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Religious Feet-washing

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Twenty-three Mennonitea o! ihc new reformed church held tbeir annual celebration of the Lord 'ssupper ind fecl wa Uios recently lo Baltimore, Md. Mr. Jacob Lehman, froni ( nambersburg, Pa., preacued and cava itae oonimunlon. Mr. llcniv siiociiuikcr rend cbapten from tho Biblc. Mr. Lcbmao ciplalned why they waabed feet. saiil it wat dooeaa lym bolle oí Iceeplng llie body pure, the feet being easily delfled by putting them into Ihat whicb deflle. Il was also emble mailcof bumility. It represented a spil tiuil wasbing. lic explainod thatthey vrould not voic or have anytblng to (i' wiili law-making, white ihey wen citizens and obeyed the lawt, One ol Uicir i)rinciiles is nevcr to ,u;o to law. Fü leen vromen, dressed In their neat, small, wbitc üueii caps, and ten men umk ofl their shoei, socksand stockingg and washed eachother'a feet Theieetol the older ones were washed lirsi. Mr. Henry 8boemaker girdctl liimsolf witli a white towel, anti was busily engnged for somc flfteen mlnutea waihlng the men 's feet. The men sat on one sidc and (bc women on the oiher sidc of tbe hall. The Hennonitea ihllcr from the Dunkards, or Germán JJaptists, in not bapüring by Immersion, md in soine otbcr respect. Therc uro only twenty-five nienilwüs in Ballimore muf Baltimore county, luit in Pennsylyanta they i-onstituto a large denomina tion. Tbey claim to follow the directidn of, tbat liewasbed bis disciples' fecl, so tbey shonld waah each otben' feet.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News