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1HMIMI IIIKIlllllll. ANN ARBOR COMMANDSRV, No. IS liu'l'ts flrSt Tui'sday f each mnutb, C. E. Hlscock, K. C: John R. Mlner, Recorder. WlsHTKNAW ClIAVTKR, NO. 6, R. A. M.- Meels flrat Monday each month. J. L. sione, H. P.; Z. Konth, Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. W. W. NICHOLS, DE1TTIST. Bkuiis Orer itii Arbor Savings Bank, Üpi. ('iiiirl House Square. VITALIZEL AIR Adralnlstered. It is agreeable and easy to take, and no prontmUiiÉ: effecti follow. wbile teeth re extractcd without pain. "ÏKHRT 8LITOK, CONTRACTOR AND BUILBER ResUlence and Shop NO. 85 Hill street, Ann Arbor, Mich. AH work prompt ly exeeuted, and satlsfactlon gaaranteed. CHAS. L. ALLEN, Bontractor and Builder. Plans and Speclfloattons earefully drawn. Kisiiienee, 46 E. Catherine St., Ann Arbor, Mich. DR. C. HOWELL, PHYSICIAN OMlOB, KnoM I, MASONIC Bl.OCK. OHlee lioiirs : K to 13; 9 to 6 p. m. DR. H. R. ARNDT, PHYSICIAN OKFU'K OVEK FlKST NATKINAI, ÜANK. Eocbi at Office: iO:wto il a. m.; 2:3) to :f:10 o. ni. Can be rmohed at resldence (Went Huron street, the "Prof. Nlchol place") by telepUone, No. 7, and wlll roply to chIIh i 11 the eveatug. M1.IIVM HERZ, Houso, 8:gn, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paporini;, (Haiiiijr, (ülditig, and ('alrimliiliiL', and wurk of èvery descrtptioo done in the beet style.and wurranted to givu tat8faction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. CLÖTH CASKÉTS, METALIC And ('oininon ('oiHns. CallH attented to Day or Nitihi. Kinbalinliig Hperlalty. siu .- room n f'!. W'ush i ntítím street. Ht'Hidence Cor. Lluorty and blftn. V. II. JACKSON, ÜIIESÜIIITIilllSIITII. OFFICK : Orer Bach & Abel's Dry Good Store. Entrance next to National Bank. THE CREAT I"TBUTHS FORTHESICK.n "TTTT77!Tüaïïïïyï?nööSTnrTë11T!uMlJ Binou8Spell9depend fura case where Si L II onSiLi-iit HlirnKK huur ISitteks wililll it wlll curt' you. nut asslst or cure. Itl W .. ¦¦ .'..r.., .-.,1. P'-verfalU. pj [thattircilandallgmic Cleanw the TiUatedB Hlfeeling; it so, use ,iOod when you scelll niSoi.rm-R ün-TEES; its impuriües burst-HI Ilit wlll uro you. Inctbrough the hkinl II '" l'lTn,ka,]il.,tolieB,ll ¦Uplnltr „,„,.„„1 In :"ld SOr.J3. RelV Ol flMll.Tnï 'LL. WIDBi BnTKKS.Q Hahop8;clerk8,wt.c1(l(, ;""! hcalth wlu io1 t ¦¦not procure suflicient 11 III ¦lexerclae.amlallwho Sl ,.,.,,, K BrTTKUH Mare ronflned In door, ,„ e UverComll Hlshould use Mxpi, alnt I)on,t t)e du 1 1 MHitters rhev wil ;.ollrlged itwlUcureUI gnottlwubcweakaoil s ' ltoI.uterUfron,1KÍ,u1.n! 'J 1'"'"''1 yu'upand Matlsm, use a bottle of 'ke you strougandlll IISLi.i-mit I1ITTEK8 ; hcalthy. Ijl Hjltiii'v.T fnllstu.'urc. , ,.,.,„-,( liirrEBslil , a wMlmakeyourliloodBj Sbottle. Trylf you pure, rlrh and Htrong.uB Ijl wlll nnt regret !t. :i"'l yoilt U8h hard. IadíüTTír'dTnrátr 'J i y SI l.l-m It IiIT-11 lllhcnlth, who are all runs to-night, andlll lllrunil.iwn.nliould um' ymi wlll sleep welllll IB' LI III 11 Hl n I IK. IiimI firl lifttiT f'TitU Do you want the bent Medical Wurk pulilUhed? Kend 3 t-cent stampa to A. 1'. okdway & Co, Botton, Mass., and recelve a eopy, free. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Malu St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency In the city. Establluhed OTraquartrof century ago. KepreseutlDg "'e followlng tirsl-claKS corapanlen, wlth over 0,000,000 Capital and Aiftcti. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL IN8. CO., of New York. NIAÜARA IN9. CO., of New York. OIIiAHD IN9. CO., of Pulladelpbla. OHIENT IN8. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, of Boston. Rtteo Low as the Lowest, Losges Líberlly Adjunted and promptlj l'aid. C. H. MILLEN. FOR Jams, Confections and Preserves Manufacturad by the Ann Arbor Preserving Co, go to fanawx L cadt.jb le Auents for Ann Arbor, or to the faotory Plttsileld road. South. RflflH,H''a Wo"t exlst )n thousandsof Iltjlir 'l)r'"". but uresurpaHHed by the mar ¦Ht vel of invpiitliin. Those wlio are In need of profltuble work that can be none wiMk living at home Hhould at once "na thelr aildre to Mallet & Co., Portland, lne, and recelve free, ruil lnRirmutlon how w.hKruei, of II ages, can earn frorn f to $tó fT day and upwards, wherever they live. oa re starled free. Capital not requlred. npme have made over $50 In a gtugle day at '"' work. Allsucoeed.


Ann Arbor Courier
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