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Harnessed To Oxen And Dogs

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I can iicver forget Hio feeling of astonsLiniciii iningled wiili sbame wiüi which I flrsl looked i ] : i a woman harnessed siik' by siilc witli un ox.says a foraign correspondent. Ji was on m lonely road iu Sui:crliiini, near Uiu Ituliaa frontier. Nigbl bad already sel a, and Uic bonfires ligbtod by woodsmen on Uie sleep mountuin sides, hundrods it' feel above my head, uaw scarcely ligbt enough to pick a way over Ihe rocky reod. I uurried on lo reacb t lie next vlllage, and i" my burry altnosi ran fnto a buge mast of moving li;iv. A womaii was pulling Ilial hay, mul un o. - iiot her liuaband- was belping ber. On the same rond 1 overtook a ii 'mil of women who looked Hke verilable walking baystacks. Btrapped ou Huir backa were funnel-like coniiiv.'iiii ts i uto wiiicii Lay waa stackcd to :i Ucight of live or si x lie!. Tb.0 incn. who kindiv lili the futmels ihai iheii wlves carry, (11 the hay so higb thal Uic poot women fairly stagger under tljeir load. For iliis severe labor tlio peasanl vromen of Bwltzerland aml Qermany earn from thlrty to tliirty-iivi' oenta a day. They taka toeit bables, tbeir bread, and Uielr bew lo the ftelda witli ilicm. wield the scythe all day long, tlieu creep back to their bovela under tbeir bnge loads and go lo bed lo nct up al -I ui:t morning und s tl'rougb nuotber Iwelve or fourteen liours of similar drudgery. I bave seen women iu Bulgaria thraablng grain witü siicks - a íJow nuil laborious procos, and nune tbc more pleasant for Iho burolng sun lliat beata down cm ihat scml-troplcal country. Wbllo tbey were eugaged In this work their brothen and husbanda sai, on the sliady side ot llieir llialclirú liuls und dozed or minded the children a.s tbe humor itruck tliem. Evidently, in ilu Bulgarlao peasant's opinión, womaii's sphere Iswnsre Ibe liiirdcsl work is lo be done. In Hei del berg I made Uic acquaiutance of an lioncs! red cheeked woroan who made ber living selling niilk. She liad u small cart Huil lield tWO BÍX galloa ciins. To Ibis ciivl btlcbed berscll' and a dog and made lier roiiuda from bouse lo house sellinc; inük al si.v eeula a quarL Tbls queer team stoppml oclOre ibe door of my lodglogs puDctually evoty rnlng al (i o'clock, and whlié 1 cbatted a moment wiili tlie Germán frau the dos would lie down in liK baroese lo rest The frau and husbaud were Irying to save enough lo biing Lhem lo Amerijoa, 'l'lie busbana was a shoemakor, bul soniebow never managed lo save anylliiiTg. There was not tniicli profil in inilU, slill slie WOtlld be careful and boped lo bave enough "some day." Unce in Anirnca slic lell miit sbe and llans could gel along. Il is doubtfvil wbetber tbc poor woman uiili all lier economy and toll will ever reach her goal. Many niontbs aftei'ward, wlien I was in Heidelberg iigain, sbc was tbere Btill, bitched withherdog in tbc cari, seliiug milk for six cents a quATt.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News