 10e a pair. 20 doz. pure Silk CilovcK at 35c a pair. Big Bargaln in Ladle Silk Müi at ISe a pair. 25 doz. 75e Certetl now ent to 50e. Big Rargain in our $1 Kid Ciloves for 79c a pair. 200 Ciood Biisllcs at 15e eaeh. IO pieccN urtain Scrini at 6c per yard. 5 piccc Lace Stripc i 'urtain Scrim at c per yard. nIiow the Bet Value In i 'urtain l.aces at 15, 2O and 25c per yard . 1OO paira Lace Cartatni at i. L1.25 and $1.5O a pair. 10 doz. lairge Wliite 4pron at 25c eacli. 50 doz. l'aiu'j Border llaiidkercliiefKat 3 l'or lOc. 15 dozen i.-.kI Í4-N JTeney Vel at 25c each. 2OO large Silk Pamtols at tl and $1.25. l.uriic miüli 11 Drawer at 25, 39 and "¦ a pair. Tiiioiin Cnemltei at 25, 3! and ."( cach. l.adic iglit i)iii al 25, 39, 50 and 75e. 4'hildrcns Wliile and Colored Dreüüctt at 3OO Boy Shirt Waitl al 25 and 50c. Big Bargain iu Black Silk al 50, 75c and $1. Three big drives in Jerseys at 75-, $2 and $1 25. We show the Den BurgUlBI ra lloiery at 10c, 15c and 25c. Von eau mvo ÏVoney Trading at D. F. SCHAIRER'S. Wc are alway nre -„-„,„„,. A Concentrated Liijuiil Extract of MALT and HOPS. ¦ o MANUFACTURED BY SPECIALTY DE'T PHIL. BEST BBEWING CO. Aids Digestión. Cures Dyspt psiti. Strengt hen the System. Hestor es Sou tul, Itrfreshing Slej. Frlceless t Wurging Mottiers. o Recommended )y I'.iiiiiiciit lMivsicinns. i) FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCCISTS. INSURANCE lid AL ESTÁTE and LOAN AQKNCY o F A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. 2, First Floor, Haiuilto Bloek. Partlesdeslrlng to buy or sell Real Estáte will flnd lt to thelr advanlage to cali on me. I represant 15flrst-class Fire Insurance Compaules, havlug an aggregate capital over Í30UOU.OO0. KatesLow. Loases llberally adjusted aud promptly pald. I also Issue Ufe and iovestment Pollcles Ín lie New York Mutual Life Insurance Company, Assetts, $75,000.00. Persons desirlng Acldent Insurance, can have yearly pollcles wrltten for them orTraveler's Coupon InRurnce Tickets Usued at IjOW rates Money to Loan at Current Rates. Office honra from"8 a m. to M ra. and ü to 5 p. m. ". ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block. Aak to see the pantaloons for $1 25 at A. L. Xoble's. Huuiors run riot in tlio blood at tliis season. Hood's Saimpuflla expels every impuiity and vitalizes aml enriohes the bfood. Í Hv % x ) IR Sr do gura co bei nood s Sarsaparilla, my child. Seo tliat thcy d not You remtmber t i-, the medicine wbleb did mama su inuch good ;i year ago- my favorite Spring Medicine Nearly everybody needs a good spring medicine llke llmid's BarmpaiUla to nqtel impuriUei wliich icctmnüste In the Mood dorias ""¦ winter, Iteep np sticngth as warm weatln r comes on, créate an appetlto and promoto healtliy dlgetton. Try Ilnod's Sarsaparilla and you will be convinced o! its peculiar merits. It is the ideal spring medicine- re liable, benetlcial, pli-asant to tak, and gives full value fcir money. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla SoldbyslMrugglsts. gI;liforH. Prepared only bjr C. I. HOOD i Co., Apothecarles, Lowell, Mas. 100 Doses One Dollar


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