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The Teacher ¦V1jo advised lier pnpüa to strengtlien thelr niimls by 1 1 usa "f Ayer'i Sarnanarilln, appreciated the truth tliat lioilily healtli is essen tlal to mental vigor. V'"i persons of delicate and foebto conititutloB, wliether yonng or old, hto medicine l remarkably benefloial. Be hm.' you gel Ayer's Saraapartlla. " Evcry spring and fal! 1 take ¦ nuroberoï bottlei o( Ayer's öarsaparilla, and ain creatly lienefited." - Mrg. Jainea 11. Eastman, Stonehain, Mas-;. i Lave taken Ayer'i Barsaparllla wiih greal benefll in nij general health." - MissTliirza 1,. l'iei.u. 1'alinyra, Md. ¦ My danghter, twelre years ol age, haiiuffered :'i tlie [hui! year rrom General Debility. A few weeku Mif ¦, we bogan to gire her Ayer's Sursuparilla. Her health na greatly improvcti." Mr. Harriet H Baúles, s.mili Clielmaford, Mass. "Alu.nt ayearago I began iislngAyer's BaMapartlla a a reinedy for aeblllty and neuralgia reaultlng from malaiial ezposure in tlie aruiy. I was In a liad condition, bul bíx bot t les of the8arHaparilla, with occasional doses ol Ayer'a Pilla, bave greatly improved my health. l amnowable towork, and fee! thai l cannoi saj too inucti for yont excellent remedies. - F. A. Pjnkham, South Moluncus, Me. "My daughter, sixtopn years old, i iislng Ayer's Sarsanarilla with po! effect'- Ker. 8. J. Graham, United Brethrcn Cburoli, Buckliannon, W. Vu. "I luffeied friini Nervous Prostration, ¦nith lame back and headache, and have been mnch beneflteil by the ase ol Ayer'i Banaparilla. 1 am now 80 years of age, md am Batisfteii ïliat my present health and prolonged Ufe are to the nee "f Ayer's Barsaparilla." - Lucy Moffltt, Killingly, Conn. Ifcs, Arm H. Farnsvi-ortli, a lady 79 years ild. 8o. Woodstock, Vt., writes ''After severa! reek' snffering from nervons proetratlon, 1 proenreil abottle of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and before I had taken half ol it uiy isual health retnrned." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPAKK!) 1 Dr. J. C. Ayer Je Co., Loweil, Mass. Prlce tl ; ' bottlït, $5. Woith 0 a bottl. CREAM AKlNg lts superior excellence proven In mil!ions;o homes for more iiinn a iuarter of a cenlury. It Iftuaed by Ihe l'nltedSiHleSKOveriiineiit. Kniloned By t!ie beodsof tbeureatUnlverslties ns the Strongest, Puri-st.and most Healtliful In . i'iin's theonl.N Baking l'owder that does not oonlaln Ammonla, Lime r Alum. Bolo onl) 'j'.jYÜ1,; BAKINQ PiiWDEB CO., HKW rOEK. CHICAOO. ST. I-OOIS MACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Rates. Four Trips per Week Betwean DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND 8t. Ijitiace, Cheboygan, Alpena, HarrisTillea Üscoda, 8and fieach, I'oit Hurou, St. Clair, Oaki.ind House, Marine City, Every Week Day Betweea DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sunday Trips during July and August. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS Kfctea and Excursión Ticket will be f uruiahcd by jour TiclLet Agent, or address E. B. WHITCOMB, Gen'IP.M. Agent, Detroit &. Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICH. C.H.St.CLAIR&SONS MANUFACTURERS OF SÈölaifcli FÜRNITÜRE. IH'IJM HlirSfi ('II 1IKS AND WIND-MILLS. Are now prepared to manafactnre School and (luireli Kurulture, and Opera House Cliairs, Lawn Set tees, Camp Tables and the TRIUMPH WIND-MILL Ihe I st and slmplest and most rellable In use. Kepairlng done on short uollce. Also dealers In PUMPS, CVUXDERS. PIPES, ETC. TANKS MADE TO ORDER. LADDERS, PEACH BOXES, BERRY CRATES, In lact, any artlcle made to order. NO. 33 N. FOURTH STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH. Piso's Curo for ('onCa sumptiun is also the best C3 ra Cough Medicine. El If you have a Couh El without disease of tho BS CS Luugs, a few doses are all Cl Ba you need. But if you nef3 C3 glect tli is easy means of Ml fca sal'ety, the slight Cough Kt tJ in. iv become a serioua J matter, and soveral bot3 lies will Ijo required. DR. MILES' RESTORATIVTÑERVIÑE ÊJKrf contains no Opium or dan. npmfc gerous drug. Can be taken #fi;H by any one at any timet The lutfst and best MisAJ&tAL BtM '""! f'r 111 A 111(11 K. i. IK.A KKVOI SNKSS, SPASM8. V XKM SLKEPLESSNES8, 1 1 H ¦iBk SEXIAL WKAKNESS, ai MFwPmf NERVOIS VISEASES. old by Druqqists. Sample Bottles FrM


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