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During Saturday last doilgen were passed bout the city announcing a grand democratie, greenback, civil service, )enaion veto, red bandanna, one-term, nnocuous desuetude, prohl bition, free whisky, public office a public trust, and noble Roman jollitication rat(rats)iffication meeting to be lield on the court louse square. In pursuance thereof a l)ig banner hearing the names of "Cleveland and Tliurman" had been strung across the southwest coruer of the public square, and a platform erected on the front steps of the court house itself, lor the botiled up enthusiasm of a few chosen ones to escape ri.i the mouth. During the day the natioiml ensign liad been flung to the breezes frora the court house flag staff. Deputy Brown being something of a wag, and believing in having all things in keeping, had the banner hoisted bottom side up, and nearly at half-mast, to show that the democratie ticket this year wa wrong side up. or heavy end at the llttle end, so to speak; and at half mast to mourn over the fatal error. Great things were proniised for the evening, Willard Stearns, of Adrián was to speak, i.but dldn't) and several hundred student were to marcli down from the universlty and mtlfy behlnd our city band all the way down. Fhewoiks were to ascend iu tokeu of lue quick time it will take for the red-M enlhusvuin'f) of the country to cool off. Evening carne, imd so dld the band, bchinü which marclied 48 students by actua' count, each with a red bandanna and a noble pair of luugs. TJpon arriving at the scène of action tliey coinmenced using their lungs. The leader jumped up and proposed three cheers for Thurman, which were given heartily; then tliree cheers were givcn for Kegent Wbltman followed by three for Professor Hogers. They were about letting their lungs rest when one of our democratie officials who doesn't belicve In slightlng anybody whispercd to the afore3aid leader, who immedlately responded with "Oh ! yes,' and then turning to the boys said "Last, but not least, three eheers for Cleveland." This incident just about illustrates the enthusiasm bereabouts Thurman has many admiren, but Cleveland does not take a firm, deep hold of the affection of hif party. The noise subsiding, Ex-Judge Jonlyn stepped forward and after a few words about the cam paign of Wm. Henry Harrison, inlroduced Ex-Gov. Alpheus Felch as tUe pre siding offleer of the evening i The (Jovernor, after stating that for fou year we had known what it was to have a deinocratlo adralnlstratlon, nd euloglzing the grandeur, purlty and noblllty of Mr Cleveland, receded back to anclenl history and gave the crowd personal reratnlscense of the Buleiidld magntfleence of this natloo under the democratie admlnUtratlons o Jeflerson, Jacksou, l'ierce, Buchanan, etc He revlved the memories of the Harrlsoi carapalgn, and thought the argument brought agalnsivotlngthe democratie ticke silly and alMurd. All the proaperlty Uu iiHtlon ever enjoyed could be traced directly to the democratie party. He mild there were occasions when team rhould be ghed, bu thiB was not one of that kind. [probably mistaken,] and that a sound ol Joy rever orates over the enllre nailon, because the In terests of this country were to be placee once more In the hands of a man whom al men, and women too, respect and hono there could be some exceptions found, (Jov ernor.] He thought the dcmocratlo tlcke ought to he re-elected because wben thej took hold of the government they found a treasury containlng mlllions upon mlllions of moaey, and no democrat had touehed a dollar of It! Quite astonluhing, thal'B true. Mr Cleveland had proved hlmself a man o worth, of ablllty and lntcgrlty, and shouk beretalned in power. Mr. Thurman he had only known by reputatlon, but believed hlm to be in every way worthy hls excelten mate, and although the speaker was 82 years old, he expressed a convlctlon that whei theelectlon day rolls around that he woiild be on hond with hls vote. Capt. Manly was then introduced. He dld nol come for the purpose of making a speech but had consented to do so to HU the gap He ald that some people thought our elee tlons come around too qulrk, but that was a matter flxed In the constltutlon by our forefathers. and we could not change It. Tha great conven tlon at LiOUisvllle[rattake pruli ablyjhad selected In eight hours a man t nwn? One7t-"-"fiílyi '"ttSS ',! 'I !e flcket hy the nominatlon o that grand old Koman, or Ohlo, and these ineu who have been selected have been trit- In every place where a man should be called upon to go. [A strange assertlon for a one armed soldier to ranke, is it not?] The democrats have been In power four years and the countrv Is mui here mid the treasury al safe! [!!!!!!!] Can any republ lean pol ut to any et or deed of Grover Cleveland wlilch has uot been true to hls platform? [No one can teil what that platform Is.] The party made no mistake In nomlnallng hlm al Loulsvllle. Theu coming to Allcu Cl.Thurman, that noblest Roman of them all, a man who possesses more manhood, more character. more bralns, to discharge tbe dutlesof the posltlon iimn James G. Blalne ever bad. Mul never has been a candidato for vieepresident.J We come to you with a record that the republlcan party does not, cannot and never will possess. [A fact no republi can will ever dispute.] We come with a candidale who has been the people's president; he hasstood llmily for civil service reform [In a hom] and will stand flrmly for It iutheluture. Four years ago he carne before the people with no pedigree or no record, [yes, he had a record] bat In tbst time he has made a record of which all democrats ure proud, [there mlgbt be an exceptlon foundj and the pedigree they dld not care for Id this country. He had been told four years ago by a gentleman from Chelsea that if he dldn't qult training with the democratieparty he would lose hls other arm. Well. he waa training with them yet, and lnstead of losing hts right arm he had had the left oue extended $6 per montb ; doesn't that look as though tbe democratie party could be trusted to run the affalro of the government.? Judge Joslyn said he would now introduce to the audience a gentleman whom he could endorse as a firm and true democrat, who had been under hls own teutilnge for a perlod of 21 years. This jeatleman he was in the habit of referring to as his son-fn-law, but the public called liiin Regent Chas. H. Whitman. Mr. Whitman said thatthli love feast was goiug on all over this great land to nlght, and was but a spark of the lnteoseentbuslasm burnlng wlthln the breasts of the people lor the democratie ticket J he may change hls mlnd in November.} He ha1 Just come from the greatest convention ever held In the world, a convention that bad giren us, thank Ood, a platform that means somethlng, a platform tliat calis for revenue reform, and now tbe line Is drawn cleau and square between the democratie and republlcan partles. The demócrata belleve that the tarlff should be so reduced as to produce an amount sumclent for the legitímate expeuses of the government; anythlng over that amouut waa robbery. There Is no way that tl can be raised for the government revenues except that It comes ont of tbe pockets of the people; aud every dollar over and above the amount necessary to carry on the government should be turned back from the legitímate avenues of trade from which It had been taken. This Is what President Cleveland, whose name Isa Bynonym for democracy, profiera to the people, and says that some relief must be had from the burdeus now borne. It was very dlfficult to see or teil what the republican party does proffer. There are but two ways to benefit the laborer. Une to lncrease his wages, the otner to dlmlnlsh the cost of the necesitarles of lire. Tbls latter the democratie party proposes to do. And In dlmiiilshlng that cost every cent ofreduction will be taken from the laborer'a wages- not a ceu t olí" the rlch man.] The republlcan party says take the lax off whisky and tobáceo [democrats ought not to kick over that] and the demócrata say In God's name take the lax off woolen blankets. and other necessarles yes, take the tax off of woolen goods, so that the rlch may buy their broadcloth of Bngllsh raake and rob our laborlng men of that amounu] If unjthlDK l nood then we can't have too rauch of It, so If protectlon is good then In Heaven's name why not pass a law prohlbltlng the lmportation of everythlng? But If protection Is uot a jood thlng then tbe sooner we do away with it the better, and the people wanted the democratie party to do It. He heard a man aay that Vanderbilt conld pay S500 to have his shoes blackud, but who ever beard of hls dolng It [Yes, but he pald a cool 10(),UOO to elect Cleveland, and why? Was It becanse Cleveland was tbe poor man's frlend ?] Where does the blacksuillh get the benefit of a tariffon glas? or the merchant on different artloles? The system was an iniquitous one. He told how one-half the farms were mortgaged, and In mosteases the mortgage greater than one-half the value of the farm, for which the only pancea was free trade. Tbe thunder of eloquence had so shaken tbe clouds that the rain drops c uilil hold off no longer, and at thls polnt commeuced oemIng down Uvely, and the way the orowd hastened to "Ket out of the wet," was but a sllght remlnder of how they will be deserting the democratie Standard In November. RAT. N0TP.8. Not any uoticeable attendunce of mugwumps. Reporters were not very hospitably provided for. Mayor Beakes was one of the prominent men on the stage, but he wag not called upon for a speech, The enthusiasm and cheers appeared to be all for Thurman, who has many ardent admirers In Michigan. Regent Whitman ghould have added to his assertion: "Cleveland is a synoiiym for Democracy," that " Retorm is a synonym for straddle," in the democratlr vocabulary. Tlic firc woi ka conslsted of foiir gky rock. ets aud six roman candios, the lr rom which fallintf anión the crowrt made quite a squirining to encape Irom leraocratic fire. There was one Ohio student who howled like a representative of hades. His luiifts need no gymnasium todevelop hem. All thafs necded is a referente to the red bandunna. Willard Stearns, postraaster of Adrián, who whs advertlsed to speak, did not come; not because he wiu afiuid of the civil lervlce rule, but because his luiijfi were not in jjood howling condttton.


Ann Arbor Courier
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