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n DnVAl okin POWDER Absolutely Pure. Ttals powder never vflrloo. A nurvel of purlty, Htreiiííth ítmi wholewomeut;:í8. Mure ecouomical tban the ordíuary klnrit, and cannot be solrt in competltlon with the ninltitude r low test. nhort weightalum or ph sphHte pnftrder. &vhi ouly in carta. Koyai Bkinu Puwbkk Co , 106 VVuil St., llñi Ss n úiW Nkin fiiliri I) joiif. l'l.sli a of tllHn4. 1.1 ulmiiiiHíirtl mu' tlitrd In Hize, Conditlun hópelera. 4'ured l lili' ( 111 I. " I H lí. lili lll. '. For three wrs I was almnst crippleil wilh au awlul Bore lct from my knee down to tuy aukle ; the íkln we cntiruly ona, nml thr iloxh was ont' UMiiof diveae. .sini" phyr-u i.-ui.- -ihwumm1 It incurable. It bftd dlnifniiibed abotii one tlurd the slzt' of tbf olher, and 1 was in a hopek-PB condi1 ion. AftiT tryirg nll kindd of rrmedli-a Hnd spendiní; hundreds ol' dollare, from which I got no relief whatever, 1 was iHriuaded to try yiur CI'ticura Hkmki ik ai.d the reíult ¦ as follows: Aftcr ilayc I noticed a decided chuim'e for the better. and at the end or two m uthri I wascomuletelv cured. My flesh wa purlrli-d. aud the hoiit'(wbich hd been exposed for over a ycar) {Ot a'mnd. The tlesh beg.-in lo grow anrt ti-day, and f"r nearly two jear paijl, my !; In as vil ever 11 wan. sound in every ren 'eet, aud not 'i B'ja tf the dispuse to be eeu. 8. G. A1UHN, Dabuls, ü' dt;e Co., G. TprlblMiill'-rliiiíl"ri"" suiíi I Mcanc I have been a terrible auflWerer for yearrt fn ni dlnoases of the skin and blood, and have been ohliged to hun public il:icei ly r-a"n al my iIh(ftlring huinors. Have had the runt of ibyiican and siient liundreds or dollars lmt gol no relief uutil I nsed the Cl 'tioi ka KimkdiKp, which have cnred me, and leit niv skin u l-ar and my blood aHprugchilil8. ' IDA MAY BAS. Olive liranch I". O., Mira. Krom 145 Founils to 17 Honnil. I hve takin scveral bottlw of C'oticuha Rksoltikt wlth all the resDiU 1 cimld wish for. Abont ihlH time last ycar, wben eomosnelDE ü" nae 1 welf; -led 145 ponuriH, and in day I welgh L72 pmindn. (iKO. CM1'UEI.I.. VathlUgtOn, D.C. Nor - The CuticUba RmoLVBCT is beyond all doubt the greatest blood puritier ever coinpounded. CcncuRA. the creat skin cnre, and CtrnrrKA Soap, an exquifite Skin BcauliüiT, cxternally, and Cuiicura Kf.wii.vknt. the uew blood purlfler, internally, are a poeilive cue for cvery form of skin aud blood díseaoes from pimples to scrofula. Soldeverywhere. Prlce: ('iiti:ura,50c. ; Soap, 25c; Rk.soi.vknt, $1. Prepand by Hie 1'ottkk Dei'ii A CHtlim Co., Uoeton, M irn. fST"Send for "Hov? to Cnre Skin DtjCHses," til pages, 50 Illustratlons, and 100 teatlmonlali. n 1 DVIP Skin and Sc-nlp pnMTTed and beaut - DnljT O fli-d by CuticukaMkiii atkdSoaiConstitutional Catarrh Bo nlnple dlsiae haa enlalled more cuffnrlni; er bMtt'üed the breiking op o! the conelltiitlon tlian Oatarrh. Tb leaM ot' emell, of taite, of sight, of hearini.', the huimin voicc, the nilnd- oiu' or more, and Kometlmen all.yield to lts dentruciive infliience. The polson it dixtrlbutes throuehont the xyitein attarka every vital forcé, and breaks up the most rohuet of conatltution. iKnored, bcrause bit llttlc understood, by most phvsicians, Impotently aasatled by quacks and charlatans, those sufferinit frora lt have little hope to be nlleved of lt thlsslde ofthesr-ave II is time, iheu, t e popular treatment of this terrible dlsease hy remedies withln the reach of all paased Into hands at once competent and tiuatworthy. The new and hitheito uutried method adopted '-y Ir. Sandlord in the preparatiou of hls RADICAL Cl kk baa won the hearty apprnval iif thousand. It ia Inttautaneoua in affurdinü relief io all head colds, near.inu. iDnllliiiK and ulMtrocteil bri'atlilntr and rxpldly removes thuinostoppreiislve ymptom, elearlug the head, sweelenlng the bre th, reelorintr the senvos of imell, taste aud hearing and neutrallzlnu' the constitutional tendencyof the diaeaae lowards the luoga, llver and kldneys. 8abdfokd's Radicai. Cuki constata of one bottle of the Kadicai. Cuke, one box of ("atahrhal 8oLy¦T,andI)lPBOvKll Iniíaleu; price 81. POTTiB Ullfil ANU OHKIIIOILUO., BOSTON . KIDNEY PAINS, Stralns and Weaknesses, Kelii'ved In ore ni'nn'e by tliHt raarvel"V8S OU8 Antidote to l'aiu. Iuuainuuttion and JV WeAkiiifi. Cutlrura Antlf M i'aiii Planter. The flrst and ouly 1 patn-killini: mrenuthenliiK pluter. Bs) JkJr mTMlIy adapti-ii to Itiiantl? rmiéve il d speedlly cure Kldnuy and L'lerlne Pain and W cakn?B Warranled vatly superior to all other ulater At all drngsliitü. S5 cents; 5 for 1 00 ; , r poa.,'efrec,of Potiek Unuo and Cbkmical Co., Boawo. M. THS ABN ABBOK SAVINGS BANK, ANN ARBOK, MICHIGAN, Transacts Qeneral Banking Business. capitaLT$8O,ooo. íor .n aodittoual amonut ea ual to the stock held hy Sem.therebyereat.liig a öuarantec Fond for the benefit of Deposito of $100,000.00. thèralu of the Ilank and interest compounied .emíaññuálly Mouey tu Loan on unlncumbered real estáte and other good securlty. DIKEOTORS: CHRI8TIAN MACK, WK, D. HAKKIMAN, W W WINES DAN1BL HI8C0CK, WIL1.IAM DKT3BBL, WILLARO B. SMITH. DAVID KIN8KY. OFFICKR8: c MACK Pres W. W. WINB8, Vlce-Prei C. MACK, Pres. H,SO()i.K-(;.mn,er. ¦ynuillH ii revoluUonl.ed the world TDuDuTTnil durln tue last Half ceutury. IN V LÍI 1 iUfl Not lt aruoiig the wonder tHIIKIIin n[ inventlve progres 1 a roethod and ystem of work tfiat OU Jf„rmed all over the country without HMtU ing U.e worken. froin thelr liie. 1 y J'erïl- anv une cando the worU ; elther ex, (:plLal not noedwl ; you are 8tartel free. Cut thla out and return to us aüd we wlll end youfree, sometí. InB of great value and Imorlanee lo you, thKt wlll tart y.m "jj" ü. wblctiwlll l.rlnif you n inore m nvr rlght.wuythan aiiythlng eUe I the worlij. Qïarid outfit free. Addres True 4 Co., Au)ta, Malue.


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