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The road lies straight to victory. In thls campalgn it is tlie dinner pail agalnst the red bandanna. Youug Tippecanoe, with Morton too makos the demócrata look most horribly blue! Tlie democrats can rest assured that the grandson of his grandfather has not forjottcn how to tip-their-canoe over. Gen. Alzer can fcel greatly pleased over the plucky manner in which his siipporter8 stood by him ío the lust. All "lilerary fellers" are expressly prohibited from quoting Longfellow's wonls about Hen Levl in thls campaign. The r.cxt president of the l'nitcd States will be a man who fought for his country in the darU days when liis naeded him. Indiana s falrly wild with joy over Gen. Harmon's nomination. All men of all partid appearing to vie with each other todo him honor. The inugwuinps' fear that Gen. Harrison has not favored civil service reform in the past can be dispensed with. The General has iilvvays advocated it. " 1 lliink that every man who fought for the preservation of the goverument sliould vote for the?e men," says Gen. Shermau in referriug to Ilarrison and Horton. Benjniuin Harrison is bound towin! No powt-r can stop his coming in! The Indiana nag's a corker! (on the democrats). And so is Morton, the grand New Yorker. Tl.e fact that Gen. Harrison fought in the union armies in the late rebellion, it Is said, will lose him all the gouthern statcs. There is no sectionalism about that you know. Gen. Sherman charges "there lins not been a union man sent to represent tlila country in foreign lands onder the prownt administration," and that "it is time for a change." The red bandanna with its Englith trade mark, can never cope with the American laborer's dinner pail. The bandanna policy would soon empty that pail and starve ts owner. The last Stockbrldge Sun hoists the name of "Clinton B. Fish" for president on the proliibition ticket. This is au unkind hint probably that Fisk is a dry one or something of that sort. Tlie Detroit evening News predicts the defeat of the republican ticket, (the desire being father to the prediction,) consequently, Ben. and Levi might as well pull out of the race and give up at once. The speech of Hobert E. Frazer presenting the name of Gen. Alger to the Chicago republican convei t;on was one of the linest ever dcliverfid. So says the Chicago Tribune. It ought to have won the battle. There Is somethiiiiT very singular ab'Hit it, but the red bandanna bMldkerchlef, which is the democratie battle flag, is made iu Eogland, iilmost exclusively, and importer? have ordered innni'iise snpplies of them from English manufaeturers. A Kansas glee club eaptured the crowd at Chicago, by slnging a song witli tliis refrain: If you want lo see the demócrata run. Hall Jerusalem; Just flreoffthat Iugallsgun, Hall Jerusalem! The republican platform assert?: "The lirst concern of all governments is the virtue and sobriety of the people aml the pmity of their homes. The república party oordUlly aympathizea witli all se and well directed ellbrts for the promotion of temperance and morality. Gentlemen, the repabllcan party pro" poses to elect :i president who will no allow iitiy otlr nation on cjirtli to nioti opolize the fisheries of continent. We have had enough of that Toni fooi truekling of Toni Uayurd's. The lishermen have. As.Iolni (uincy Adama ïillcd the presidential shoes of his father John Adains, ¦O will Keiijamin Hnrrison til I the preaidt'iitial ihoef of his grandfa'.her, Willlam Henry Harrlaon. And he will lili thein, too, notwlthstandingsald aboea bare been stretched all out of shape the past tour years. The state supreme court has decidid that the fi-ature of the new llqaor law that requlref tlie remora] of all screens, so as to give an unohstructed view of the interior after closing hours, is conrtltutional. The enforcement of this provisión woiild make the labor of pólice ofücers very lirlit. Somc of the warm tree trade democrats, who believe that they woiild proflt by cheap gooda proenred throngh ebeap labor, shnulil look f:ir enough ahead to nndentend that all salaries will have to come down to a free trade basis, and it awflll hard toget them up igain when tlity art' once down. Gen. Harrison has always been an advocate of practical civil seryiee reform, and he has several times taken pains to show up the liollow and sham pretentini of Mr. Cleveland's administiation. In removinz competent and skilied olllcials in Indiana mid replacing tliein with polilical wire pullers. Mr. J. L. Hudson, of Detroit, ipppars to be a howling proiiihltioni?t until t comes to carrying the banner of that party and voting; then he is wliere be alwnys was, a democrat. That's the way all the democratie prohibitlonists turn out when they are brought down to hard pan. Thpy are prohibitionists for eftect only. Last week at a meeting of the Trades Assembly of Western Pennsylvani.i, representing over 00,000 men. adopted a series of resolutions etnphatically condemnlnfC the Mills Tariffbill and all its advocates, Congresuman W. L. Scott, of Erle, Pa., wa condemned as an enemy oflaboranda dangerous person to the welfare of society and the industrial pro gresg of America, and a bitter enemy of organized labor. A number of Engrlish brokers and woo] men are in the field ready to take wliatever ad vnntage s oftered by the passagei?) of the Mills blll. They are taklng Fathor Time by the forelock, and are not groine; to ret left owinj; to any procrastination of their own. Thpy come with trunkg and bajrs tilled with samples, and are busy showinsr thPin to the dealers and manufieliirers. We have not yot heiird of any orders being placed within tbein. -Ex'. The Amaliiamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers number torty thousand skilled workinmeti. The assooiation lias joined the American ProtPctive Tarlff League. This is the lirst tlmetbat a great labor organizition bas tHken sucb action In politics, for the reason that the tarilTlmsnot heretofore been acknowledged by the democratie party to be an Issue In politie-. There will be other movements of the same nature. - Newark Press Register. The republican platform calis for protection to American labor and American industries; a tree ballot and a fair count in every state in the union; the reduction of letter poBtage to one cent, on the ground that It cogts the government no more to batidle a letter than it does a postal curd; the admiS8ion luto the union of all the territories üaving sufflolent pópala tlon; and the settlement of the flsheriea question on a basis honorable to the United State, and fair to her flsheruTMJ. Ij there a fdir-minded man in this country wbo does not approve of flucli a platform? I( there is be ought to be trotted out. Barnuin wants Dim. Hieh license and the bonds up to the nlghest noten are closing up many saloons in the state. - Manchester Enterprise.- Is it not true that it is a better emperance law that) prohibition?


Ann Arbor Courier
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