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'TU Independence Day! Hurrah for lltrrison! 0. L. Matthews has llLted out bis office with a handsome new type writer. The Farmer's & Mechanic's bank have declared a S% eemi-annual dividend, payable after July lOtli. Frederick Bierman paul $2 fine and $3 costs in Justice Frueiuff's court last Monday for flugffidj; Lewis Schlelcher. The Home MittionAry Society of the M. E. Church meets at the home of Mrs. H. W. Rogers, soutli State st., Thursday, 3:30 p. nj. It is probable that Dr. V. W. Kamsny of tlii. city and Dr. Vf. S Studley of Detroit will exchanxe pulpits thls fall after Conference. The missioii Sunday school, of which Miss Brown is superintendent, held a picnic yestenlay at the Miller Ave. grove, and the occasion was a joyful one. Tlie report of the Ann Arbor Saving'g Bank to be fouml in aiwther column, ig one tbat the bank officers feel proud of, and shows a very prosperous condition. K J. Tracy, a tramp, who was sentenced to Ionia hy Justice Pond waa taken to there Friday by Sheritl' Walsh to reside forSOdaya. Fall apples wlll be ripe wlien he comes out again. Ilepublicans interested, memberg of the county committee more especially, sboiild read and remember the cali for a meeting of the county committee for Saturday next, at this office. At a meeting of the Statfl Music Teachers' Asiociation, held at Kalamazoo last week, Prof. C. B. Cady, of this city, was elected president, and Prof. Peaw, of Vpsiliinti. mnde chairman of the program cDininittee. There wíll be a big Republican ratilicatinn meeting next week Saturday iu whicb all tlie viclnity will join. Speakers f rom different p'irts of the county will address the puople. Full antiouncement next week. Atteiition Company A ! Orders have been ssued to the eftect that members who fail to attend 75 percent, of all drills cannot go into camp. And the encampment this year is to be held on that delightful spot of earth, Mackinac island. Meeting of the Carpenters' Union of Ann Arbor, will be held in tlieir hall OTer Fred Stlm9on'8 store July lith, at S p. m. Mr. Newkirk will address the meeting on "Organizad Labor." The public and especially ladiea are invited to attend. Blilz & Langsdorf are moving their tock of pooils Into the store of Chas. Fníitle, on S. Main st., to reniatn iintil the new store is ready for occupancy. 'l'lieir luw Btore is expected to outshine aiiythiii; of the kind In the city when completad. The fellow who hroke into Chnrlie Clark's house last week, whose thrilliiig cspture was grapbically portraved in the last issue, guve his name as l'owers, refnsed to plead guilty, and was remanded tojail to iwait triai at the September term of eourt. The Adrián Proas gays tltat the city bettcr take the $3,500 new depot promised by the T. A. A. & N'. M. K. R , as "anytliinif wouhl be better than the barn now in use." Guess Stearns hiisn't one of tlmse "little red books" In his pocket, or lie wouldn't talk so saucy. We underetaml that a new clothing firm is to romtnciice business at once, consisting of Messrs. John Plisterer and I'rtd Gnkele, the latter of wliom has been witti Bliiz & Langsdorf for soine time. The flrm will do business in the store noxvoccnpied by Mr. Pfisterer, Liberty st. Araong tlie tn:irr1ajre ücenses prnnted by County Clerk Howlett on last Tliursd;iv, vviis one for Caleb Krause :ind Caroline Kraiiie, of tlils city. The parties were diyorced only lastipril or May, bilt havedoubtlrss cODCluaed tliat neithor can do batte titan to try the same oltl purtner again. The same complaints are now being made that are evry snmnier, of the utter d9rerard of decency axhibited by boy?, and men aluo, who go in bathing in tlie duy time in tlie mili race. It is a tlilnsr that onght to be tnned down. It is all rifrht for the boys to go in bathlnif, but they should be decent about it. The farm house of Mr. Hartz, of Scio, about six milea out on Liberly st., burned to tlie grouud with contents, last Friday Bturninfr early. The people in tlie house were awakened by the roaring of the fire whicü they at fírat supposed to be rain. Mrs. Hartz was quite badly burned in her endeavors to save some of the furnlture. Mlchacl Duffy is now juatice cf the peace in Northfield townsliip, and he snys that lie will iiiarry my couple free gratis that will apply to liim. Tliis is no schetne to boom County Clerk Howlett's license fee, but comes trom the good neartednees of the justice who bas more than once helpeü people along in tliis world. Edwanl Croarkin and Miss Belle Honey, daughter of J. T. Honey, of Dexter, were married in this city last Thursday, Rev. Dr. Knrp offlciatlnr. The bride is one of the most popular young ladies in Dexter, and in lier new relations will have the kind wishes of hosts of friends. Mr. Croarkin Is traveling salesman lor a Detroit clothinjí fliin. It lias been just one year since free aelivery went into effect, and by the persistent efforts of Postmaster Duffy another carrier has been added to the force, live in all, though justice to the people benelited by this system would require still another. The fourold carriers ave had their pay adyanced from $000 wfSOO per vear, which is as high as the Kovernment permits them to go. Last week Thursday a fatal accident occurred in Augusta near Whittaker's 'Ution. Frank Friesbus alad 17years olu, wag carryiiiw " loaded ffiin in hls 'an' muzzle pointing upward, when the lammer caught upon a twig it is supPofed ,md llred the gun ofl, the conten ts Uking effect on the right side of the ïoiiog man's neck and face, terribly la'eratmg t. He died within a few hours. p1?' Sil:iy a telegram reached 'ranklin L. Parker amiouncing lhe death "' lus son William, in California, of üraiu fever. The remains are now enjoute home accompanled by Will gooilus who bas been his companion ever 'inCJeavin home a year or 8O B'¦ Parker was absent in Connecticut, vislting friends when the sad intelligence fl"8 r,e'leivetl. but was immediately sent 'r. We uiiderstand that deceased had cured for hinmelf a Kood start in CaliIon"a. al bid fair to do well. "ie CouRiRii comes out one day ahead J-never beliind of" time to al,'w lw employés to celébrate the glorious '¦mrih of July. A lay that should be Nérvea by every American citizen 'ether of foreijrn birth or native born. ' " day should never be allowed to pass y unnoted. Tlie greater the enthuslasm 1 r tter for tlle country. Give the híí a "ackeis and torpedoes and the ler 'S8 and strearaers, and let tbem Jv, t0. revereiice the greatest day the Lopl of the world have now to celethu'lïï6 is,Rt lea8t one fnink democrat In and lM "Peaklnit about free trade, out „r eflect h woulü hl've in throwing Dlnv 1 mp yment 'undreds of men eintVf. t'nfHl;tjriei' 8aid in efftct: " D-d tli.m 8' wc lllive Kot too many of whÏÏ They ount t0 dle '"t." "But n about the men who earn their living Worl ?¦'¦ Wa8a8ked. "Let them go to rent l?'"8 wllpat a"d cor"." was hls 11', "o"' will that guit our farmers? ipon Tl0"'11 tllCy like t0 llftve thousands lelrr. iU9""ds of laborera forced into Have t t0 be made Producers of food f farni.ïlV'ot "ow a 8ufflcient number of mand pro'lllce wllat the country