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DON'T SCOLD a man for groaning wlien he bas llheumatism or Neuralgia. The pain is simply nwful. No torture in the ancieut times was more painful than these twin diseases. But-;-oughtn't a man to be blamed if, having Kheuiuatism or Neuralgia, be wont use Atli-lo-plio-ros, wuen it haa cured thousands who have suffered in the same way ? It bas cured hundreds nitor physicians have jronounced them incurable. "The ekill of 8to phymiclsn conld not coro me of Rht-uraatism which haa ettlel in th hip, neck and houlden. SouitnB vti the pain that loep a almost iniposnible The Brut doe of Athlophoro aTe luo rolief, and tlie third enahled me to Bleep i.r four nd a half hour without wakins. I cnntinned it uo. and am no well." . Uev. 8. H. TROYKR. Now Albanj. Ind. i'nr the beautllbl eolored iicKooj bh Muiden." THEATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall St. N.Y. Rich and Poor, Prinoa and Peasant, the Millionaire and Daj Laborar, ly tlicir conimoti use ol ;h:s remedy, attest the world-wlde reputation of Ajor's lMlls. Lesdtng pliyns recommend tliesi' pills for Stomach and Liver Troubles, Costiveïnss, Bllioogness, and Sick Headache ; also, for Hlieumatism, Jaundice, and Neuralgia. The; are sngar-ooated ; eoniain no calomel ; are prompt, but mild. in operation and, therefore, the vrry beat medicine for Family Ue, aa well as ind Tonrists. " I have derived great relief from Aycr's IMlls. Five yean ago I was tukcu so ill witb Rheumatism that I was nnable to ilo any work. I took three boxea ol Aycr's Pilis aud was enUrely cured. Since that time I am neviT without a box "f these pilla." i Christenaen, Sherwood, Wis. "Ayer's IMlIa have been In use in my family upwarda of twenty years and have completely verifled all that is clafined for them. In atia.-ks of piles, freuu which I suffered man; years, they afford grcati-r relief tlian any other medtoine 1 ever tried.".- T. F. Adams, Holly Bpringa, Texas. 11 1 have tüed Aycr's Pilis for a numbet of .ars. and have ncver found anything equal to them for giving me an appetite aud imparting energy and strength to the lystem. I alwaya keep them in the house."- R. D. Jaekson, Wilmington, Del. " Two boxes of Ayer's Pilis cured me of seveie Headache, from whicb I was long a sufferer. - Enana Keyes, Hubbardston, Mass. 'Whenever I am troubled with consti pation, or suffer from loss of appetiti-, r'a Pilla set me rlght agaiu." - A. J. Kiser, Jr., Rock House, Va. "Ayer's Pilis are in general demand araong our customers. Our sales of them exoeed thoae of all otln-r pilla combinad. We have oever known tluni fail to give entfre satisiactlon." - Wright Sc llanuelly, San Diego, Texas. Ayer's Pilis, PKKPAKED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer Sí Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Dealers in Medicine. -ÚU WEGZrs rjPPRICrs CKEAM akihg ÍOWDÉf l!s superior excellence proven in millionsjo bomes lor more Ihan a quat Ier of ceiitnry. I isnsiii by the United Btatesgovernment. En dorsed by the. heads ol theöreat Unlvernltle aa the Btrongest, Pnrest, and most Healthfal Dr. Prtce's tbeonly Baking l'uwdpr ttiat doe not contain Aninmnia, Ijiine or Aluin. SoU ouiy i ii oa DS. PRICE liAKINf! roWDEH CO., ¦BW ïmiK. OBII T. LOUIS IV1ACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palaco Steamers. Low Kates. Four Tripe per Week Botween DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Bt. Irnace, Cl.eboypan, Alpen, Harrisville. Ottods. Hand Beach, Poit Uurou, St. Ciair, Oakland Houao. Marine City, Evory Weolc Day Botween DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sunday Trips durinff July and Augubt. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS ÜAtcs (ind lïzoursion Tickets will be furulBhod by y our Ticket Agent, or addresa E. B. WHITCOMB, Gen'IPats. Agenf, Detroit &. Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICH. "CHICAGO TRUSS.' X' ir Sjiíral aQaiBBFTflilLgi Phenp. Ap Spring Te uu aSI r P ro T d by Unid Un',!,, r lili' lililíes l'a-.l; I. i glit if-- Medical An Olean, Cool í'z thorlty.Wor Durable, 4fliW d a y a n ( nijjlit byan Infinita weck oíd or un AdultW justed. It ineets all fornis o Borutal, Permoral, Inguinal, and Drabllloa Hernia, 1d both Inlaijis and Adnlts. snLs faetlon gnarantsed In in all oates. Any de trablepressareobtalned. Lady's umbfltoa Trnases a i;!;iti(t H4 sm. Il your druu'iiis dors not kep t his Truss, endose stumps and iddrtss, HIK A;) '1'ltlNH CO. WlUt Randoph ¦'.. Office sam plaoe. rhicac;o. Hls. T. Y. KAYNE, M.vnagkk. Piso'9 Cure for Conys Bumption is also the best Ea ra Oough Medicine. If you havo a Cough Q without disease of tho Bil ba Lungs, : few doses are all pa R9 you uoed. ButifyounofSl glect this easy nieans of Ijl E4 safety, tho slight Cough RJ Kj may uccoino a scrioua KI mi matter, and soveral bot3 tlos will bo rocjuirod. E CET THE BEST"" FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Secnrity lii'kl for tin? protection of the pollc CHRISTÏAN MACK Reprecnt the followinc flrrí-clapí companlep.o which one, tbe VEtmi. hal nlonc paid Í5,(XK),UOU ttr lo scs in sixty-üve yearu : JElnu, of Hartford $ 9,192,04 Franklin of Phtladelphia 3,118,71 Minia, N.Y 2,100,72 ( iiM imui American, N. Y 4,006,96 London Aaguranoe, London... 1,416,78 Michigan F. A M., Detroit. . . 2G0 N. V. L'inl.Twritcrs, N. Y 2,590,67 National, Hartford 1,774,50 rhceilix, Brooklyn 3,759,03 Losses liherally adjusted and promptly paic Policio isfiueil at the Iowont ratcR of premium. 1UI1M


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