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Court stands adjourned to July 17. Xext Sunday will be Children's Day a the Baptist church. "Home made" strawberries now help people to enjoy Ufe. A mad dog has been causing gome excitement on Main st. to-day. About tlfty excursión tickets were sold to Chicago lioiii this station. Ed. Kent was arrested yesterday on a charge of assaultinL bis wife. Ernest Lutz is the new collector for the Ann Arbor Savinga Bunk. Hurrah ! No more school for ten weeks ! U ¦ there boy ! Hall up ! Lewie C. Pond has been appointed collector in the Faruier's and Mechanic's bank. Our farmers and otbers ought to be making preparations now for the fair thls fall. Dr. J. C. Wood has removed bis oftlce and residence to his new house, No. 60 S. Fourtli st. It Is astonishing how uiatiy of our prospective otticB holders ara "out of town'1 these days. If people can not take tbe hint to keep ofl'the court house lawn they ought to be uinde to do it, in same way. A chlld of Geo. Green, of Ann Arbor town had lts head seriously cut by falling out of a high chair yesterday. Mayor Smith has received his gold dollar, ucd up as a watch charm, for bis services as mayor during 1887. August Te8tner was brought before Justice Pond last week and lined $10 and costs for anault upon F red. M. Prettyuian. The high school class day exercises re being held at Whitmore Lake, today and a supper served at the Clifton Home. Both of the Whitmore Lake hotels, Stevens' and the Clifton, are making extensive preparations for a boom this summer. Chas. Gruner luis lost only one day in over iive years' service ut the Farmer's Á Mechanic's Bank. A record to be proud of. There will be no more Sunday evenlng services held at St. Andrew's church. Evening prayer will be had at 5 o'clock in place tliereof. Jlonday the 5-years old daughter of Edward L. J. Smith of PittaOeld, fell out of a hammock and broke an arm. Dr. Sinith set the saine. A lawn social will be held at Mr. Godfrey's at Ueddesburg, Friday evening, fur the benefit of tiie Missionaiy Sunday acliool at Üiat place. Oq Thursday afternoon tbe regular meeting of the Woman'i Home Mlsionary Socit-ty ot tbe M. E. church, will be held in the church parlors. Fred Heusel in jumping off the deüvery wagon of Martin Haller Monday, had the mistortunc to aliglit in SBCh a manner M to break his ankle. Ijewis Faber has been brought before Justice Frueaull' for assault tmd battery on the complaint of Bernhard Griesinnn, and trial is sol down tor July 2d. There are a nutnber of dead trees about towD, and any quantity of dead limbs upon trees, uil of which ought to be ent out before Commencement week. Programs for nll of the exercises of Couiineiicenient weck can be liad by eallIngeither at Wahr's bookstore on Main at. or at Moore's bookstore on State st. Geo. J. Jolinso:), of Albion, lias rented tlie store next to J. W. Mnyuard, on Ann st., and will put in u banar. He ex(ecis lo be reaily for business about .July lat. TueClieqiMinegons. go to the Lake today to play for tlie High School class day exercises, aml also fur the li itrli school coiuiiienceuient at university hall Friduy a. ni. The special train carrying the New York deleifation passet! through here at bout 9 o'clock Sunday morning They didn't even slack up to look at our new depot, but went througli "Iluking." Dr. Hainsay's subject at the Methodist Episcopal church next Sabbath moruing will be " Literary Merits of the Bible.'1 No services iu the evening, owing to the Baccalaureate addressin (Jnlvemtj Hall A reception was given the high school juniors by Miss Ella Bennett, on Friday evening Jast, at the residence of her brother John W. Hennett, on S. Thayer st. "An elegant time," is the assertion of every uarticipant. On Friday afternoon at the Baptist church the members of the congregation will cast lots fori-eats, a schenie by which the poor and the rich will tand on an equul tootlnfr, t is sald, in reference to Kood pews- and by the way, tliey are all k'nod pews. The old house tluit bas stood for so many long years at tUe norlhwest corner of División and William sts., has been purchased and will be moved to the 5th ward. In ta place will at once be commenced the erection of a fine church ediflce by the Christian denominatlon. There is to be what is termed a "roll cali" at the Baptist church, next Friday afternooii and evening, to which every meuiber of the church is urged to bé present and respond to their Dames wben called. Supper will be served at 6 o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to the entire congrejjation to be present. Thomas Birkett contetnplates building a combination boat lmn-i-, dancing hall nd camper's paradise on the aouth bank of Portaire Lake, near the site of the once litniuua Lillibridge hotel. The erection of thii building will supply a long feit want for parlies who jjo there for summer recreation, üshing, etc. Mr. liirkett lis a nlce large sail boat called the Florence, which will be stored in the building. The members of St Joseph church at Dexter, announce a grand Fourth of July picnic to be held in the Dexter (frove. The orator of the day will be Rt. Dr. Keiley, of Detroit, and a more sincere, patriotic and fervent loycr of his country it will be hard to find. An excellent oration can be depended upon from him. C'apt. Chas. H. Manly, of tuis city, will also addresa the meeting, nd Michacl Hoy will read the Declaration of Independence. Great sensation over nt Whitmore Lake last Sunday night, all caused by finding the remains of a babe in the sand o the north shore. The corpse was discoTered by young Stevens and another 'd, and was about half covered up with nd. There was a rope around ite neck, witli a loop at the end. From all opPearances the child had been thrown into "ie lulie when the ice was on and had been washed ashore by the waves. The north shore of the lake belng In Livingston county, it il not known what dispoition the autliorities made of It at this writiog. At the M. E. Sunday School last Sun"y a memorial service was held for l-ilUn Jessle Pond, the oldest daughter of 'o. H. p(,nd, city editor of the CouK'eR, who died May 31st Little Lillan ''ai been a faithful and constant attendant "pon the Sunday school up to lir lastillB.e, nd never allowed anything but ickuess to interfere with her, presence itiere. The services were very approprile, consialing of the tinging in concert ?' teveral well-known hymn, the read'"?of memorial paper by Miss Birdie "nedon upon wliOHeclass the departed Cl"lu had been an attendant, the reading o' Hectlons by Miss Cramer and Mrs Juliiison, and a few touching remarks by '"e pastor, Rev. Dr. Kaoisay, wuost wurdgtold so plalnly how he too liad u"ned In the ground one of these preciouahTei arouad whoui the parent's af'ectioni are go wrapt that to tear them "under is like breaking the heart itself