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The junior medies are rapklly going home. H. J. Killlle, luw class of "86, is In Ilie city. He is suceessfully wrestlinir with the law in Mllwaukee just now. The Ü7tl) meeting of the Ainerioin Associatiou lor the advancement of Snlence U to be held at Cleveland, Oliio, from August l"th until Ausriist Ol. Dr. A. IJ. Presentí is oue of the vlce-preaidents. Tlie last game of ball to be playd by the university club thisseason was played last Saturday on the fair grpundl willi the Juckson club of the tri-state league, and was loet by a score of 10 to 1. Tlie club quita as it coimnenced. "He's all right," the unlvcrsity yell, is suggrsted as a cheer for the Algerclub at Chicago. It is i good suggestion, bnt hey ought to bave a strong coorlntrent rom the university hranch of the lïepubicnn Club to lead off and rtiow the boys iow Is done Tlie University Glee Club of eighteen neinbere will accompany tlie Aleer leleüation to (liieaKO, and wtar tlie Atger hit, ie and (lusters. They will sertMimlt; dr. Gen. John A Lojran at the Logan lome, togeih.'r with 4th X'. S. regiment and. We notie by the Detroit papan that 5r. K. W. Jenks of tliat city has been recoimnandcd, and a statement tliat he vill be appointed to (ill the place of' the ate Dr. Diiiister. What the result of ecurini; so manv resident of Detroit to huirs in the medical departinent, and alowing tlictn all to reöide iu tliat city will be, is something to be oonniderea, )oes it nol poiul plainly to the disrupion of tlie medical department heral A number of the professor- liHVe been examining schools throiihout tlie counry, and have leciiled to adinit gradúate. rom the following to the l Uiversity on li ploma: Corumia. CblcaffO and aulmrl., BentOD iiarbor, Kulewood, I Vdar Sprimpi, Kvnnston tnwnshlp, Katon Riiplds. Jeilerson VowiiNlilp, Orand Haven, II., 1 Park, lluhtiiiK, l.ilki-, Lunsln, I.ake View, Mt. Clemens, Chicago Norlh Side, Ludlngton, Chicago Houlli Blde, KiiiNln Vulley sem'y, Chicago WestSIdt; and 8t. Clalrand Oafe Purk, III.; YpKllantl, Mlch. I,a Port, Ind. Tothe above should be added tlie folowing, heretofore exainincU, and prolounced all right i Ann Arlmr, Graiger Placo school , BayClty, Canandalgua N. Y.; Battle Creek, Ottawa. 1 11. lilgli Mh ol; Coldwater,,lilah school; Detroit, Normal Unlvernity, KaHtSaglnaw, ucademic deparlKllnt. ment, Normal, III.; (Jrand Raplds, Adrián, Ionia, Alpeoa, Jackson. Kig Kaplds, MaulHtee, SaglDaw, Mlcblgun MUlllury üwosso, Academy, Caro, Monroe, Fenton; PortHuron, Srlngileld, UI , hi({h Pontlac, school; Bentoo lliirlior Buchaimn, mal and Collegiale Charlott", imtitute; Howell, Decatur, 111., high Vaasar; chool; Blooralngton, Illinois, St.Paul high scoool. high school. Jacob II. Stark has liad his pension aiaed. The school board have not yet let tlie ontract for the new school building. Tlie widening of the south approache o the l'ontlac st. bridge over the M. C. i. R. truck, ia an liuproveraent, and the on(? sutï'ering and patiënt 5th warders may well feel pleased. A certnin business min of this city whose door fusteus witli a spring lock, carne out of his shop yestenlay morninfr without his key; his boy liad another tey bul he had gone a Helling, so the oíd ;ent wcnt fishing too, and report says aiight more than lid (he boy. Ex-Mayor Cornwell is on a business rip to St. Louis. He douutless will come lome with the pplause tor Cleveland inging in his eurs.- Ypsi. Commercial. Yes, undoubtedly, but it will be sucli a brassy ring that it will tmve no effect on a sound liead like the ex mayor's. If any of our citiens desire to fío up O Chicago next week to see Gen. Alger nominated, tliev should remember that hey can go and return for $10, wliich imount includes a cot and hlauket in armory D, during the entlre session. Address Alien II. Krazier, president of he Alger club, Detroit, Mch, This may be true aud it may not be, )Ut it is a very easy experiment to make: 'The coraraon sunflower growing near a dwelling has been found an almost sure rotection against malarial fevers. The lnnt in its growth abxorbs large (juantiies of impure gasses, feeding principully through Its leaves, each plantevaporating; as mucli as a quart of water per day. In fever infectetl districts. fain'liis tliat are protected by a growtli of' sunllowers iear thelr dwellings hve enjoye] an almost absolute Immunity íroin luulurial Uhmm On Sunday morning last at about 2 o'clock, üre was d9Cvered In tUe capsule factory building on W. Second st., in the 2d ward, and before tlie flamea could be stayed the building and contenta were prm-tically destroyed. 'i'he 'osa on contenta, Mr. Bullís Informs us, Ís about 12,0Ü0, wlth $7,000 insurance; and the building, owncd by the Aun Albor lmprovement Co., was $4,000 wlth $:S,000 ingurance. The (lie is thought to have resulted froin incendiiirism, and clues are being traoed up, it ia said. Tliere areceveral storles afloat about seeing a couple of persons hanging about the premiües the niglit before. Whetlier the building will be rebuilt and the factory started again dependí) on clrcunistances Mr. Bullí states. There were some 20 or 30 handi thrown out ot employment by Chis tire.


Ann Arbor Courier
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