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Uook Notices. VILLtAM SHAKESPEARE PORT1HYED BY HIMSKLK. A revelación of the Poet lu tbe career and character of one of hts dramatic heroeftby llobert Water, author of "Ufe of Oobbett," etc. 1 vol. 12mo. f 1.25. Wortniugtou Uo., New York. All the known ncidents of the lifo of he Poet, his traits of chtiraeter, are shown o correspond in a remarkable m inner with tliose of one of bis own dramatic leroe. The author of this volume makes t evident that Shakespeare's early royterinif career, his subsequent studiou ife, his gontle disposition, liis idosyneraii's, hig tiinilncss for wit and humor, his leep contemplatlous " behind the veil of vililness," and all reflected and vividty resented in thi dramatic character. It s h work of real golid merit and will be iailed by every lover of Shakespeare. It ilso i;ives a complete and cruihing answer to the Baconians and Cipheronlans. Could Not Keep shop wltliout tliem. I congider your Sulphur Killers a rcmarkable blood puriier: I knovv of several people, whose cases were considered hopeless, that have een entirely cured by your medicine. L'he sale ot Sulphur lüttei's ia 8O large here tbat 1 could uot keep shop without hem. E. 8. Yates, Pharmacist, 'JU Essex streel, Luwrenoe, Mass. Don't ti y to keep a garden and hens in he same place. Give separate places to ;ardcn and poultry and tunee one or botli n. Is Consuinption Incurable? Rend the followin: Mr. C. H. Mor ris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Ijlings, and frienils and )hyslcians pronounced me au Incurable nsumptlve. liegan taking ür. King's ¦íew Uiscoverv tor Consumption, am low on in v i liird bottle, and able to oversee the work oh my farm. It is the linest nediclne ever made." Jesse Middlewart, Uecatur, Obio, suya: ''Had il not beeu for Dr. King'g New Jiscovery for Consumption I would have diod of Lung Troubles. Was given up ly the doctors. Am now lu best of icaltli." 'l'ry it. Sample bottles free at Eberbach & Son's. Valuable machines should be housed over nlglit, lest a sudden sliower sliould .enimiirntly injure thom. l'i ufcssional Ignorance. Nothlng is more common, or Ies9 true, tlian for physicians to teil patlents n the lïrst stages of heart disease that the tróuble Is only nervous, etc, and of no account. A Hule knowledjre is a dangerou8 thlng as shown by the great number of people who die of lieart disease when lts exlstence is not suspectcd. Take warning. Don't ueglect the first symptoms, aud if you would avoid tudden tUatlt, angina ixjctoris, etc, take Dr. Miles' New Cure before it ii too late. Sold at Eberbach Si Son's drug store.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News