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FIKST DAY. Ciïicaoo, June 20.- The National Republloan oonrention i( 1886 was oalled to order in the Auditorium building yesterday at half-past 13 o'clock by U. F. Jones, chalrman of the National Commlttce. Ncarly 0,000 persons ware present, l'rayer was olïered by ltev. Frank W. Gunsaulus, of the Chicago l'lymouth Congregational Church, afier which Secretary Fessenden, of the National Comm'ttee, read the cali. Ati:s conclusión Chairman Joños aildrrased tho audience, conjralu!allng the Kopublican party through It representativos here assembled upon tho uuspiclous prospect that lies before it. Wise and couragcous actlon by thls convontion, he said, would surely lead to vlctory. "Thanks to Mr. Cloveiand and hls Southern ttllkï," said the speaker, "the Democratio party has thrown off tho dlsjfulse In whlch It has heretofore fought lts battles In tha Northern States, and has boldly de-j clarcd for lïr.tish irct; trado and agalnstl American protcotion." Upon tho conclusión] of hls remarks Mr. Jones aunounced that Judgef John Thurston, of Lincoln, Neb., had been selected by the National Committee as temporary chalrman of tho convenlion, and lntroduced that gentleman to the dclegates. Judgo Thurston, upon assuming the chair, addresscd tho convuntion at length. He sald that the Hepublican party' of the United States relies upon the wisdom of lts assembled dclegates for such. action as will insure success. If we aro prepared to honesty and faniy nset tho supremo' luueiof tlic boui wlth a clcar, fearlcss and ruiling declaration of principies, and to nomlDate ¦ ticket wbton w.ll commend itself to thai loyalty and Intelligentie of the oountry, we can' grandiy win. Wh.n tiic Democratie party, ai the elose of tho last l'rcsidentlal election, robbed us of a vlc-1 tory homstly and fairly won, we patlentlyi waited for the certain coming of the justice of the years." He tben pald a glowlng tribute to the memory of John A. Logan, who, he baúl, "llvei in tho grateful love of a free people, whoso unión ho so callantry fought to preserve; lives In tho blessings of a down-trodden race, whose freedom he so manfully struggled to achleve; lives in the future song and story of a hero-worshiping world; and along the lnghway of the Nation's glory, side by s;de wlth old John Brown, Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant, his soul goei marohlog on. ' The other, the gallaut leader, tho chevallor of American politics, the glory of Kepubhcanism and the nlghtmare of Democracy; our Ileury of Navarre, Is seeklng In forcign travel the long-needed relaxation and rest from the weurisume burdens of public llfc and service. With the sublime magnanitnlty of his incomponible greatness he has dented us the intinite pleasure of supporting hini in this convcntlon. Disiring above all thlngs party harmony and succes, he has steppcd from the certain ladder of his own laudable ambitiou Vvr'i-aii' n'ot pYaëb"htm' át tho hea'il of the ticket, but we will malee him commander-in-chlef at the head of the furces in the ñcld, where ho will bu imincible. And, though James G. Illaino may not be our President, yet he remains our uncrownod king, wielding the baton of acknowledged leadership, supremo in the al legiaoce of his devotcd followers, honored and respected by all honest and loyal men, the greatcst living American, and tnu worthy object of our undyinK love." After reference to the achievoments of the Kepubllcan party in the past, and denunciatlun of the Uemocratic adminlstration of the past four years, Mr Thurston contlnued: "There are tuose in this land who seem to belleve that the mlssion of the Republican party is at an end. That tho emanclpatlon proclamatfon, Appomattox, the constltutional amendments are at once the monuments of It glory and the gravestones of lts demise. Uut the work of the Republican party will nevor be done until every American c tizo entera inío hís unquestioned lnherítunce of llbTly, equal rights and justice; untll representation Ín Congress is based upon votes freely cast añil fuirly eounted; until adequate provisión tas been niadi; for tbe helplessnss and oíd ugo of the disabled veterans and the widows and orpbatis of the r dead comradcs; until tbose ¦olicies of government which insuru National und ii.rt vidual prosporl-y are lirmly estabïshcd, and until patriotisti and loyalty are the only qualillcations, extept ütness, for oiilcial politlón In the service of the Republ.c." In conclusión the spealier said: "The great d stinctive issue of the present campatgn is the Issue of the tanff. To the support of a proiective tarift there will rise up an overwhelnilng arroy of intelligent, thoughtful and practical men, and the East and the West and the North and the South wlll join hands together to forever extermínate in tlus Kepublic the pernlcious doctrine of free trade.'' The stand was then taken by Fred Douglass, who 9poke brieöy. Mr. Horr. of Michigan, presented Chalrman Thurston wlth a handsome gavel, saylng that the Instrument was manufactured out of the wood taken from tho tree under whleb the Röpubllcan party was boru, at Jackson, Mich., July (i, 1KVI. A resolution was adopted by a rlslng voto sendlng to General Sheridr.n sincere congratulatJons on the prospect of nis recovery, and hope that hls Ufo may be preservod for many y General Fremont, who was present as the guest of the Nebraska delegatlon, was then lntroduccd, and in brief rcrnarks ho predlcted a vlctory under tho banner of protectlon to American industries. Fremont sald he could not fall to respond to tho splondld grcetlng, and was pleasod to (reet the men and sons of men wlth whom he was assoclated in the party's opening campalgn In l&0. He interested the convention with remtntscences. A discusston then followed over contesting dclegatlons from Virginia. The matter was referred to the Credentials Committee. Secretarios, reading clerks, etc, wero then chosen, after which an adjourument was taken untll U o'clock lo-day. The Committee on Permanent Organlzatlon met Boon aficr the adjournmentof the oonvention and California at once presented her claims for tho permanent chairmanship. Her claims wcre considere. 1 by thecommitteoas emlnently fair ones, and without a dlssenting voioe Hon. M. M. Estee, of California, was elcctod us prrmanent chairman. mi: NATIONAL COMMITTKE. Tbe followlng Is a list of the members of the National Commlltoe choseu at the delegatloo caucusos yesterday: Ala Vfm YounsbloodINovada E. Willlam Conn'surn'lFe.r.nOcn Ohlo AL. Conger 7tz t &$SL L,;¦ c Leiand, Jr Teia N. W. Cuney ÜÍ W C Ooodloe Vermont.G. W. Hooltor M ?" :. jmes H.i: W.KI..T.H. Kavanauih M,soürl C. I. Filley Wyomlnu. . . M. Carey Neb..W.V,f. Bobert9ttí! 8ECOND DAY. CniCAOO Juno 21.- Tho Kepubllcan National convention reassembled at uoon yesterday. and after prayer by Kcv. S. A. Northrop, of Fort Wuyne Ind a permanent organizatlon was effected by chooslng for chuirnnm Hon. MorrH M Estoe, of California. Mr. Estco thankcd the convention for tho honor conferred, and predlcted succoss for iho Kepublicans next Novembor He said ho could not say preclselj what the platform would be, but sald thü peoDle of the country had echoed lts snntlmont, and the rattle of the Bkirmlsh lino was hoard only two weeks ago from Oregon. Mayor Hoche then steppod on the platform holding in nis hand a beautiful gavel, and said: " I am lnstructed by my fellowcltizens, to thelr name and in their bohalf, to present W this convention thls farel, made not of sllTer alone, but of stlver and gold- the blmetallio basls of our suuml National currency the boon glven by the Kepubllcan party to the people of thls country. Thu material dug from thc bowel of theearth and studded wlth preclous stones, wrought wlth labor, teach a lesson whlch the Republlcan party has by its legislatlon taught- free homes, frce sobools, and a frce ballot- and not only thls, but that freo labor símil have its Just reward, as lt Is tho foundation of all wcalth and National prosperity." Delegato Wirtz, of Illinois, then handed anothcr gavcl to the chulrman, and sa'.d: "It Is ueither sílver nor gold, but it Ís mado of wood from a plece of a desk Irom a tannery in Galena, which dosk was left by that superbly magnlflcent sllent soldier of America, Ulysses S. Grant." Chairman Bayne, of Pennsylvanla, of the Committeo onKules, was next recognlzod. Ho presented and read the report of hls commit tee, which are nearly the same as those of the last Kepublican coiivention, and the retort was adopled. The cualr called for the report of the Coramittee on Credentials, but as the report waa not i-eaüy a recess was taken until 8 o'clock p. m. At tbe evening scsslon a rcsolution was adoptcd cxpressing profound regrets of the convention at the death, slnce the last Republican convention, of Generáis Grant and Logan, President Arthur and the Now York statesman, Roscoe Conkllng. Al-o a resolutlon expressing regret at the los of tho two German Emperors who receutly d.ed. The chairmnn then called for the report ol the Oommlttse on Kesulutloiis, and was informedbyMr. Harri3, of North Carolina, thai the platorm would not be ready for subuiisslon to the tonvention untll lo-dav. Spcoches were thcn called for, and W. O. Bradley, of Kentucky, wai tlie tirst brought ta the front. Mr. Hradley sa d thu convcution had mot for the purpose of accepting the ehal leng trom St. Louis, ttuit it ivis here to plsdga Um Rapubltoaa pany to ever licrp greeli the memory of its fallen hrroos, and to declare ihut so long as there was a dollar In the Treasury no urrlvlng Iuto of the late war ¦honld beooma u lámate of a pauper asylum ; that it w:is to declare that the curso of lguoranco shall b swcpt from Anierk-a; to suy to evory toüing faihcr and mother that this Hepublic will glve every child opportunuius for cducation, and to rebuko the fraud and cowardlce that trtimplos on the voters of the cotton Status. " Wc want," said Mr. Bradlcy, " to put this Democratie party out of power. It is a fraud and a sharn. a deluslon and a snare. It has never redeemed a promso that it made. They promised togiveus an economicul government, but they have increased the surplus, and have not the ' manship to curtan It. They profess CivilServlce seform, and proceed to turn i soarred veterans out of ortlee and replaco them wtth ex-Confederates. We are here forvlctory, and victory is in the air. The clans are gathuring, and It was for the convention to say who shall lead them. It muiters not wliether it be the pi urne d knlght from Maine- [cheers]- or auy of these olher ilistinijuishiHl nilfiiitïn, tho Rcpublicau party wlll win thia year." Governor Foraker, of Ohio, then addroKsnl the assemblage. He said, in answer to the question, " What are we here for?" that ' m lavo como to formúlale an expression of RoPrasidèni 6ÍIBÍ Tn!t.;(rSfi;--ï-)iatllIS Vhat we are here for. We bclieve in a free ballot and a fair count. Wfl shall not hesitate to say so ' with all the smphMtl that we can thunder into the declaratlon. We believe in a protective tar.ff. We bel.eve, too, that the i present Democratie Adminlstrutlon is but a sham and of false pretenses, the result of fraud, and alroady tt has outllved its usefulness. And wo want a chango and are delcrrn ned to havo one. We bel eve the free trude Bi6Mag6 and tendencies of Grover Cleveland are fraught wlth harm to the hlghesl and best interests of our country, and we shall protest untas! them accordlngly. We believe In taking care of America. We beLleve In taking care of American homes, American markets and American industries of every description, from the flsheries on the Eastern coast to the Chinese questlon on the West, and we are golng to say so In our platform. When we do that we are golng to do soms thlng else. I do not know who is going to be nominated. I can not glve you hls name. but I can teil you his qualities. In the Hrst place he will be a gentleman. He will be a man of good moral character, and he wlll have some social standing in the communlty, and, as some gentleman has indicated, he will bc a loyal son of the Republlc. He will be a man who will reveré the patnotio memories of the past. The names of Grant, Sherman and Sheridan will be dear names to hlm. I mijiht go on and indleate to you many other qualities that he will postess. I mlght further poiut out the character of man he will be, but let me simply say that he wlll not only be a man who will treasure patrlotio recollectlons, but will have a record as a Republican without stam or blemlsh. He will tako our standard in hls hand and take ltt) victory. And when he Is elocted lt w.ll be his tlrst and Qighest business to give us a Ropublican adminlstratlon. He will not do it by false pretenses or Indirection." Colonel Hepburn, chairman of the Committee on Credentials, then procaeded to read the report. The two Georgia contesting delegates wero allowed a half vote each. There were seveptcn other cases of contest, few of them of mDÓH lhlGWsti save that in Virginia, whlch glves Vi se fourteen and Manone eight delegates, tbe delegatlon-at-large bcing that hcaded by Mahone. The report was adopted, and the con yentlon adjourned at 11 :i7 p. m. to meet al luo'clock this mornlng. TII1RD DAT. Chicago, June 82.- The Republlcan National couveirtion was called to order by Chairman Kstee atlüo'clock a. m. yesterday. Rev.T.E. Green pastor of St. Andrews' Episcopal Church, in thls city, delivered the prayer. Mr. McKInley, of ühlo, chairman of the Commitlee on Resolutlons, then stepped upon the platform and read the report of the committec's action. Thc f uil text of the platform is as follows: Paylng ík tribute to Lincoln, tbe llrst great leader ol the Republican party, drplonng the reeent loses of Grant, Gurtlcld, Arthur, Logan and Conklmg, and expressing symputhy with Generut Sheridan. the Itepubücan platform opens with a fraternal greeting to the people of on thelr greal act of emancipatioD, whlch has "completed the abolltlon of slavery throughout the the two American contlnents. The platform thea añirmg unswerving devotion to the National constltution, wlth due regard to the right reserved to the States. The rlght of every lawful Citizen to cust one free ballot in public elections and to have that ballot duly couated is presented as a prime Republlcun doctrine aml tho foundation of Uepuolican Government. Addtlonal leglslation to punish wrongs against the ballot Is demanded. It i boldiy charged that the Democratie Adminlstratlon and the present PemocratlO majorlty in Congress owo their existenco to Uc suppression of fair ballot and to a er mlnat nullilicatlon of the constitutlon and laws of the United States. The larifl plank tukoH ilm'it i,-ue with the platform adoptad by the St. Louis convention. It declaro fur thc preservation of the American systcm of protcctlon, condemns the pollcy of Cleveland, denounces the Mills bill, and applauds the course of the Republlcan mlnority in Congress in opposlng that measurc. The platform aftlrms thut 11 needed rcductlon of the surplus in the Trojisury can be made by repealiiiK internat revenue- whisky- taxes. While the Democratie polky is to take the tax off the cheaper kind-, of tobáceo and retain lt on eigars, the Republlcan platform dorlurcs for sntira repdft] of the tax on tobáceo and uu spirits used in the arts and for mechanlcal purposes, lf sucha pollcy will not sumclontly reduce the surplus the repeal of all ititernal revenuo taxes- that Is, the repeal of all liquor taxi's is demanded. The Democratie prupositlon to plaie wool on the free Hst is condeuined and antagonlzed, and a pledge Is made to adjust und nuilntain tarift dutles so as to glve full and iulnuiate protection to wool growuiir. A reduction of duties is favored only on artlcles of foreign production (luxurles exoepted) whloh do not compete with any home inuustry. A demand is made that such uiliclcs be placed on thr free list. All such, with few exceptions are now on the free list. The dedaratlon against Chinese Immigratlon Is emphatíc, und a demand is made for laws that wlll exeludo cftectually Chínese labor from thts country. "Trust" eO4ib nations ars denounced and Congress and the Htate Legtalatures are ealled upon In their respective juruüii'tiuns to prevent the xecutlon of -"emes to opnress the pcoplo bv undue i',Mnx""t "" ftmfti i""'' Vontimitd fromflrst page. kargea on thêiV suiipUcs or Ly anluttratea or ilie trangporiaUoo of prsassti u mi'.rkct. The laml rentolkt'on pollcy bogua uader President Arthur la commended, and the Clevelami Adminlstual.o;: is chai get wilb neKlilfi'mi' and n iffloienej In Iti exaoutlon. 11 sdeuiel that the Democratie pany luis rastored a s.uglr acre of l.uid u the public doimiii and all restoratlooi aotuallj uccomiliibed ¦ e attributeJ lo iota ol Congres i.ismiI by Bepublican t The cxi'lu.sion of Dakota fiom the Union 19 donuumvil an I the imraed ato udmlsslon ot ibeTerrltoij demande!, and ets to enablo ba i eople of Wash ngton, North Dakota and Montana to form Stato Governments are advocated. The p eilge Is made to udmit uil the other ihat nre now qualifled as soon as possible and the others as sson as tiiey tici'ume so. Additional legislatlon to dlvorce the politieal from the socleslattloal power In Utah is taTOred. The conttnued ;olnage and use of botli golil umi silver aro demaiuled, añil (he Adminlsiration Is robuked for lts elturts to demoiu -tize tllver. A reduction of letter postago to ono cent per ounce Is taTored The platrorm aftlrms that the treeschool systein must bo fostered and promoted so that everyonlld in the land shall have an opiiortunity to aiquire a good eommon-school educatlon. The platform demands measures to rehabilítate the Anicr.i'an mcrehant marine and protests againt t trse-ahip blll for vessels en;agcd In foreign commerce as ciilculated to ;lepress the wages of Anitïrlcun workmen la theship-yards andthevanous Industries that supply raw material for ship-buildinp. Liberal appropriatlom ;ire urged for bu lding un the navy, for ccist dofenses, for nver and harborlmprovementa and for pens ons. It Is declared the duty of Congress to make It Imposslble thut any honorably-discharged soldlor should ever become the lnin:ite ot nn alinsaouse, and the hostile spint shown by President Cle ü.aml in hls numerous vetoes ol measures for pension relief, and the action of the Democratie House of lvpresentatives in r'fusing even a consideratlon of goncral pension lvgislation. nre donounced. The Admlmstratlon Is charpcd with Inefflciency and cowurdico in lts foreijtn policy und with a virtual abaudonment of the Mon- roe doctrine while passlvely vermittlng the extensión of foreign influence and trade In Central and South América. The refusal of th Adm nlstrat on to encoura,;e any American schnne for the constru-tiou of the Nicaragua iMiKil Is denour.ced. The surrender of the Adïuinistration of tho treaty njjhts to whlch ABMricau ïislmig vessels ure entltled in Canadlao pons is stlgtnatizeu :is cak, unpatrlotic and puslllanimous. It Is afnrmed that the name Amer.can should give every cittzen ampio protection in all hls rlghts at home or abroad. They are charged with deserting not only the causo oí honest government. sound flnance, freedom and purity of the ballot, but etpedally the cause oí reform in the Civil-Service The Kepublican Civll-Service plank of 1S84 is reaflirmed with this statement as to Cleveland and hls supporters: "We wül not fail to keep our promises becauso they have broken theirs or because their candidate has broken hls.1' In support of the principies herewtth enun clated the co-operat.on ís invited of patriotio men of all partios, and especlaDy of all worklng-men, wi,ose prospertty is senously threatencd by the f ree traue pollcy ot the present Admlnlstration. The roll ot States was then called for the presentation of candidatos for the office of President of the United States. Mr. Warner, of Connecticut, presented the name of Joseph R. Hawley, of Connecticut. Hon. Leouard Swett, of Chicago, nomlnated as a candidate for President the son of Illinois by adoption, Walter Q. Greshiim. Senator Div s, of Minnesota, and John K. Lynch, of Misslsslppi. seconded the nomlnation. Ex Governor Albert G. Porter, of Ind ana, nominated General Benjamin Ilairison, of that State. Mr. Terr.ll, ot Texas, and Mr. Galllnger, of Niïï H.nnpshire, seconded the nomina tlon. Hon. W. I'. Hepburn nominated Willlam B. Alllson, of Iowa, and the nomination was . econded by Benjamin M. üosworth, of Rhode Island. Robert E. ï'razer nominated ex-Governor Russell A. Alger, of Michigan, and Charles E. Noyes, of Massachusetts. and Patrlck Egan. of Nebraska, seconded the nomination. Senator Hiseock named Chauncey M. Depew, of New York, and the nomination was seconded by Mr. Harkley, of Minnesota. General Daniel B. Hastlngs, of Pennsylvanio, made the speech placlng John Sherman, ui Ohlo, In nomination. Governor Foraker, ot Ohio, seconded the nomination. Charles Emory Smith, of the Pennsylvanla delegation, plnved in nomination Mayor Edwin H. Fitler. of Philadelphia Senator Spooner prcsento-i the name of Governor Kusk, of Wisconsin. No other namcs being presented, the convention adjourned until 11 o'clock this morning. FOÜRTH DAY. Chicago. June 88.- At a few minutes past 11 o'clock yesterdny the convention was callcd to order by Cha irman Estee, who had nearly lost hls volee, and he called Senator Hiscock, of New York, to the chair to pres de over the aesslon, whlch was tormally opuned with prayer by Kev. J. H. VV'orcester. of Chicago. The convention at once proceeded to the cali of StaU'S for President, the ballot rcsulting as follows: Sherman 2"29 Gresham 1 1 1 Detiew Ot) Alger 4 Haïrison P AUison 72 Blaine 83 Ingalls ¦ Rusk -'" Phelps 25 Fitler 24 Hawley 13 nefore a second ballot. Mr. Smith, of Pennsylvania. who had nomlnated Edwin II. Fitler, wlthdrew liis name. The second ballot was: Sherman IHB Alger in Uresham in Depew ! HuTiSon ft Al iiv in "j Hlaine 3 Ruik Phelps 1 Ingalls 10 Lincoln McKInley The third ballot resulled as follows: Sherman '.'I Gresham IS Alger 12 Harrison !t Depew 7 Allison K Hlaine I Kusk lt McKinley 8 Phelps 5 Lincoln 2 S.F.Miller i. The convention then took n recoss untll p. m. Upon reasscmbling in the eveninsj Chauncey M. Depew stepped to the platform and an nounced nis withdrawal as a candidate, in the interest of harmony. At the conclusión of Mr. Dcpew's remarks the convention was in a squirm of excite ment. It had been whispered around tha New York had decided to give the greate part of its vote. 58 delegates, to Har rison, and that Wisconsin was about to do the same. Of course if thls was done thcre would be a Ilarpison stampede whlch mlght possibly nomínate the Indianiau and spoil all the plans of the Hlaine men Henee it was manifestly the Blaine prograznmo to adjourn the convention before a vote could be taken, and this was accordingly done. Mr HubUngs, of Pennsylvanla, moved to adjourn until 10 o'clock this mornins, and the motloi was carried by a vote of .Vi5 to 2SZ. The convent. on havlng adjourncd, Colone Ingersoll took the platform, by invltation, am said : "I am a Republlcan. 1 belong to the greatest, to the grandest party ever organized by the human race. I belong to the Kient party that 1 in favor oí giving to every human being equa rights with every other. and the mlsslon of the Republican party is not ended unt.l thegreatRe public shall be civiliz'-'d. The mission of tha party is not ended until every man beneath her flag not only has the nght to cast hls voto In pcace but to have it count ed honestly and in pra.'C I am a Re publican becuuse that party Is pledgei to the protection of American labor.' The Colonel said furlher that he regarded the succes of the Kepubliran party as Uie mos Important thing for the Republlc, and said "I would like to see this convention rise to the dlgnlty and splcndor of the occasion, and I be lieve you wil!. I would like to soe you put upon the next t cket two soldier who helpecl to save our country, would like to see two héroes pltte against two dog-fennel Democrats. I want two atriuts agaiust two copperheads. Now, belng Kc'liililjcan, bcing for llic RepabUekn party, 'in;; for protectior., wishtng and hopiug for uccess, I ani In favor oí the uoniination of V alter Q. Ureshain." At thls declaratlon thers WM great applause, heeling and wnvlng of flaps, thn Illinois standing on top of tbolr chiurs and hecrliiR lnudly, whlle tho frlends of the other andldates werc dlspleased. Tho meeting losod with the nrtulim of "Sherldan'B Kide" by Charles Pope, of St. Louis, and a peech by Thomas Fitcn. of California. KIITH DAV. Chicago, June ;!.- The Republlcan conventon was called to order at 10:0rt, but IV was not ntll two minutes later, when the proccedings were formally opened by Chairman Kstee callng upon Senator Warner Miller, of New York, ü preside over lts dellberatlons. lüslmp Samuel Fullows, of Chicago, deltvred the invocation. He called down the Divine lesslng upon the President and all others In uthonty, and the Divine protectlon upon the tricken General oT the nrmy, who he prayed might Und nnother Winchester in nis bravo truggle for life. M KINI.F.Y PROTESTS. The convention then proceeded to ballot. When Connecticut was reached, one vote was ast for Mr. McKlnley, of Ohlo. As soon as his announcement was made Mr. McKinley wasseen to rise in bis seat, and amld the most mpressive sllence proceeded to make a statement. He was grueted with a storm of apilause. Hesaid: " I am here as one of the chospn representaivcs or nu Snuc. I am here by a resolutlon of the Republican convention, passed without one lssenting volee, commanding me to cast my vote for John Shcrman, and usó every worthy endeavor for his nomlnatlon. I accopted he trust tecause my hearl and judgment were n accord wi h the letter and spirit and urposo of that resolutlon. It has pleasod ceraln delegatcs to cast thclr vote for me. I am not insensible to the honor thfty would do me, ut in tho presence of the duty resting upon me can not remaln sllent with honor. I can not, conslstently with the State whose credentlals I bear and which has trusted me, I can not, wtth ïonorable fldelity to John Sherman, who has trusted me in hls cause and his conndence; ' can not. consistent with my own views of my icrsonal Integrlty, consent or seem to consent o permit my name to be used as a candldate eforo thls convent on. I would not respect myself If I could ftnd It In my heart to do, to say or permit to bo done that whlch could evon be ground for any one to suspect that I wavered In my loyalty to Ohlo or my devotlon to the chlef of her cholee and the chlet of mine. I don't request- I demand- ;hat no delégate who would not cast reflection upon me shall cast a ballot for me." Mr. McKinley spoke earnestly and with emphasis. He was evidently sincere and the convention, ut the conclusión of his little speech, generously applauded hlm. The ballot wus then proeeeded with without further incident unul Illinois was reached, when a break of three votes from Gresham to Harrison created a sensation. and was reccived with a mingled demonstratton of ntsses and applause. When New York was reached, the galleries hissed. After the vote of the State, g ving Harrison 59 votes, one of the delegates deinanded a póll of the delegation. The polls showed no change In tne vote. THE FOUHTIl BALLOT. As the ballot proceeded therewas shown In addition to the expected galn for Harrison a very declded growlh n the Alger vote, whlch comes chietly from the South. The Pennsylvania vote still stood by Sherman, he gettlng IHty-three of the s x y vote from that State. Thls is a part of the Qu ly proiramme to beat Harrison The Wiscons.n vote went to Harrisou. The ballot resulted as follows: Alger 1 Ulaine 4S All son HK McK'nley 11 Gresham fts Lincoln 1 Harrison 21" Douglas 1 Bh rman 23 Foraker 1 Necessary to a choice, 417. TUK Hm BALLOT. The convention then proceeded to another ballot, and while It was be ng taken it was pretty generally understood that if the programme of the field agaiust Harrison was carrled out It would be the last of thls session, it havlng been planned that an adjournment bhould be taken as soon as the ballot was over. The result of the ballot was as follows: Sherman 224 lllalnc 48 Harrison 21S Allison 09 Alger 142 McKinley 14 Liresham 87 Necessary to a choice, 417. ADJOURNED. After the second ballot had been taken Governor Fobter, of Ohio, moved a recess until 4 o'clock this afternoon, and hls motion was seeonded by Mr. Dufneld, of Virginia. On behalf of New Jersey, Senator St-well demanded a roll-call, was imuiedlately proceeded with. When M.ssourl was reached in the cali of States It was so ev.dent that the motion would jarry that Senator Sewell, of New Jersey, withIrew hls demund for the cali and the coiivenlion adjourned unt 1 4 o'clock. SATUIIDAY AITEIINOON. CniCAOO, June 25. - The convention was slcw and laggard in coming to order at 4 o'clock, and the sergeant-at-arms, General Fitz Simons, nmciated for Chairman Estee. Promptly a motion to aiijourn was made, and the roll cali was Jimanded by a half-dozen States, with the following result: Kriü. Nay. l Yejs. -Yuv'. Alabama 10 4 New York 78 Arkansas 14 .. North Carolina. 12 10 California 10 ..Ohio 88 8 Colorado 0 ..Oregon 0 Connecticut il 5 Peunsylvaniu .. 55 0 Delaware 2 4 lihode Island.. 0 2 Florida H .. South Carolina, IK öeorgla 22 1 Tennessee 17 4 [Uinois 87 7 Texas 26 Indiana SO Verniont Ij lowa 26 ..Virginia 10 14 Kansas 18 .. West Virginia.. 1 9 Kentucky 4 lti Wlsconsln 4 18 Louisiana 10 ..Arizona 2 Mainn 12 ..lükota 10 Maryland 14 2 u. of Columbia. 2 M;isLichuselts. 14 12 Idaho 2 Michigan 20 Montana 2 Minnesota 14NewMexico 2 Mississippi 14 3 Utah 3 Missouri 18 is Washington.... 2 4 Nebraska 10 .. Wyoming 2 Nevada 6 .. - - N. Hampshire. 1 7 Total 4% 3. New Jersey 18 An Intímate frlend of Stephen I). Klkins saic immediately after the convention adjourned until to-day that Mr. Klkins had aueitad that the adjournment was taken to give the Allison supporters the same chance to muster thetr [orces as had been enjoyed by the other candldidates: that if the Iowans found. as the others have, that they were unable to secure the requlsitc number oí votes to Insure nomination, thcy would fall In line for Hlaine and setlle the matter on the flrst ballot to-day. DSPZW TO NOMINA1E BI.AINK. It Is stated that Mr. Chaunccy Depew wlll thls mornlng place Mr. Ulaine in nominatlon. If he does so, it is stated with cqual posltivencss.Mr. Wnrner Mtllerwill declare in theconvention,as lie has done so frequently in private, that Blaine can not curry the Siate of New York. While Mr. Miller asserts with the most emphatic terms thnt hecan command that New York wlll not vote for Ulaine Mr. Depew declares that it will. Mr. Husted says that wh Ie Blaine wlll not get the entire New York delegation it wlll give hlm from 50 to 00 votes. Mr. Depew, on hls way from the convention hall, after the second adjournment on Satur üay, announced In the most posltive manner that If two ballnts had been taken the ticket would have been comileted, and would have been Ulaine and Aiger. It was all arranged, he B:iiu, and the votes nece8ary to accomplish ¦ he nomination wei e plcded. HARHISOX XOMINATKI). CniCAOO, Juno 25- Benjamin Harrison of Indiana, was noininated for Presiden on the eihth ballot by the Republican convontion. VV hen it beoame appar ent that he had received the requisite number of votes a scène of the wildest exiitement ensued. The Indiana delegation climbed up on their chairs anc wildly waved their fans and the whole vast audienoe followed suit. Hats were hrowm into the air and bedlam was out - edlamed. Tho scones were exciting. toople in tho gallones toro down all tho mnting within reach and waved it fran.lcally. A portrait of tho nominee was exlibited froni the speaker's stand, and this caused another outburst. After about ten minutes tho cheering subsidod somewhat, and the roll ww called for the ratilication of the vote. The rosult: tlarri son 544 Sherman 11H Iresham öö Aleer.-. 100 idoKlciley 4 Slklne 5 Wlii'n quiet had been rostored, Governor Foraker, of Ohio, aróse. Thero wore cries of "Platform," and the Governor took the speaker's stand amid loud cheering. He Bpoku briefly, BaylnR the Ohio dclegation :iad como hero all Shcrman men. They wore now all Harrison men. It WM easy for Uhioans to rally to the sup[Hrt of tho nominoe, since General Harrison had had the good senso to be born in Ohio, therefore he was a favorite son of the Buekeye State. [Lauphter and cheers.] In behalf of the State of Ohio he moved that the nomination be made unanimous. Ex-Congressman Horr, of Michigan, seconded the motion to make General HurriBon's nomination unanimous, saying that if the member of the convention dosired any inform tiou as to how the Republicana of the Wblverino State woultl stand by the nominee, he would refer them to the record made b.v the delegaUon in its suiport of Alger, for whom they bad voted solidly from start to finish. Senator Farwell, of Illinois, also second ed the nomination in behalf of the Sucker State. Chauncey M. Depew spoke for New York, and General Hastings lor l'ennsylvania, all three pledging the vote of the States thc.v represented for the Republican ticket. (ieneral Henderson, of Juwa, followod suit. Koutolle, of Maine, created great enthusaism in liis si)eoch nocoudiug the nominutioii by his ivferenro to Blaino, and the conventlon aguin broke loose when hc declarad that next fall would bo heard the old refrain which reBounded throughout the country when that othcr Harrison was at the houd of t o ticket: '' Oh! Have you hcuril from Mainc? She went heli-ben', For Governor Kent And Tlppceanoo and Tyler too!" brought forth another scason of cheering. Senator Mahonn, and John ü. Wise, on behalf of the Old Dominion, spoke briefly, a did Ex-Governor Froctor, of Vermont; John R. Lynch, of Mississippi; John O. l'hurston, of Nebraska; W. Ü. Bradley, of Kentucky; Harris, of North Carolina, and IVilliams, of Arkansas. Creed lla.vinoinl, of California, and SehBtor Davis, of Minnesota, seconded the motion to make the nomination unanimous. A telegram from General Alper, in which he said : " Hurrison's all right!" was read by the secretary, and the motion to make the nomination unanimous was carried amid wild cheering. THE VIC'K-PRESIDENf'T. A motion to take a recesa until 5 p. m. was voted down. The roll was then ealled for Vice-1'iesidential nominations. Great ronfusion existed in the convention. Mr. Daloy, of Kentucky, prosented the name of V. O. iradley, of that State, for the nomination or ViceProsident of the United States, l'hc notiiinatiiin oí Mr. Bradley was secnded in short sheechesby Messrs. Griftlth, Cf Kansas; Warner, of Alubama; Houck, ofTennessee; Locke, of Georgia, and Atkinson, of Michigan. A motion to adjourn until 6 o'clock p. m. was carried. II IK NIIM1NEK. Benjamin Havrison, of lnihaiüipolis, was bom at North Bend, Hamilton County. O., Augusta', ls.ïi; rece. ved a olauteal education, gradujilnK at Mlaml Unlvsrslty, Oxford, O., In ia"8: itndled law at Cincinnatl, O.; removed In M;irch, 18.14, to Indianupolls, where hc has since residej and has been engaííed Ui the practico of the law; was elected iu October 1K60, by the people, Reporter of Ihe Declsions of the Supremo Court of the State: was commisiioneil in July, I8CS, as Secon Lleutcnant of Indiana Volunteers; ratsed Com pany A of the Seventieth Indiana Volunteei Infantry, was commissioned Captain, and oc the oixanlzat on or the regiment was commissioned ColODSl; n Augual wi'nt with the regiment to Kontucky. and server! untll muster'iO out in June, 1HJ5; was bñrstted BrigadierGeneral In February, 18.": in October, 1864 while in the Held, was re-elected Iirporterof the Supreme Court, which ofllte lie had lost by accepting his commission in the army; aftei having been mustered out, he entqred upon the duties of reporter and serve4 for foui years; in 18TU he was tl e cundidtje of the Republcan party for Governor or Indiana, but was defeated; was appou.ted a nember ol tho Miss ssippi K ver Comm:ssion in 1S79; wal elected to ihe United Btstet St-nate as a Republlcan, to succeed Joseph E. McDonald. Dem 1 norar, ana toon nis snai .".üircli 4, 1SSI. Illstoris i.f mtv. ii' expln il Uarota 4, lsw. CALI.KI) 10 HUllKlt. CnicAOO,Juno25.- At three minutes past 11 o'cloek a. ui. the convention was oalled to order by Chairman Estee, who waa as?ain in good voice, and the proceediiik-H were oponed with prayer by H;v. Artliur Kdwiirils. (! Chicaga Ho invokod the Divine prutrrt mu Bpon UM convontion nd the r chest blessings upon its chairinan umi other offlcors. H.iüti-lli ,nf Maine, aroseto aquestion nf prtvUegB. He wus recognized, and taklng the 'pTstform, sald: 'I lind mytelf somewhat erobarrased In being ihrown even into a semblance of antaiionistn tothe representatives of that delegalion froin the grent Paoltio slope who have como here mantfcsting such a devotion to a chleftain whose banner I linve fullowod wlth pilde and affection, lo! thi-s.' many yeikrg. lApplause.J I would 1 ke, were the occasion iippropriate, and did I fucl It proper, In view or the courtesy to which I ani in lebted for au appearonce here at all, to preface the announcomenl I am anoul lo nuhe uy sume cijiüimwij I ahult not uttempt to do so. No ono lu tbli (nmiition, no one in thl magnincent auditorium has any doubt aa to whero the affeoti n, Ihe dcvotlon and the alleulnnce of the Republicana of Muine has been unl alwavs wlll be. (Applause.] No delégate here will doubt the regrot with whlch I dmc-hurgo the iluty !mposed upon me; but. Mr. President and gentlemen of the convention, I am undur a constraint whlch I do not feel at llberty to Ignore, and without attomptinK to (?lve lnatructlons or Interpreta llons of my own to the languago of one Rroater tlinn mysclf by far, I dlschargo my humble duty as the representatlve of the Malne delegution by readrng to you, without preface or comment,the followlng dispatchea which Ihave received." At tliis point tho paüeries broke out nto nu aproar, which was, howevcr, promptly cheoked by tho chairman, who warned the audienco that unlesa it preserved bottor order strict mcasuros to enforce it would be resorted to. Mr. Boutolle, continuing, saicl : " 1 rcad to the convention for its iníormation, as I havo received them, these dispatches: " Kdinburoh, June ti. - To Roulette and Muiilnj, ut Chicago: Earnestly reciuest all frlcnds to respect my Paria letter. " 'James O. Blainb.' " " That dispatch was received last nifi-ht. This nioruing I have received the following: " 'ESISBUBOB, June 24.- I think I have the r ght to abk my friend9 to respect my wlshea and refraln from votlng for me. Please makc ths and iurmer dispatch public ' 'James G. Blaine.' " THE SIXTH BALLOT. After the applause and confusión whieh followed Boutelle's announcement had died away, the convention proceeded to the sixth ballot. Littlo excitement was occasioned by the roll-call outside of the usual murmurs of ap])lause when California iiíuin cast her solid vote for Bluine, until Ohio was ealleil and Uovernor Foraker announced 40 votes for Sherman. Then a delégate aróse and challenged the correctness of the announcement, and demanded a poll of the delegation. Tho result of the poll was 45 votes for Sherman and 1 vote for Harrison, which was cast by Mr. Luckey. The result of the ballot was as follows: Sherman ?44 Blaine 40 Harr:son 281 McKinloy la Alfrer 187 Fred Grant 1 Gresham 91 Forakor 1 Alüson 78 Whole number oí vote cast, &10; necessary to a cholee, 416. SEVENTn BALLOT. Ihe cali of the roll was then proceeded with for another ballot. When California was roüched, Creed Haymond announ 1, amld applause, 16 votes for Harrison. Mr. Clage demandad a cali of the roil, and the result showod l" votes f(ir Harrlson and 1 vote for Algor, that of Mr. tinge himsolf. Tho result oí the soventh ballot v. as as follows : Harr.son aTKIMcKiiiley 16 Shertnan 1ililuine 15 Algor UuiForaker i Gresham tHlLnooln 1 AUison T8Huymoii() 1 No Choice. EIOnTH BAI.I.OT. The convention proceeded to an eighth ballot. Mr. Honderson, of Iowa, created a sensation by rlsing Ln his seat and withdrawing tho ñamo of Seuater Allison. Mr. Bsndenon poko briefly and to the point. He said that lie thanked the friends of Senator Alliaon for thcir support, and with his authority withdrew lus name. It at once beeatne rumo red that the Allison strength would go to Harrison, and not to Sherman, as tho Sherman people wero claiming in the morning.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News