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Prices Tuáliig ú Goods s Mlny Quickly at F. SCHAIRER'S Bargalns Trom the Bankriipt Stock of Root, Strong A, Co., Detroit. We Invite special attentlon to tltl sale. READ THESE PRICES 5,000 yards Good Prints at 3 l-2c per yard. 3,000 yards Cholee Dress Prints at 5c per yard. 2,000 yards Dress Sateen at 8c per yard. 25 pleccs Good Shirtlngs at 8c per yard. 30 pieces Good Bed Ticklngsat 10c, 12 l-2c and 15c. 100 pieces Cholee Dress Goods at 12 l-2c per yard. 60 pieces New Spring Dress Goods at 10c. 35 pieces Wide Styllsh New Drew Goods at 25c per yard. 20 pieces 52 Inch Ladles Cloths at 50c per yard. 10 pieces all Wool Black Dress Goods at 30, 4O and 50c per yard. 5 pieces Wlde Black Cashmeres at 50c) per yard. 1O pieces 48 inch Black Henrletlai at 75c, 1 and 1.25. Big Drive In 52 Inch Slik and Wool Dress Goods at 60c per yard, were $1 (See wlndowj. lOOplecesChoice New Dress Lawns at 5c per yard. 25 dozen Ladics Black and Colorcd Lisie Gloves at 15c and 25c per pair. 300 pairs Ladics Berlín Gloves at 10c a pair. 20 doz. pure Slik Gloves at 35c a pair. Big BarKiiin In Ladles Slik Itlltts at 18c a pair. 25 doz. 75c Corscts now cut to 50c. Big Rargaln In our $1 Kld Gloves Tor 79c a pair. 200 Good Bustles at 15c each. 10 pieces Curtaln Scrlin at 6c per yard. 5 pieces Lace Stripc Ciirtaln Scrlm at 8c per yurd. We show the Best Valuc in Curtaln Laces at 15, 20 and 25c pcr yard. 100 pair Lace Curtalns at $1, il. 25 and $1.50 a pair. 10 doz. large White pion. at 25c cach. 50 doz. I 'hik j Border Handkerchtefs at 3 Tor 10c. 15 dozen Ladics Jersey Vcsts at 25c cach. 2OO largc Slik Parasols at tl and $1.25. Ladics Ifluglin Drawers at 25, 39 and 5Oc a pair. musllii licmiscM at 25, :i. and 50c cach. Ladics Nlght Drcsscs at 25, 39, 50 and 75c. Childrens Wlilte and Colorcd Drcmca at 3OO Boys Shirt Walst at 25 and 50c. Big Bargaint In Black Silks at 50, 75c and $1. Thrcc big drives in Jerseys at 75c, 2 and $1.25. Wc show the best Bargalns iu Hoslcry at 10c, 15c and 25c. You can save Iffoney Trading at D. F. SCHAIRER'S. We are always the cheapest. INSURANCE HáAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. 2, First Floor, Hamilton Block. Parties deslrlng to buy or Bell Real Estáte wlll flnd lt to thelr advantage to oall on me. I represant 15 flrst-clasa Flre Insurance Companles, uavlng an aggregate capital over t30,000,000. KatesLow. Lossea lloerally adJusteU and proraptly paid. I also Issue Life and lovestment Polloies In tüeNew York Mutual Life Insurance Company, AssetU, $75,000.00. Persons doilrlng Accidenl Insurance, can have yearly pollcles mTo farned"Í 5tmfflCe Du" - ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block. A Concentrated Liqnld Extract of MALT and HOPS. o MANUFACTURED BY SPECIALTY DE-T PHIL. BEST BREWING CO. Aids Digestión. Cures Dyspepsia. Strengthens the System. Restores Sound, Refreshing Sleep. Pricelcss to Nursing Mothers. o Recommencled by Eminent IMijslcians. rOR SALE BY ALL DRUCCISTS. REPORT OF THE CONDITION ANN ARBORMVINGS BANK -AT- ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN - ON- MONDAY, JULY 2d, A. D., 1888 MIDE In Accordance with Sectlons 18, 19 jnd 67 of the General Banking Law, as Amended in 1871. RESOURCES. Loannand DineonnlB ¦nu n ni. iïïïX.'üzïzz EEzSa Furultiire nd Flxture _......."." i Sü w! Due from Natlonl and State Bank. 7Í'óiu -?, UhIi on hand 29340 ir, Bij8,55T40 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock jjoooo SurnluB Kund sooün mi Jaly Dividend ZZZZZÍIZ J55 ï) Duo Depoüilor 483 80;t il Í6 5.M 40 I do solomnly swear thot the above sutement la true, to the beat of my knowll)fe Hn, belief CHAS. K. HlScocK. C,h'icr aay"of Jríy.d lIST BWr ' befre me' thl' 2nd AÜAM D . 3EYLER. 1410-11 Notary l'ubllc.


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