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Senator Edmunds Is preparing for the urum, and article on " The Polltical Siluation." Mr. Cari Scliuiz, who U yet in Gernany, and wiis recently entertained by . rlnce Bismarck, is preparing athorough study of Bismarck'scareer and of bearngs on the political situation ín Kurope. t will appear n an early number of the forum. Mr. Fredk. Kitton, who is thoroughly )oted on uil m&ttcrs relatlng to the late Jliarles Dlcken, wlll have a paper on the unfamiliar pnrtraita of the irrom loTelist in the .Tuly numberof the Magazine of Art. There are half a dozen very iiiiTi'stliiir productlonn t;ivcn in this iiiinlii'i', and more are to follovv. A dainty ncw book, añil a cholee and ileasin; collection of songs for the KInlergarten, Primary School, or Home, la the new volume jnst iggued and entilted "SonES for Kindergarten and Piiinary 3chools." The word and music In tuis ook are entirely new, never havlng been published before In any form. The songs may be used for supplementary work in the primary school, and are eseclnlly adapted for the kindergarten. Will be sent to any addres by mail, on receipt of price, 80 ets., by Ollver DlUoo A Co , Bogton. The Century ha printed several artlcU g of tlinely Interest to students ot tlie International Sunday-scliool Leasons. The July number is to have another of theae papers, written by Mr. Edward Ij. Wilfon, and illustrated with engravings made from hig photographs. It will describe a journey from the Red Sea to Mt. Sinai, following the conrse which la snpposed to have been follo#ed by the Children of Israel, and will indnde a description of the ancent of the mountain. Among the illn$trations are a view of the aite of the Imttle betwecii Israel and Amelek. and of the PlalD of Assemblage ál wen from the Koek of Moseg on Motmt Sinai. A curious conceit. "The Qrand Tour - Tliree Thougand Yearg Ano," is wurked out in Harper's Magazine for July by V. M. Flinder Petrie, the well-kuown antiquariati Hi pri nolpal baggage for the trip congisted appareutly of paper pulp and a photographic apparatus. From impre8giont and picturesthen taken lie reproduces for thU uinteenth-century wurld, a sketch of the eagtern races of the earth about the time they began to havu relations with one another; when the culture of Baby Ion had not spread abruad and before the Assyrians began to deacend like wolves on the folds of other people. The aiticle is practically a pieture gcllery, for Mr. Petrie has furnisued a iiiunbci' of plates, tirkcn from irnpressions made on the toinbs at Thebe, which are ag gnod as photographsof men and woinen wholived about 1U00 U.C. Some of them must have been very goodlooklnjr. The serious object of the article is to elucídate the orlgiu of Egyptian civiliz ilion, and the resuUof Mr. Petrle's discuisioii will be luglily gatlsfactory to Ihe student of antlqulty.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News