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Dr. J. K. Martin and wife expect to spend the summer In Europe. Teis Smith, of Colurabia law school, is a jruest of the Beta Theta's. Fred. Sherman, lit. of "87, s visitiug friends in town for a week or two. Prof. Denison left Monday night for Europe, visiting Berlín, Paris, etc. Al! the senior medies are happy, with the exception of three, who may yet pass the rublcon. Eugene Upaon, formerly with the pharmany class of "87, now of Chicago, is visiting in the city. Roland Reed recently made a contract with Prof. Hennequin and Fred N. Scott, for a daahing new play to be ready by Nov. lst. Mr. Sam Hawley, who has gained a enviable reputation as a first tenor slnge will be here and sing with the Glee Club at the Commencement Concert. The last contest between the Univer slty base ball club and the Cass club, took place in Detroit last Satnrday, the resul being in favor of the ü. of M. boys 10 to7. The many friends of Mrs. Dr. Stowell who are scattered all over thU broat land of ours, will be very glad to learn that she is gtirely recoverlng, thougl slowly. The reason of there being so many of " the lame, halt and blind " to be seen a our depots now-a-days takinir passage for other parts, is accounted for by the fact that the hospital close next week for the summer. Prof. I,ev! Griffiii gave the closinfi lecture to the graduada); law class Monday a. m. It is said to have been a very scholarly and excellent addresa, filleil with good advice for the boys who are to step out into the cold, hard world. There are only three members of the class of 1824 of Bowdoin Universily livng today, one of whom Is ex-Gov. Felch f this city; the othcrs being ex-Vice fresident Hannibal Hainlin, of Me., and ex-Senator Bradbury, also of Maine. If the regents of the University have lie best interests of the departinent at ieart they will make liaste slowly in filing Dr. Dunster's place. They may ind those capable and desiring promotion without going outside the faculty. The university authorities refuaed to et the Glee Club go to Chicago to help sine Gen. Alger into the presideiicy. This action on the part of the authorities was robably good pollcy, yet the nslnuation hat it was mugwump inlluence that (lid t will be made by somc, no matter how minst it may be. Mr. Mclntrye, of Colorado, 45 years of nge and a nieniber of tlie law department, caiue out of the war with eight bullets in lus body, uve of whicli still remain. A few years since he becamo totally blind froin the effects of a bal I entering his face. He is tal), well proportioned, and has siich an attractive manuer one would almost take him for a judge of a suprema court. He pursues iiia studies by uieaiis of not exactly an ainanuensis nor n prívate gecretary, but by humus of a reading assistunt. Prof. 0. X. Jones has resigned glie huir of Applied Mathematica In the Jniversity, to the fiill profeosorahip of whlch he was cliosen lase year, and has ccepted a position in the home office of bn Northwestern Mutual Life Ín?. Oo., f Milwaukee, Wis. Id consequente of thieli he wlll remove with his family to tfilwaukee during the early part of July, m or about the 7tU. Prof. Jones has been n the University for a period of 14 ¦ears, and is one of the popular instrucors. Of course tlie only Inducemcat is a )etter 8al:iry and better prospectó. The act llnii he has coucluded tu inake a limite will be regretted by m:iny of his rienda in this city, both in university nd society circles, wlicre Mrs. JoitM iery mucli tliought ot. The librury given to tlie Unirersity by lie widow of Dr. Edward Dorsch, of tfouroe, in purauance of the Dr.'s reuest, is Dow in one of the seminary ooui, and will be placed in the book ro ni f the general libra as soou ai the (dft mil have lieen accepted by the regents, vhicli will be probably be at their next tuvetin. Tlie cutir llhrary (of wliicli leDtioo has heretotore been made) Prof 'liornas infonns U?,coii9ists of a m scellanous collection of about 3,000 books, nlv ,-i linie over two thirds of whlch nive been reoeived, the balance benig reai ned by Mrs. Iorsch during her life me. Dr. Dorscli carne to this country urinj; the ffreal Germán Kevolution of 9, and settled In Monrce. Being a good cholnr he took kindly to llterature, and ;is collected this eutire library while )raoticug kis professfon in Monroe. Amoug the booko are niany poems, to which he seemed very partial, haviny written a book of poems hlmself, whicli was pubüshed Ín 1874 in Gemían. It was liis desire th it tlie library ghould not e broken up and se iiicrcd, and the L'niersity authorities have agreed to keep ti.ctlier, and it will be known as the Dorsch library.'' There ar ; many mediil woiks, works un art, belles lettres, nd some fiction. A large majority of ie books are in the Germán languasre. 'he general library, by the gifts of Mr. IcMilhuí, Or. Dorsch and otherr, and y the c:ireful and judicious expeDditure i' the library fund, is becming one of ie uiost useful and tainous in tile The vestibule cara ttiat are being run n the M. C. K. lï. are " dandies." George Clarken has entered the nmks a candldate for sheriff on the demoratic ticket, and expects to "jfet there" oo. Some scientiatg have got the 17-yer locusU billi'il for thisyear agsin in southern Michigan. It Is only three years aince they were vtry plentitul in this vicinitv. If gome one could discover a method for cxtcMiiinuting the ravagingcut worm ie would be a benefactor of his race. Tliis worm will destroy a whole garden in a short time. This is a fací, ai we pnak from experleoce. The Saline Observer saya that "Ann Arbor's boarding house keepers will hold a convention atter the 8tudentao home, to exchange grlevanoes and laise h: pnce of hasb." Now if such a thing sbould be done, everybody understands thoroughly that the tari 11' is to be charged up with another " trust." The residente of S. División street ar quite generally taking advantage of permUsion granted by the coinmoo council, and are extending their lawn? in Iront of their premises 15 feet. This makes a vast iinprovement In the appearance of the street. It is to be hoped lluit olhers will follow the good cxample set. The poople of Alma ia this state have reason to rejoice withexceedinggreatjoy. For some reason unknown the Knglish sparrows have all left the place, not a vestlge of the pestiferous pests remaininL. If ever the people of Ann Arbor hare such a thing happen to them they will most certainly set afcide a day for tlianksgiving and praise. It is to Ue regretted that some people have seen lit to use barbed wire to fence in lawns, etc. It Is a dangerous thing to do. No birbed wire should le allowed in the city for fencing purposes, and Ann Arbor is about the only city in the state uot havini ,m ordinance forbidding it. People, epeclally children, are quite liable to be maitned for life by accidentally running or falllng against it. " It beats them all.'' That is what It claimed tor the Omega, the annual publication of the High School, and the claim is gronnded on tact. The publicalion is a neat, clean one, devoid of any objectionable or unkir.d grinds, and will lind a hoKtoffriendsainonjí the students in (mr high school and the Uuiversity. The frontispiece contalns a picture of tl. e fnculty, and a good one, too, executed by Gibson. The editora to whom the credit is due for this admirable publicutlon are: Managing editor, Austin C. Goimley; buslneKS manager, Donald O. Douglas; LeRoy Southmayd, F red. B. Kyder, Cnrl IC. Hertel, Matilda A. Neumann, Nellie Ciitler, Agnes Leas, M.EloiseWalker and I jzie M. Bailey. The booKg will be on sale at the high school Thursday moroing and at the University hall FrIJay- couimencement day. The best advice we can give you Is to buy one and read it Chas. Kdwards- that'a wliat lie naya liis name is- was sent to jail for thirty days Saturday by Justice Krueaufffor beinj? drunk. He inquired after Sheriff Wallace. The Hi(th School commeacement occurs at University hall Friday mornin at 10 o'clock. 'l'here wlll be room for all of the friends of the pupila, but probably not more than will be needed. Me Hing of fruit growers and farmers who have apple orchards, next Snturday at 4 o'clock p. in.. In the basement of the court house to dUcuss the better distribution of fruit and eheaper transportation. Prof. B. E. Nïchols, chairman ofthecommittee on fruit exchange will report. A large turn out is expected.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News