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Judge Lovell, of Elgin, 111., is in the city this week. Dr. J. N", Martin and wife start for Europe June 28th. Frederick PUtorlus, is visiting his family in Ea-st Sagina w. Judge Anron V. MoAlvay of Manistee is visiting oíd fiiends Iiere. Geo. W. Kuight and wife are home visiting Mr. Knitrht's parents. Mrs. D. M. Finley, of Des Molnes, Iowa, is in the city for the suminer. Miss Nellie Knapp, of Jackson, is viaiting the Misses Payne on N. State 8t. Dr, Potneroy, of Houghton, L. S., lias been in the city for a week or so past. O. M. Monroe arrived home from Kansas City and the west last Saturdny. J. I. Cutler, of Fisher, Mich., nnd Mrs. Cutler, also, are in the city for the week. J[C. A. Sliimrt and wife, of Honeoye Falls, X. Y., are visiting at D. C. Fall's Miss NellieLewls, of Adrián, is visiting her friend Mrs. AV. H. Payne, this week. Henry Ortmann, of Denver, Col., is visiting relatives and friends in the city. Wirt and Wade Doty, of Detroit, are visiting their parents, on E. Ann st., this week. Mis Butler, of Grand Rapids, is visiting Mi&s Lulu Southmayd, of Thompson street. Miss Alice Porter left yesterday for Bay City, to spend vacation with her parents. Mrs. S. E. Bowers, of Sharon, is visiting lier sister Mrs. J. J. Robison, on N. Main st. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Arthur A. Boyer have returaed to the city f roni their wedding tour. Noble U. Waterman, ol Lincoln, Kan., has bien visiting friends in the city during the week. Rev. Dr. Eddy has gone to St. Louis, Mo., for a time, from whence he goes to the sea shore. Mrs. Frank It. Hainilton, of Caro, was in the city laH Thursday iiud Friday, visiting friends. G. Bchnelder and N. J. Kyer ure atteudlu;; the müler's state conventloii at LiiiBiujr to-day. Kobert W. Moore, lit. '87, and wlfe nee Alice IJ. Wheeler, are attending the exercities tli 9 week. Misses Fannie and Minnie Alubaster, of Evanston, 111., are visiting Miss Allee Cramer for a time. Gillie S. Pltkln, of Petrolia, Canada, is In the city visiting his mother and greetlng old friends. Loren Henion and fainily of Lansing, are the guests of Geo. M. Henion and fainily for a few days. Prof A. J. Vollatid of Grand R.tpids, 8 visiting li is parents In til II city, aceompasied by his wife. Prof. Fred. Britten, accompanled liy liis wife, is spendins; his racatlou willi lila lathor, A. V. Britten. Otlê Vilkiiison, at Spriiiííl'uld. Olilo, ia visiting his grand mnther Mis. A. Duim. ol waahlogtoa Street. G. O. Klolioli, wife and daughter, of Sl. I.oiih, ;ire in Ihe elty visitini; Mr. Nichula' brotlu-r, Dr. W. V. Ntehol. Homer Drake, of Klnjpaaii, Kas., ilcni. "o, one of the organizan and leader of the Chequiimegons, 8 in the city. Clarcnce Hcrry will leaveon or aboat July lt, to joiñ his brother, Fred, wlio U now ii business in Milwaukee, in dentUtry. Cari Peny, who has heen living with liis aocle Prof. Perry, and attonding school, has relnrned to his home in New York State. .Miss Clara Mark lateada fixing to K iiis:is City the l.itter part of the weck to remata ilarlng the mmmer wltli her sister, Mis. Ahbot . New ruachet u tbal Win. Parker, íoii of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Parker ot this city, uow of Sun Jacinto, Cal., is very ill with brain tever. Miss Carrie Britton, of Cass ave. Detroit, Miss Li.zie ('lurk and Mr. Geo. Thompton, of Jackson, are guests of Gilbert liliss and tuinily. Miss Alice M limit leaves the city tomorrow, and will romein in Maaaaonnsetts during her vacation, pursing art studies most of the time. Síary and Ella lïinsey, daughters of David Hinsey, wlio have been attending St. Mary's Academy at Monroe, for tlie past year hare returned home. Miss Ticknor, of 20 S. Inhalig sf., gave a reception to the (lecoratlng md tlower commlttee, on Saturday eve. A grsnd time is the verdict of all who were there. V. F. Warren, of Albion, N. y., who attended the Chicago convention In the interest of Depew, is expected in the city to-day to visit lijs daujihter, Mrs. A. L Nobks. Prof M. O. Grave3, of the Wyandolte schools, is in the city tor a week or two. Ele comes lo receive thedejjree of A. M., (or whicli he has stndied duiing bis tchools dutii-s. I Ie is accompanied by liis mother. Oliver Mead, of Britten, Dakotu.visitcd relatives and triemls in Ihe city duriu;; the week. It has been about 25 years since his last visit to Ann Arbor. Sume changesince then. Deacon Lon.-ri Mills, of Manliattan, Kas., is back in the city tor a few day's stay withold friends. He bas been away two years now, and looks hale and hearty as a yoiiug man of forty. Stanton Rowell and Martin Seabolt will spend the slimmer in the northern part of the state. There has been jfreat excitement among the lishes in all the Dorthern streams ever sinee this trip was settled upon. Miss Fannie Cartwriglit, of Grand Raplds and Miss Ella Uawlin, of l-'isher, are spending commencement week with Miss Mary Cutler, who graduates from the medicAl department, anü her 8istrr Nellie Cutler, who tjradnated trom the hijjh school lat Friday. It rains just as easy ! Two Iadie8 were baptized at the Baptist cluirch last Sunday evening. The roll cali at the Baptist churcli Friday eveninij last, was an enjoyable cvent and largely attendcd. Miss Edith Atkins, of tliia city, will toach the second primary department of tlie Dundee schools uext year. The Toledo & Aun Albor R. R. wlll -¦11 tickets to all points on the road for one fure for round trip on July 3 and 4; good retiiriiing Including July 5th. Varioii8 clerks In the stores just now begin to scratch their heads and iniiire of tlieir next door neiglibor: "What week do you want?'' "When's my turn for a week off?" etc. The appearance of State st., opposite University Hall is not as nice and clean as could be dealred tor comnieiicement werk, but new buildings must x up, and every onc adds to the wealth and beauty of tlie city. All sorts of devourinjr and devastuting insects are more numerous this year than for a long time, and the rank grnwth of vogetation, (alded by Paris green) alone keei)8 farmers and gardeners from being imj overished. Jacob F. Klais, who bas run a dray in this city lor so long tliat memory hardly runs biick to the bcginnln; thereof, driipped dead on Wednesday evening of last eek, of affection of the heiirt. Funeriil services were held Friday last. So many fruit rrowers have gone out of strawberry reiflng tliat these berries are even hlgher in pi ice than ever before. Tlie only way tor poor people to have any of these luxurles, it appears, is to rai.-e them if' they have imy jrround, and If they have not, it mlffbt pay to rent a strip somewhere. Mr. Martin Halier, the furniture man. has dnigned and c mstructed a table intended for work In chemistry, wliich was sent to the edticational department of the eenteiinlal upottUon at Cineinnati to dii-liliiy the arrangement and the working of a student In a lttborittory. The table was considered by competent mea as a very practical and convenient piece of furniture.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News