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Pricís TuUing iai Goods Selllng Quickly at s. t. schaiher's Bargains from Un Bankrupt Stock of Koot, Strong & ¦ Detroit. We invite special attention to litis ale. READ THESE PRICE8 5,000 yardi Good Print at 3 l-2c per yard. 3,000 yards Cholee Dress Print at 5c per yard. 2,000 yard Dress Sateen at Mc per yard. 25 plece i.o.xl .oliii-i iiiu at Sc per yard. 3O plecea Good Bed Tiekingsat 10e, 12 l-2cand 15c. 100 plecea Cholee Dress Good al 12 l-2c per yard. O plecesXew Spring Dress (.(iinl at lOe. 35 plcces Wide Sfyllsli Xew Dres (ood at 25c per yard. 2O pieceü 52 Ineli l.:ili loili at 50c per yard. 10 picces all Wool Black DreM Goófti at 30, 10 and 50e per yard. 5 pieces Wide Black Cashmcrcs at 5Oc. per yard. 10 picecs i " inch Black Ilcnrlcttat at 75c, $1 and $1.25. Big Drive In 52 inch Slik and Wool Dreun Good at 00c per yard, we re I si'cuiiuliiH . lOOpiecesChoiee Mcw Dreun l.awns at 5c per yard. 25 dozen Ladics Black and C'olored Linie (.Iuicmii 15c and 25c per pair. 300 pair Ladics Berlín . lo . atlOcapair. 20 doz. pure Silk (¦Iovcn at 35c a pair. Big Bargain in Ladlew Silk Miir at 18c a pair. 25 do. 75c Coret now eut to 50e. Big Kargain in our 1 Kid Ciloves lor 79c a pair. 200 Good Bustlcü at 15e eaeh. 1O picccN urtain Scrini at tic per yard. 5 piecea Lace Stripc i ¦¦ i-i in ii Scrini at Sc per yard. We ihpw the Best Valuc in (urtain licei at 15, 20 and 25c per yard. 1OO pair, Ciirtain at ¦!. SI. 25 himI si.50 a pair. 10 do. large White Apron at 25c each. 50 doz. Fancy Border llandkerehicfViat 3 lor 10c. 15 dozen Ladics Jersey Veats at 25c each. 2OO large Silk Parasols at $1 and #1.25. Ladics IMiikIíii Drawers at 25, 3 and 50c a pair. niixlln iicmiNCtf at 25, 3i and 50c cacii. i.:iiiic Xight prenei at 25, :L!, 50 and 75c. CMMWM White and ('olorcd lis-. :(i 3OO Boys Shirt WaUlN at 25 and 5Oc. Big Kargainsj in Black MIIU at 5O, 75c and $1. Thrcc big drives in Jerseys at 75c, $2 and $1.25. We show the best H;u -gains in llowicry at lOc, 15c and 25c. l'ou eau save lUoncy Trading at D. F. SCHAIRER'S. We are always the cheniu-sl. INSURANCE Ré AL ESTATK and LOAN AGENCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. 2, ï'irst Floor, Uarailtou Block. Pnrtiofl desii-inff to lr nr Mll QM UMtL wlll flnd lt to tlielr advuntage to cali on me. I repressnt löflrat-class Flre Iusurauce Oompimies, havlng au aggregate capital over Í30,000,000. Hates IjOw. Loases llberally adjusted and promptly pald. I also Issue Life and Uivestment Pollcles In tlie New York Mutual Life Insurance Company, Assetts, $75,000.00. Persons deslrlug Accident Insurance, can have yearly pollcleti wrltten for them orTraveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets lHxued at Iow rates. Money to Loan at Current Raten. Office hours from 8 a. ni. lo Ij m. and 2 to 5 p. m. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Hlock.


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