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The freshmen held another class meeting Saturday. The picture of the senior medical class Is nearly eompleted. Dr. Ford is expected home from the east this week Priday. The Xu Sicilia Nu's were photographed by Krueger last Wednesday. The Delta Sigma Delta fraternity were photographed by Qibsoii last week. We are inforined that Dr. G. A. Hendricka has tendered his resignation. The Chronicle editor have challenged the Argonaut edltois to a game of base bal}. The course in American masterpieces 'as ended last week by an essay on Lowell. Tlie ineinhers of the Gym. minstrel company looked stunning in their parade, Friday noon. L. D. Holden, lit. '58, was one of the Ohio delegates at large at the National Democratie Coiivention. The Glee Club went to Detroit Monday and guve a concert at the Detroit opera house last eveuing. Prof. Vaughan gave the seuiors a review of his recent paper before the New York medical department. Prof. Gibbes has tinished hia course of lectures on pathology, which have proven very iuteresting to his students. The Detroit Lacrosse team has acceited a challenge from the Universily team, bat dates have not been tixod aa yet. J. P. McCartley, of Albion College, won the oratorical prize at the Xational ínter Collegiate Prohibition Convention. The commencement dinnor is to be held in the law building instead of the rink as has been done tor several yeara past. W. F. Metcalf, of the medical department lias gone to Detroit to take charge of the practice of Dr. Campbell for a few weeks. The Psi l'psilon fraternity have adopted a memorial resolution upon the denth of the late Dr. Dunster, who was a mem ber of that society. Tlie senior invltatlons are h?re and the treuurer n qantc the members to pay iip immediately. N. IJ. - Tbll is a standing item and answers for all the departments. W. P. C iry, pharmic, '89, has left college and ia now rusticating at Meadsville, Pa. He will not return to his work here, but internis to loc ite at Indianapolis. The8enior members of the mechanical engineering class left last Saturday, with Prof. Cooley, for their anoual Inapectlon of the manufacturies at Detroit, Pittsburg and Cleveland. The alumni of the dental department cnutemplate a grand reunión diiring commencement week. Invitations to be present have been sent to all graduates of the departmeut since ils organiz.ition. There were 74 senior laws admitted to the Washtenaw county bar last Thuisduy eveniiiir, A. J. Sawyer and John F. Lawrcmse being the examlotoff committe?, and on Mund.iy evening foor more were admitted. IVof. Carhart will del I Ver the second of hli Illustrated let'tures before the ¦chool of nnisic, ou Saturday evening, June ïth. Tbs subject is: "Sound, or the Physical lï of Musie." The leclure takes place in the Professor's recitation room, thlrd story of University Hall. The fact that the Glee Club will sing it the cotiimeiiceiiieiit concert will be good news to who heanl tliem in the spring, and to those who were not so fortúnale as to hear thein at that time, this opportunity certainly ouglit not tobe neglected. We neyer heard better mu9ic by male volees. The membera of the Hlsth School Christian Association elected the following offloers, last Friday afturnoon : Henry Walker, president; (ieorge Oy;ert, lst vice-president; Elli Beunett, 2nd vicepresident; Clias. Bates, treasurer: Ina Twlmor, lecording secretary; GXiifte Webster, coiie.-poiiditijí secretary; tlF. JoIid, Bulletin editor; Will ühcevei niiranist. The Detroit Evoning Neus li tul the lolluwiri pkaaliig uoUea "t tb e Glee Club concert in lts lust eveninji's edition : The Unlvcrslly glee club met n largo and audlence ut Urtroit lasl nlglit. A large proportlon of tliose prexent were old collene men who expected to have tlielr blood stirred y tlie gongs of thelr youthful days. Tliey met wllh some dlsappolntment In the fact that most of the mus c wa ol the heavy kind, hut they were well repald for thelr presence In the quallty of volee and rendltlon to whlch they were treated. They inslsted on quantlty also, and eocored so furloasly that fully twlce u niany nurabers as were on the program, were suus bv the cluh. After the concert, Gen. Alger cóndiioted thealngers to hls resldence. He had arranged lohave thelr train delayed and had acaterer provlde a surnpLuous lunch, all on thespurof the moment. The senior lits are putting in a vitrorous kick again.t the regenta of the ÖnlVenlty charfrin; tliem tor the Alumni dlnner. 'l'his was all Hffht last ycar on account of the large crowd and greatly increased expenses. But now it is different and the students teel that the ten dollars which they pay as a gradimtinir fee should entitle them to all the entertainmenls without any additional expen-r This teelii'g runs so tkifh tliat ni a recent clas meeting.a resolutioii wns Introdueed that the senior class bold a clinner of ils owji instead of attending the Alumni dinner. This resolutioii was voted down bilt shows that there is a (lissiitisfaotioii exlsting. OÏM. MINSTRK1. The event wliicli our swell society boys liave been rehearsing for several weeks past, the amatuer minstrel performance, was given at. tlie opera house last Krldny avening. Financially and artistically the performance was successful far beyond tnticipatlon. Lona bctore the curtain ranr up the house was Ulied with the society people of the city. It took a great Oeal of constant bracin to get the boys to face. In burnt cork, this audience of their friende, hut when the curtain went un it disclosed as fine a looking uiinstrel company, all darkeneil to an ebony hue, as ever graced the stage. All were attired In full dress suite, the end men havin" the lapels of their coats faced witli re satin, and wearing siitin vests of blue and maize, the Iniversity colors. The circle conulsted of S. U Irelaud, VV. W . üriffln.Ed. Smith and J. E. Üuffy tambos; F. McDonell, H H. Brown, K. T. Fartand and Ham. Park, bones; Louis Boxle interlocutor, and Mesars. Crowl, Vareoner, Cole, Carpenter, Pittman, Ewald, Vanline, Wiseman and Pennington. Hehind tlie circle sat the D. K. E. guitar club, and in rear of them, on i raiseil stand, sat the ebttpMmegoa orchestra. The songs and specialties were well rendered, partioularly tlie soiijtx " Why, Certainly," by J. B. Daïïy; "Theyall Love Jack," by S. Kemp IMttnian ; "In li0!f' by H. II. Brown; nnd " Ihe boldier's Joy," by the Glee Club. Tlie finale, " l'rof. Hlneblood'é Pronoutu-ing Contest," was n off u pon the recent contest betwecn tlie Hts. and laws and was well receivcd. J E. Harkius and BoM Grangt-r executed a cIok dancu which was the best thtniofthe evenlng. McComber ana Perry on tin whUtles and piccoloi were good while Saín. Irelaud brought the house down with his funny pevehe. The banjo and uitar qu:utette ot popular melodies wero well nceived. Ireland and McDonell In au Irish specialty act were excellent. Tiie second appearance of Harkins and Granger. In charactcr dances, spoiled the rootl ïmpiesslon Miat their llrst eB'orts made and the eiitertiunment rather drafiged at thls polnt. Tlie nerfornmnce concluded with a farce, "Amarj'Uis, orthe tale of Two Donkey wl.ich was well put on and loadly 'v MdlWOe. Nearly $2.-0 w.U be turned Into tita gym. fuu.l trom the per formalice. MissMav WbedoowlU be ín her ok place In the Amphion Club at the com menceinent concert. The clerk of Vork reports to Couuty Cleik Howlett "one light cream colorcd female pony," for record as an eatray. The funeral services of Norniai Dwiiiht. of Scio was held yesterday, a the Webster Congregatloual church J li deceased was born in Massachusetts, nn carne to thls county in 1838. He W one of the prominent ploneers, and we I thought of by his uelghbors.


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