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Clirlstinn li.Milhnan to Michaol Si-hneller, Ana Arbor __ 300 Al vuli Keep, by ex'r to Oeo. Hauser, Sttlem "CO Wm. C. Johnson to Chin. II. A Emma Carry, Ypsllautl 20 Herman Fechhlmer to Oeo. C. Rlchel, Ypsilanti 50) Sarah J). Prior to Jas.: C. B. Forsytlie, Yp8ilanti 50 Lucy Ann Clark to Wood Cooper, (Jhelsea... 85 Jane Forsythe to Thos. J. Forsythe, Ypsilantl 1 Miiry F. Allen to Thos. J. Forsythe, Ypsllantl 1 John Barnes, by helrs to Jethro Mabee, Aun Arbor 100 H. T. Morton to Nathan White, Ypsllautl m David R. Ilnmmond to Irvlns J. Uainimmii. Lima Francés Stolllut. to Mary S. 8tolet, Ann Arl)i)r 1,000 Russcli llasüim, tuWm. Moore, Tpti' huitt 1,580 John Boyoe to lieo. s. liarnos, TprflanU 2,500 rhllamler C. Frost to í. S. X A. I,. Tate, ürlilRewater 3.SO0 Kate r,. Frost to B. s. . A. I,. Tate. Brldgawatu s,-iuo MdMon Osboroe to Wm. Torrauce, Augusta 1,500 Addlson Osborne to Win. Weliner I. I,osee, AagOSU 1,200 Andrew 1!. Mlnzi'y to Daniel K. Mlnscy, York 1 Rcubcn Kempf to Maggle WaokenhoU. i:in-iKea it."p John I.. Wllson t Wm. ('. Jacobus, AnnArbor ISO Emma A. llood to Erwln ('. CJlover, Lodl i,i)oo Matthew Stalb et nl. 'J'ho. I li-rrun, Ypsllanti W Soney to Cora A. Honey, Ypslluntt 1