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Iï. H. M-irsh introdueed. tlie Alger hat In Saline. Tlie Whitmore Iakers rlll be "hul to Bec yon next -ttli of July. ". II. Standard of Dexter, has Joined the ranks of the bicyclers. W. E. Steven of Nortli Lake, had clip of 1,000 poanda (.f WOol. Tlie counry dratna In Plttafteld are beiriíí opened np and eleaned out li the rain wtll permft the farmen wlll ¦ be Into thelr haying rood, now. Thote Intererted in Mm York Cetnetery . will moet tliere to-day lo lix i ii. After July :iii the dry goods Rtorea ol ' YpsUuntl will close nl So'clock p. m. New ch u ¦¦ il kling are bel i built juat ' ïiirth of Ililan (in the T. fc A. A. R. 1. New gravel la belng placed on the toll I rute roaU betwcen Ano Arbor end ' Ine. ' Tlie red baodauna has the Engllsh traile mark e very time. Ii's Enjtlish, ye mow. i Wanted, at Saline, a base ball club to ' nop the earth wltb thcir lidine club on ( July 4lh. The .Ma: charter ban ball club got Í rouooed by the Mutuals of Jaekson, iaturday. The alumni aasoclatton of Manchester union so.hool beid its IStli grand reunión ast Friday. The Milan Leader is happy over the 1 ac that wtic.-i l : 1 1 i . -- ii iv hun Dnlwod 'ot that place ut last. i Saline" high grade stockman attended ! be Boyden sale at Delhi itnd made ' tUAPa tir il 1 Mrs. Catharlne Marshall, mother of ¦ Mrs. Lee Yost, of Ypsilanti, dicd, ' lay, June lStli, aged 90 yetrf. Mrs. C. M. Klng, of Saline, arrivod anfely In Liverpool, Knrland on thellth, mil is visitinfi her father aged 91. Joie Purdy hut 13 years olJ, of ( ;on townehip, has plnuglied and got ready for crops 40 acres of land this scason. The Sentinel is getling to be quite a I live local paper. It never lacks for ] tirlgbt, keen, clear-cut editorial matter. I The Dundoe Fuel Gas d. his loc.ited J il8 well and rt ill go down tor ol), gas or ' soinething else fully as valuable, at once. Itev. Mr. Fairfield preached his ' well sermón last Sunday, the Congregational Society of Ypsilanti, having ' cepted his reaignation. ' The Evangeücal Societies of Sharon, ' Freedom and Dexter, united la a Cliildren't Day at Finkbinder's arrove, Lima, ' last week Thursday. Aun Arbor bicyclists make occasional , trips ovef hcre tliese iiioonlight eveninfjs, , over probably one of the best wheellllg roads o the state - Saline Observer, Dexter, Whitmore Lake, Wrampler's I.ikc, Diimlee Milan Driviu Park and i tbe Sallue Arbeiter Yerein will celébrate the natioü's birlhduy ncxt Wednesday. The 11 Mi annii'il commenceuient of the Dexter Union School occurred nt the opera house In that place on Fiidav evejllng last, and was a great success in every way. Tlie Sentiui'l feels very happy over the fact that a jrrooer in Ypsilanti has been JobblBg a few goods receutly, and faiily ravea over the great future of that place U 1 wholcsalt' eniporiuiii. While liev. K. M. Coddington, of Leflie, was drlvlng a colt he had recently purchased, it til re w itselr', striking on its liead and paralyziug tlie optie nerve, degtroylng ils eyesight. - Dipatch. All thinm taken into oonaideration, the Michigan Cnurehman says thatTecumseli and Stockbrldge Eplaoopa] churches are the banner churches, so far as diocesan pledges are concerned. - Stockbridge Sun. Mr. C. V. VanWinkle, bas traded hU farm of 2ü() acres near his place for Ö0O acres of land i Dakotn, and will remove bil laniily to that place as soon as he can make arrangement - Pinckney Dispatch. The editor1 baby, boni on the lltb, cut two teetlli tour days thereafter. '1 r )t out your babies if you can beat it. - Stockbridge Kun. That boy will get his eyo teeth cut before he i as old as his father, see if he don't. Farmers are quite generally holding thelr wool for hfgber prices, whlch can only come alter eleotion, when the people have set down on the free trade party so heavily that the fainous " Mills bill'1 will bc as "dcad as a uit." The Grass Lake ííews man says Manchester is one of Micbljran'a prettleat villajres. Queer taste, but, then probably he never visitad Saline. - Observer. Just w.üi uittil you hcar f rom Chelsea and Dexter upon that assertion. Plnch bugs have tliawcd out anl the small boy who call't lili hiuisi II' chuck full of fun at putting them on his big sisler and lier "feller" is too noar au ann] for bis age. - Manchester Enterprise, llow is it Mntt, cl KI you ever try that i ri.'k yourseU f The Sentinel says t thecily couucil ol Vpsi. have iMOfd $0,000 worth of bond at ( , " for the tire department," and used e very dollar for electric lightiii!T. Is that not obtainino; money under falie pretensea and unconstltutlonal bel'.dM being criminal ? A saloonkeeper over at Manchester bas been tinable to get aeceplable bonds, and lic is awful naad about it and sees destruct ion and lailure in the future for that place, li'it the Enterprise tliinks that the live places of that sort alrcacly tliere can turnish all the goods of that class needed. The Observer is happy right: "The fmall boy is lavlng up nUpsnnlci for the purchHsiiij.' öf Orecrackera to properly celébrate the glorious 4th. It is just such luds that make patriotic men wlien they grow up, with a great iove for their mother country and the stars andatripes. May their number increase." Mr. Howlett, our estcemed County Clerk, has been experimentlag with hot water baths. He says 812 degrem i-i "a leetle to warm for oomfart He may bc in "botter water" wlien the nexl electlon oceurs, and therefore we recommeod frequent imniersions betveen now and then jiisttojiet ined toit, you know.- YpiUantian. The inmingmncnt of thp T., A. A. & N. BI rmilroad have ioquired hito tbe cante i thedhirniDtied program of the Preeqae [(Ie opening on Sqnday, Juno lOth, and And that adverse wiuils is what did il. We trust that adverse winds wlll alway-i be the experieoce sf those who deséente the Sabbath day ia plmare exennkme beer drinking, etc. - Milán Leader. lhats business. Shake. The Manchester Enterprise man is really setting coltish : " The glorióos lili will sooii he here; we'll hall it with delight, and let us all be in good cheer but :)on't stay out all night. Let the eagle icreara and the canon roarj let everybodv celébrate in front of their own door. We ihould be patriotic, and Celébrate the iay, and stay right here in Manchester, instead of going away." An early morning- a door step- achild iipon it- sent to the county house- Lincimenls susplcioiis- A hint xiven- chikl rcclaimed quleüy- wlll be adopted and awned , by near relatives- All partios reiwerad.- Vpsilauti Bentinel. Whlch i- allright, of boone. It is farhetterlt fttoeW Jlfr ilic 'èfiYiff; garujttll gHWIlt, Hut still some people would say that it was coudoning crime to do it. J. H. FTsh ezblblted acuriosity :it the i )bserrer oilice, last ereninjr, in the shape of seed potatoes that altliouh tliey had not sprouted, had two or three little potatoes growing out from the same. "NV J i i 1 : hoelng liis patch he found several hijls with no tops, and digging down into them foUDd the secds as reported above. He left several hills witliu view to seeing how they will turn out in the rail. Perhaps, a topless potato will be thereiult. - Saline Observer. 'J'hose potatoet weie merely playing a joke on the bus waiting for them probably. The Ypalluuti in appears to know all nboiit how to keep cool : "About the poorest way to keep the house cool, these hot ilays, is to open it. Half of the people seem not to know it, butif the doors, winJows and blinds be closed in the morning anl kept closed all day.the house will remaio cool. Open at nifrlit, and keep freely ventilated until moroing, and then shut up a;ain before the heat of the sim becomes preceptible. People who have been in the habit of throwïng open their windows dariag liot days, "to get the air," will be surprised to find how comfortab e their rooms will rem liu if they keep out the air and suu." The E. 1'. Allen camp Sons of Veterans, No. 137, has been orjranized at Milán with a charter memberahlp of 22. The followingoflicershave been installed: (ipliiln- George K. Ilause. lst Lleutenant - Ge"rge NVhaley. 2nd Lleuteuant- Abe Klch Camp Councll- C. W. Duvls, A. B. Smlth and Arthur Delaforce. Chaplaln- Clark Uulcher. lHt Sergeant- Charles H. Hoblson. Quartermaster-Sergeant - Arlhur sloan. C;olor Sergeant- liert ISrownell. Sergeaut of the Guard - Krank Jaekson. Principie Muslcian- Win. II. WhaJey. Corporal of the (iuard- Charles Taylor. Camp iimrd - Alfred Crolius. Plcket Quant- Norman mus.


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