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ftcís TuUiag and Ooods Setting Qulckly at SCHAIRER'S Uargains trom tlic Bankrupt Stock of Root, Strong Se C'o., Detroit. We Invite special altentlon to thls ale. RBAB THE9E PRICK8 5,000 yard (ood Prints at 3 l-2c per yard. 3,000 yard lioí Dresa Print at 5c per yard. 2,000 yard Ires Sateen at Sc per yard. 25 pleoe iiood lh ri at ne per yard. 30 picces diood Ued Tlcklngs at IOe, 19 l-c and 15c. IOO pleces Cholee Dres Ooods at 12 l-3c per yard. 60 pleces Sew Spring Dres Ooods at 10c. 35 pleces Wlde si) il.h New Dress Ooods at 5c per yard. 2O plece 5a Inch Ladics Cloths at 50c per yard. IO picces all Wool Black Drcss .omI at 3O, 4O and 5Oc per yard. 5 picces Wlde Black Cashmcrcs at 5Oc per yard. 1O piceos 48 inch Black Ilcnrlcttat at 75c, 91 and 1.35. Blg OH, ln 52 Inch Slik and Wool Drest OoodH at 60c per yard, wcre l (Secwlndow). lOOplecesCholee l'cw Drcss I. a vi no at 5c per yard. 25 dozen L.adies Black and Colored Lisie Oloveii at 15c and 35c per pair. 300 pairs LadlcM Berlín Oloves atlOcapalr. ao doz. pure Slik Oloves at 35c a palr. Blg Bargaln In Silk Itlltts at 18c a pair. 25 doz. 75c Corscts iicm cut to 50c. Big Rargain in our $1 Kid OloveH lor 79c a palr. 200 Oood ICiioi it-o at 15c tut li. 10 pieces iiriiiin Scrlm at 6c per yard. 5 pleces Lace Strlpe Curtain Scrim at 8c per yard. We show the Best Valué In urtain Laces at 15, 20 and 35c per yard. 100puira Lace C'urtains at 1, tl.35 and $1.5O a pair. 10 doz. large Whlte 4prons at 35c each. 50 doz. I 'un j Border Ilandkerchlefsat 3 Tor 10c. 15 dozen Ladles Jersey Vests at 35c each. 200 large Slik Parasols at 1 and $1. 25. Ladics Muslln Drawers at 25, 39 and 50c a pair ¦UikIIii IicuiIscn at 25, 39 and 50c each. Ladics i In DresMes at 25, 39, 50 and 75c. C'hildrens White and C'olorcd Dresses at 3OO Boys Shirt Walsls at 35 and 5Oc. Big Bargains lu Black Silk tit 5O, 75c and $1 Thrcc big drives In Jerseys at 75c, $2 and $1.35. We show the best Bargalns iu Hosicry at lOc 15c and 25c. You can save Vloiicy Trading at D. F. SCHAIRER'S. Wc are alwav ciienpei $&&% A Conccntrated Liquid Extract of MALT and HOPS. - - o MANUFACTURED BY 6PECIALTY DE-T PHIL. BEST BREVVING CO. Aids D-igestion. Cures Dys2epsia. Strenfftfifns the System. Restores Sotinrt, Ilefreshing Sleep. Priceless to Xursing Mothers. Becommended l Eminent Pliysicians. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCCISTS. INSURANCE KifiAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. 2, First Floor, Hamiltou Block. Partles deslrlug to buy or sell Real Kstate wlll tlud tl to ttielr aUvantagu to oall on me. I represjut 15 flrut-claBS Flre Iusurauoe Companles, havlug au aggregate capital over f30,UOU.OOO. Ratea ímw. Lonses llberally adjuted and promptly pald. I also Issue Life and Uivestment Pollclea In tbe New York Mutual Life Insurance Company, ssetU, $75,000.00. Persona deslrlng Aocldenl Insurance, eau have yearly pollcles wrltten for tliem orTraveler'8 Coupon Insurance Ticket lssued at Low rates. Money to Loan at Current Rates. Office nours from g a. m. to la in. and '1 to 5 p. in. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block. Pliotographs of Mrg. OrmUton Chant, of London, Kiighuul, are for sale at Kan dall's art store, on Huroii st., for the benetit of the Woman's Protectlve Agency of Cüicago. Prices, cabinet, 30 cents. Half life 8ize, $3.00. COMPOUWD EXTBACT The lmportance of purlf ylng the blood enot be overestlmated, for without pure blood jou cannot enjoy good health. At thls season nearly every one needi a good medicine to purlfy, vltalize, and enrlch the blood, and we ask you to try Bood'i Ppflllïai" SaraParIUa. Itstrengtheni rciunai and builds up tlie ïystem( creates an appetlte, and tones the digestión, whlle it eradlcates dlsease. The peculiar comblnatlon, proportlon, and preparation of the Yegetable remedies used glTd to Hood'9 Sanaparllla n r lar curativo powers. No I 0 ItSCIT other medicine has such a record of wondert ui cure. If you hare made up your mlnd to buy Hood'j Sarsaparllla do not be lnduced to take any other lnstead. Jt Is a Peculiar Medicine, and ia worthy your confldenee. Bood's Sarsaparllla is told by all drugglst, Prpared by C. I. Hood Sc Co., Lowell, Maas! .100 Doses One Dollar


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