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Mr. Jas. Clark is quite ill at her home 011 N. Main st. Miss Lizzie Kirk, of Ypsilanti, is visiting friends in tbe city. Mrs. J. J. Goodyear ig at the Clifton House for a few days. Mr. N. B. Beers has changed his residence to No. 9 S. Thayer st. E. S. Crawford, of the Saginaw Telegram, is in the city on a yisit. Edwin Gay left last Monday for a three montli's tour of Kurope. Wm. A. Hatch, Sr, who has been very sick, is improving slightly. Jas. A. Robison, of the Detroit Free Press, Sundayed with his parents. Mrs. Paris Banfield has gone to Blg Rápida to visit her father and mother. W. J. Clark and George Loomis went to Strawberry Lake fishing yesterday. Mrs. Dr. D. M. Tyler left Mouday niglit for a week's stay at Racine, Wis. Chas. E. Hiscock went to Chicago last night to attend the Chicago convention. Mrs. Brown, the mother of Mr?. Capt. McGilvary is quite sick with pneumonía. Miss Urania Jaycox, of Baldwinsville, N. Y., Is visiting her sister, Mrs. H.J. Brown. Herbert Humphrey of Kalamazoo, formerly with Gibson, is visiting friends in the city. Waite Peck, of Sharon, was visiting John J. and A V. Robison the lutter part of last week. Mrs. J. G. Hildner, of Detroit, will be the guest of Con. Hildner and wife for several days. Mre. Aaron Schairer, ot West Point, ííebraska, is visiting at J. G. Schalrer's on Second st. MIss Ponsford, of Evart, who has been attending Somervllle school, is visiting Mrs. E. A. Kline. Dr. H. R. Arndt expects to go to Niarara Fall Monaay to attend the National lomeopathic convention. Wm. A. Clsrk attended the reunión of he 8th Mich. Infantry at Flint last week, and reporta a grand time. Miss Eunice Schairer, who has been in íehraska for the past 18 months, is exected home in a few days. Dr. T. C. Phillips has returned from 'aluinet, where he was called by the IIH--.S and dcath of his mother. Mrs. Berdan and Mrs. Otto, of Saline, will be the guests of D. F. Schairer and amily during the coming week. Ilamilton Douglass and wife of Detroit, will visit with Prof. L. D. Wines and family during Commencemcnt. Walter Campbell, formerly of the class f '87, expected home from th Andover 'heological Seminary to-day. Wm. Allaby is in Chicago this week akinsr in the great convention. Smne vay Mr. Allaby enjoys big crowils. Wui. Goetz and bride returned from hplr wedding trip last evenlnjr, and have gone to keeping house, on S. M lin st. Miss Emilia Banfield is now in Pitts)urr. Kunsas, visiling Mrs. E. E Heilis, ee Eva Clark, furmerly of ibis city. Mrs. Fleti-her, and her sister, of Clifon Sprints, X. Y , have been stopping t Whitmore Lake for t':e pust week or o. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Read, of Chicago, will spend the ('ommencement week with f rs. Bi. parents, Mr. and M n. D. Ilisock. Mr. aiul Mm. John Piierr. of Kendulille, [ad., have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Ueo. Lutz and friends during lie week pant. Mrs. E. Wanty, of Grand RapKI., a ormar resident and who has many warm rienda here yct, i;' viaitin in tlie city at mdrew Bell's. Rev. Dr. Earp snt' J Brown rere n Detroit week atceiuling a ineeciiii; of llie Detroit convocatioii, of which Dr. Earp is president. W. .1. Booth, formerly of this place, but for the past 20 years in Missouri, is making arranements to come back here gïin permanently. Prof. Delo-i Fnll aml r.unily, of Albion re expected in the city next week to tlcinl Coiiimciiceinent exercises, tlie ui-sla of D. C. Fall. Fred N. Honion, of wlmse departa re or the west we made tnention sonie time ince, leaves the city next week Saturday, or Portland, Oregon. Miss Emma Hayley will enter the euiloy of Wines fc Worden ntxt Monday morning, where she will be pleased to meet her many friends. W. W. Campbell, lit. "80. professor of vfatbematics in the Univernlty Of Dfiivtr ia9 returned to Ann Albor and will pend the vacation here. JN. J. Kyer anü win e. sumson have rented a cottage at Whitmore Lake, which they and their families will occupy uring July and August. Miss Florence Whitcomb, of Battle eek, formerly lit. '88, who has been pending the past year in Europe, is vising Mrs. J. C. Knowlton. Wm. Steuefer, president of the West 'oint (Neb.) NationHl Buik, and D.C. jittord of the same place, will spend umlay witti D. F. Schairer. Mrr. A. I. Siwyer and daughter of Monroe, and Dr. A. I?. Lonjr of Ionia, will be the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Wood during commencement week. Misses Mollle and Lizzle Crofoot. and liss Ella Green, all of Pontiae will be ie guests of Col. H. S. Dean and famy during Commeticement week. J. H. Ctilting and J. D. Iïyan, of J. T. aeoba & Co. leave for Boston, and ;ocbester, respectively Monday, to reume their season's work in the clothing ne. Dr. McLuchlan and wife left Monday or Aylmer, Out., to visit his people, from whence they go to Niagara Falls to ttend the national convention of Homops. J. J. Quarry sengaged In tbe intricate, elicate and often provoking business of earniniT to ride a bike. He will have a reat liead on him by the time he makes 8uccess of it. Rev. A. S. Gorman, the recently called astor of the Baptist churcli, and his wife rill be "at home" every Thursday and "riday afternoon and erening, to inemers of their congregation. Thos. Y. Kayne left Sunday night for Chicago, to taice up his permanent resience. Mr. Kayue has been one of our worthy citi.ens, whose presence iu a lace adds to its deiirability. Chas. M. Jones, of Wichita, Kansas, vent to the national convention at Chingo, but concluded he could enjoy himelf better in Ann Arbor visiting old ricnds, and so carne down last evening. 8am. Kinne sails from New York July 14, on the Servia as a member of the 'Talmadífe Excursión" party of Brookyn, N. Y. This is a regularly organized xciirsion trip with quides and all the necessary pa'apbernalin of a lirst-clas ourney. Returning he will reach N. Y. ieptember 11. Professor Victor C. Vaughan left Ann Arbor Monday night for an excursión rip in Germany and England, where he will visit the principal (cientitic men inerested ia bis special liue of investlua011. During l'rof. Vaujfhnn'n absence r. Frank Urewer will occupy his olllce and altend to his patients. Judge Kinne had made complete arrangements to visit Europe this summer, even going so far as to secure passage. The business Ot court dallied along and leid hiui until it was so late, however, that he concluded to give lip the proposed lourney. It Is quite a disappointment to limtelf and Mr-. Kinne who was to accompany him, but be says that he shall make the attempt again next May. A. J. Sawyer, J. E. Knowlton, E. H. Scotl, J. E. Suinner, A. J. Paisley and J. L. Stone, cf this city ; l'eter Cook, ol Urania; Jas. Hudler, John Cook, and Dr. Armstrong, of Chelsea; and Ed. Aldrich of Saline, left Mouday mornlnx on tbe T. ifc A. A. H. R. for a ten day's or two wetk'u lisliing trip in the lakes near Cadillac. From the make-up of this party, and quallty of balt they carried it is evident they will catch some wonder ful lisli (talesj.