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)IISOI DIKI.liOlll. AM1 abboe Comandkky, No. 13 tneets flrst Tuesday of eacn mouth, C. E. HUcock, K. C.; John K. Mlner, Recorder. VYashtksaw Cbaptsr, No. O, R. A. M.- Meu fitst Mondiiy each ruoDth. J. L. Stone, H. P.: 'ft. Koath, Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. HENRV BLITON, CONTRACTOR AND BÜILDKR Resldence a ml Shop NO. 85 Hill street, Ann Arbor, Mich. All vork pfomptiy executed, and satlsfacllon gunrunleed. " CHAS. lTaLLEÑT Contractos and Builder. Flans and SpecliiotiUons carefully Jrawn. Reslflence, 46 E. Catherine St., Ann Arbor, Mich. DR. C. HOWELL, PHY"SICIiVTsT Orrrrs. Room 4, M amonio Bi.iii'K. OIHct' hoiirs : 8 to 12; ¦ DR. H. R. ARNDT, PHYSICIAN okkick uvkr Fikst National Bank. boon ai' Omrioit: !0:üftto 12 a. ru ; ï:3 to K-.'lu i. in. Cau be reachud ut residenoe iW'rtst lliinm strett, Ule "l'rof. Nicliol plui:") by leleplioiit', Nu. 7, au.l wlll reply to calis In Uie veiling. tTlLLIAH iii:icz, Houso, S gn, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperiiik;, OlazInK, ülldl n, and ralrimlninp, and worfe of every deacriotion done ín the bi'at stylt'.and wurrmiU-d ti JÍT6 tHtiöfac,tion. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr. Arbor. W. W. Sí. A. E. 1CI1OI,, Koonis Over Ann Arbor Saviiijs Bank, Xasouic Temple Kloek. GA.S or VITALIZED AIR AdmiuUtered for the pal ule au extractlun of teeth. O. L. ÜJÏTinST, CLOTH CASUS, METALIC A iid OoiainoB 'oiHus. C'ulls at tented to 1 ay or Nlglu. Ratbalailng a gpacloly. stoieruuiii on K. Wasiii mltIi street, Beatilenoa Cor. Liberty aud l-'lfm. %V. II. JACküO., IDüEülIrilTilIIISHITIU OFFICK : Orer Bach & Abel's Dry Good Slorp. Kntrance ne.xt to Xutional Bank. S Vjhe Best and Purest MedicinoS R4L EVER MADE. Hl fcAXkltwIUrtrlvethe Humorfromyourljl I .cLijieu', ai"l make yuurtkinnl Pit ¦'i MKSLclean aii'l smontli. TboscHI I ? ¦(, jplmples and Bltlit'xJ SV% hv 4y.wlinli mar your beautypq U e '4 v xaro caused by lmuureM ¦ ¦„(. f f4o Oljlood, anif can ben] [H „ ' . "if ''„ ',xZrL-iiiivi-(llnashrtll I 4. y 't. r, , "ïv . Wtilne'tf youan-MI H % % V L lse ani1 us(i Hl n ¦ %, a V-i-Wriü"" pa 9 raU-ouly a tea. . 'V II WmcildDe. Try it, andV tJ1 f.% I ID jou wlll be BAtlafted. %„ o, 'V 1 H B GetltotyourDrugglst. p S ÖDom'tWait. Gbtitatonce a S I If jou aro BUffprlnK from Klilk II III ner Dlaease, anl wlsh t live tík Hl ola age, use SUÍJHl R B1XTEK.SV III Tbej never fall to cure. III Snd S 2-ccnt stamps v A. P. Ordwar & ('o.. BottoD. Mass., for btt meillcul work publlaheU? C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldeat agency In the city. Establlshed over a quarter of a eentury ago. Represeutlng 'ne followlQg Urst-clas compaules, wlth o?er 60,000,000 Capital and i HOME INS. C!O., of Nev York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., oí New York. NIA.GARA INS. CO., of New York. GIRARD INS. CO., of Phllad(lphla. "KIKNT IN8. CO.,of Hartford. C0MMKBCI AI, UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON aud GLOBK. WASHINGTON KIRK and MARINE, of Boston. Rte8 Low as tlie Lotrest, Losses LiberUy Adjusted aud prompt ly l'aid. C. H. MILLEN. . FOB Jams, Confections and Preserves Manufacturad by the Ann Arbor Preservlug Oo., go to "HOWJf 9 CADT, 0ie Agentí for Ann Arbor, or lo the fac tafy PllUHeia road. South. nWlc"' Wonder exlRt Ín thoimands of iltltir r"r'n. but are 8urpaH8td by the mar ¦¦¦¦ ! of luventlou. who are Ín ,. 0 of prolltuble work Ibat can be uonewtiiie living at home Hhould at once "nu thelr aldres to Hallet A Co., Porlland, Zni. and 'celvefree, full lnrormiUlon how mner ser, of nll ageH. can earn f rom $5 to $-V, ("ay mid upwnnU, wbcrevMr they Uve. ore Htartetl fret. Cupltul not requlred. oomuave made over f ju in a Ingle day at lUwork. AlHucceed


Ann Arbor Courier
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