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A Court House Marriage

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"M. M. J. W." in the last Ypsihititi Sentinel, tells of olil times in Aim Arbor, and also of an early marriage whicli pccurred in tlie court house many years ago, as follows : When I, a little girl, carne witli my fatlier to Atin Arbour (as it whs tijen spelled) ia 1831, the Methodists held services in a large unfinialied two-story briek building stamling on the oíd square. There was a large belfrev, brick foundation ii to the roof with an unclosed frame work, roofless, and towerini high above the building. A door on each side led into a vestibule partitioned off with boards from the rest whicli was oue room witli unplastered walls, and a tull desk staudiug in one corner, the seata were long inorable benehes. Here have I llüteped to Mr. Pilcher, Gavet, WIley, Elliot, Gilnith, and others, that are rubbed from memory'i tablets by more recent events. On week days a private school was kept here by Miss Sarah Sergeant, and tor four years I went to school to her, seldom absent a day, no vacations lasting over a week, and Saturdays alternately. Her sister, Miss Mary SergeantasUte'l by Delinda Sias. Their success was limited. Miss Jocelyn was the next teacher. Her education was inferior to many of her pupils and her reían was short. Hev. Mr. Nelson, then opened a school part of the time in tile lower room, and a part of the time in the upper room, whicli was reached by a ricketv tllght of stairs ranura; down at right anales from the ouly door in one corner of the back part of the building. In forty-twoor tliree, this t)uildiiii! was reconstiucted into a dweWng house, owned and Mcupjed by a .Mr. Norton. Alter the Oourt Hoon was huill In 1 H;i4 , the Methodists oocupied the court room until the faH of 1S:!7, when the basement of their church was rompleted. 8ometime in llie sprinir, m S:il)ltatli iiiorniiig. Mr. Levi Brunt, n brnt her-in - law of Win. S. Mayn.ird, by a previous marriage, was uoited in marrtaüc to Miss Relief Wallace", Mr. and M rs. 8. K. Jones standing with them while the beautitul marriaire ritual was read by a Methodist clergyiuau, whose name lias passed from tnind. Mr. Chairinan ISarniun's corpse has raised up in his cotlin anti ajjfreed to assist Mr. Cleveland in tlie cliestnnt lu-iness. Tlie star-eyed goddess, üs represen ted in Henri Watterson, of Kentucky, snot a- smili nj as at lirst. The corner of her his) eye bfrta commenced to twltch nervously, as if paralyttis was imiiiim-nt. The days of democratie supreinaovare few, and rapidly ncaring the end. Farowell free trade, [arewell! Hit' thee to Bngland, thy home. Tlie followiug is from the Age, of liiiriiiliiirham, Alabamn. and echoes the views of hundreds of Southern Democratie papers on the tariff question: " Thousands and thousands of us wlio cannot approve the President's message and the tariff bill reported by the democratie majority of the Ways and Means oomoüttee, love the democratie party more tlian we do our tariff doctrine, and will abide by the action of the party's choice wiiatever it be; hut there are thousands and thousands of others who will vote In November rrgardful only of how the platform will effect their business interests. If it is in the direetion of Free-Trade they will vote the republican ticket; if it Is for tariff reform protection principies, they will vote their natural preference, the democratie ticket. With a Free-trade tending platform the name of ueither Cleveland nor Thurman will turn them. If any sort of decent republican ticket is nominated thry will vote it and their votes will elect." John Boyle O'Kellly, editor of the leadlng Irlsli-Ainorlciin paper, tlie Boston I'llot, was a supporter of ülalne four years at;o, linvlng dcrterted the democratie party to follow Blatne'8 leudershlp.- Argus. It Is very singular that John Boyle O'lleilly did not take the Pilot with him into the Blaine camp four yean ago. The Pilot was a strong democratie paper in that campaign, just what it is now and just what it always hits been. The deserter8 are from the British free trade party to the party that believes In protectiiii; American laborers and American interests. In fact, for the uext four years we are goin; to hxve an admiiiistration that will let every lisherniaii, who wants to, rtsh or sell bait on the Xew Foundland, New Brunswick, or any other Oanuck coast, and we won't go and ask anybody whether we can do it or not, either. The AniericaiiB propose hereafter, if there i any snubbing to be done to do it themselves, and the people have no further use for a president who eringes the knee to any foreifin queen, king, prince, potentate or governor general. "The cbief reason tor a protectlve tarriir is the price of American compared with European labor. Anieles of universal adaptation and consumption, and not contly to transport, can as wall be manufactured in other liimls us here, and such artides as the more expetisive clotho, Iron and steel, cutlery, etc, In whicli labor is a larre item ot cost, may bo manufaetured abroad and sold herc mueh cheaper that we can produce them. The difllculty here lies in the fact that forelgn labor igtoo cheap, not in that ours is to dear. The hiirher the prlce of labor the botter, not for the laborer only, bilt for all. Low price of labor means poverty, gnorance, idlcness, crime and disorder. The well-paid laborer is the reat couëinner hs well as the great producer. He buys largely of wheat and of cloth, lumber, hardware, glnss and paints for houses - in short lie is the wheel tliat sets our industries in motion. Hh edúcales his children to becomc good, patriotic and useful citizens, ornameuts of society, and the security of the State. We wish to do nothiiijj to lessen the price of labor,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News