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Valuable Railway Information

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The followlng questions and auswen are taken from an article In Scrlbner'i Monthly, and contain aoine exceedinglv valuable Information: 1. How mauy miles of ratlway in the United States? 160,000 tnile; about lialf the mileiiKf of the World. 2. How mueh have they oost? $9,000,000,000. 3. How raauy people are employee! by thein ? More thnn 1,000,000. 4. Wliat is the fastest time made by a train r 92 mile in 83 minute?; one mile beiiiif made in 46 seconds, on the Philadelphia and Reading I{. R. 5. What ia the cost of a high-class elght-wheel passenger locomolive r About $3,500. 0. Wliat Is the longest mlleageoperated by a a i jí I e systeui ? Atchisou, Topekait Santa Fe system; about 8,f00 miles. 7. What ia the cot of a Pulace sleepiiiK nar? About $15,000, or $17,000 if " vestiluled." 8. What Is the longeat rallroad brlilgespan i ii the U. H :' Cantilever 9pau In Poughkeepsie biidife 548 feet. 9. Wlmt i the higheát bridge n the United States Kinzua Viaduct, on the Ene road, 305 'eet hiifh. 10. Who built the llrat locomolive in the United StHteg? Pel er Oooper. 11. Wliat roail carriea the largest num)er of paaseneru ? ManiiattHii Klevaled Kailroad, N. Y.; 525,000 a day, or 191,2ó,000 yeaily. 12 What U the average dally earuing of au American locomotive? About $100. 13. What Is the longest American railway tunnel f Hoosac Tunnel, on ihe i'itcliburg railway. (4; milis.) 14. Wh;it ia the average cost of constructiug a mile of rail road ? At the presout time about $30,000. 15. What is the hlghest railroad in the luited States f Denver & Rio Grande; Marshall l'asH, 0,852 feet. 16. Wlmt are the chances of fatal aecilent in railway travel f One killed in ten millions, statisl ics how more are killed by fallinj: out of Windows tiiau in railway accideuts. 17. What line of ruil way extenda furhest east and weet : Canadlan Pacitlc Kailwity, running rom Qiiebec to the Pacitio ocean. 18. How long does a steel raij last, vith average wear? About eigbteen year. 19. What road curries the largest numer of couimutersi1 Illinois Central, 4,828.128, in 1887. 20. What Is the fastest time made beween Jersey City and San Francisco 3 days, 7 hour, 38 minutes i. rui Kt geconds. Special theatrioal train, June 1886.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News