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nHOU' IIIKKCTOBÏ. a !y A.RBOK CoxuKDiir, No. IS meetR flrst Tueaday of eacli ïuoutb. C. E. Hlscock. K. C.; John R. Mluer, Heaorder. WtsitTKSAW Chahtkk, No. 6, R. A. M.- Mei'ls tirst Monday ach month. J. L. Sione. H P.: Roath, Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. HENRY BUTON, CONTRACTOR AND BÜILÜER Kesideuce nd Shop NO. 85 Hill street, Ann Arbor, Mich. All work proniplly execoted.andsatlsfactlon guaranleed. " CHAS. L. ALEEV, ' Bontractop and Builder. 1'laiiM and Speclücatlous carefully ilrawn. Uesldence, 46 E. Catherine St., Ann Arbor, Mich. DR. C. HOWELL, PHYSICIAN OKIC K. ROOM 4, MASOKtC Bl.OCK. OOlce hours : S t U; 9 todp.m. tR. H. R. ARNDT, PHYSICIAN OertcK üvkk First National Bank. Hooks Al' OrFKK: lU:Wto 12 a. m.; 2:S to i:V b. in. ('an be ivaaliwl al revldence tWesl Huron sireet, tlie "Prof. Nlehol placa1"! Oy wlephrnie, No. 7, aud wlU reply to calis I ii the evenlng. .' Hllimi HERZ, House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! PaperlOit. UlazlnR, Gilding, and Calclmlnlne, and worfc oí every descrtptloo done in the bet style, and warranted to glve satlsfactlon. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. W. V. A. A. E. Mdiol.s, DE1TTISTS. Kooias Over Ann Arbor Siiviiis Bank, Masmiii' Temple ltiock. OA.SorVITAL.IZED AIR A'lmiulK tiT.-.l tor be patulea extraction of tceth. O. :m:. JÜEJLttTTlX, CLOTH CAÜS, METALIC And Common ('otHns. üalls aHented to Uay or Nlght. KinbiilniliiK a Hpeulnlty. Htoreroom on K. WasIiiiiKton sireet. Kesideuce Oor. fjlherty ud h'lflh. W. II. JAtKON, Il J5SÜ KTürPIIIII SIITII . OFFICK : OTer Bach & Abel's Iry Gool Store. Entrance next to National Bank. BB TheGreatKtBlood PurifieJ KNOWN. # I I Thl, ( (lerman Medicine ltlie#. Il Itli-huaiMstaml tesu lirtdt.seëof SUI.-M g H rai'inrKB!TTKIl9frtr!.n0,les8tlin# ij III Hl one cent a dose. It w II care tin-M gn worst cases of skin diaease, from M U mdh pimple on the t&ceM f JJJ Mto that awful illscase Scrofula. 5f insn.riirn bitteiis is the# IHbefit niccllclnu u .- In :ill# ' I Hcanos of hui'Ii otubburu UKVToiir KM III H(l(-'i) M-.'itcil Uiöcuot'o. DoneysareontH Hfnot ever take Mof order. V se ¦¦ BLUE PILL8 fAHKS Hor meroury, they are dca.l Bi,: no l Hthe purest and bat#y"" u6a l BmedluÉtieevcrmade. SulpknP BltttTSlII Hli7onrToD?ne0otd# ' JwlthayellowgtlrkyDon'twaitnntll yotilg ¦ kuIisuüici-? ïsvourareunabletuwalk.orlll ¦Ibreath foul and#are flat on your back, III ¦ offenBive? yonr#bnt gct some at once, Uil ¦ ¦tomach Is out#wlll cure you. buliihurl ¦ ofoiiler. Use#BiUcr8 Is S8lBn" EKsre Inralld's Friend.g ¦álmnieiiatclyTheyounp,theagel(ind ''?¦ B Is your Vr-MwrlnK aw sooii made vre ry liV Hlne thlck,#lta use. Uemeinber wlutt youM U rony, clo-iVread liere, lt may save your III Illucly, or Mme, lt hits saved hunilreds. #Uou't walt untll to-morrow, f Try a Bottle To-day ! ? I ff Are you lowvsplrited and wcak. II N a Mor BiiffciinK 'rom the cxi-iwnus ofMI H a#youthy if So, sutrmJB isiitkbsIJI Wwlll curo yuu. Snil 3 1nBt rtarapl to A. P. Onlway Co., Botton. Masa., for heul medical wurk publialied? C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Aim Arbor. The oldeat agency In tbe city. Etbl Ulied over a quarter of a oentury ao. Roproon ti n toe (ollowlng nritt-class companlen, wlth OTer 60,000,000 Capital and Aiseti. HOME IN8. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL 1N8. CO, of New York. NIÁGARA. IN8. CO., of New York. OIRAKD INS. CO., of Phlladelpbta. ORIËNT IN3. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and OLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, oí HoBtou. Ratea Low as the Lowest, Loases Liberal 1 ƒ Adju8ted and promptly Paid. C. H. MILLEN. FOR Jams, Confections and Preserves Manufacturad by the Aun Arbor Preserving Cu., t to iBROWN A. CAST.Jai 8ole Ageuts for Aun Arbor, or lo tbe facUry Plturteld road.goutb. !!¦¦¦ Mea Wonder exUt tn tboaandn of y y Uforiux. bul areHurpaHHed by tbe mar Mmli veI" of lnventlou. Tlnne wlm are In need of profltable work that can be done wUlle living al lióme liould at once mul tliHlr aüdrowi lo naliet & Co., Portland, Malae, and rolvu free, full lnfonimtlon lio llher iex, of all agen, can earn from sr. to tñ Per dy nd upwarda, wterever they Uve. You r startea froe. Cailtal not requlred. Home bave mada oyer $50 la a alugleday at tbla wuik. All ucceed.


Ann Arbor Courier
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