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Short adverllsements nut to exceed three linea, of Lost ana Found, Housen for Sale or Kent, Wants, etc.. Insertad three weeks for L5 cents. Bltuatlons wanted, frce. LOST- At the T. Jfc A. A. depot, a goldheaded nmbrella, marked W. H. Payne, NnsliYilli'. Tenn. The flnder wlll confer a favor on the owner to please leaveltatMr. John Moore's druis store and recelve a reward. MRS. W. H. PAYNE. OH KENT- No. 24 South División Street, fin iiicrly owned 1 y H. I). Bennett. and recently occupted by J. M. Htafloril. House re-papered and patnted. Inqulre of A. L. NOBLE, 24 South División, or 35 South Main Street. SCREEN DOORS and Windows ruado to or der, Crates and Hoxes. ST. CLAIR'S, :i3 N, Fourtli atrcct. CKF.EKYand cabbage planta and cows, for sale. W. F. BIRD, West Hurón st. 10 1U8TOM and Flouring Mills for sale at V Dexter, Mlch. The "Uexter" and "Peninsular" rallls, both good water powers. Can be bought at a bargaln. For particular wrlte or telephone. THOMAS BIRKETT, Blrkett, Washtenaw Co., Mlch. H_ r OANINQ-Money to loan on nrat-class X-i Real 1 stilte Mortgagc at Current rates of .nterest. Sntlsfactory arrangements made wlth capitalista deslrlns Biich lnveatmenU. lívery conveyance and transactlon In abstracts of tltles carefully examinad as to legal effect. Z. F. K.INO. Ann Arbor. EEAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Hoimes and lots valued frora $1,1X10 to ftii.UOO and contalnlng from one-flftb of an hcre to twenty acres- all In the city llmlts. Housese rented on reasonable terms In eentral localltles. Farras excbanged for city property. Enqulreof J. Q. A. Sesslons, Attoruey and Keal Estáte Agent, Office over Express Office, Main St., Ann Arbor. öltf


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News