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Huinbtig'. Bariiiim said "The American People like to be hiimbugged." Tliia inay be true 111 the line of entertainment, luit not vvhere life is at stakc A man wltli consumptio, or anv lingeriiij disease, lookinjj Death In the face and seeking to evade li is awful grasp, does not like to be trifled with. So witli confidencc we place before our readers Xature's ffreat remedy. Dr. l'lerce's Golden Medical Diecovery, a sure relief tor tliat Kuil' train of diseases reeultiug trom impure lilootl, such as Conramptioo, Clironic Nasal Catarrh, Liver ComplHiut, KidneT Disorder, Dyspepsia, Sick Ileiulache, Scrofula and General Di'bility. Time-lried and thoroufrhly tested, It stands without an equal! Anv druggiet. A nuin rocenlly ent one of liis rooster's winrsand then gracelully told his neighbor ili;ii the bird could nut get into tiie garden on account of the defeotive flow. Intercsting Facts. ('Iningcs in the braln and nerves are the most oomnion cause of disease. Thelr nllüt'iicc 011 ihe body is woDderful, Shanie flutbei the palestand fear blanches the rosiest cheek and whitens the blnckett hair in a nif:ht. Worry causes djsicisia and bastens oíd a;;e. Terror or exc lenifiit nften cniies instant death, etc. Dr. Milis' Restorntirc Nervine retnovei ttie tttVcts of worry, oveiwork, Hlcohoüc excess, inorpbine habit, ner?ousnesp, dyspepsia, sleeplessness, headíche, neuralgia and nervous prostratlon. Solil by Kbeibach A Soa,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News