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She 7 "ried 'and Knows. A leading 'm tuiil "t ;¦"¦¦ "tk. says: " Nu piasters ofsucli ineril aa theAtli-lo-pWrosPfastersh ivcctcc beforr tuM-ii pfodiweil " l'!i' utv a novelty becanM the? ure nul instU ¦implf i',, -ril ohea, ihey Ihe best thal M-irriiT. :,ill UDil iinniey run produce, and ill 1" lial is elalmed (br them. For tpnriaa, aohei, nrakiH". lamenea, 'te., iliry air unequaled, 4MJoUoo8t.,8MKiiuky,O., Nm Athlop i - il. -; T acted uki' It th '" ¦( I ever infl I h;ir u-! iuan klndl (ur !ril OH hi,i "plant '¦ thi ime" Kul I doDt thitik eo 00 I M iMi 1 iny inn i -ii.nii.i-i' 'ii July, and it hs h painfnl s.ii.'. bot i: (ïo ii"t p'hi n illiiuw Mr Mm.iij455 8end 6 cono for the beautifiil '¦¦: ¦¦¦' nlcuire. ¦¦ Moorlüh Maldi-n." THEATHLOPHOROSCO. 112 'JVallSt. N. X. Ask For Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and be sure you get it, when you want the best blood-purifier. . K A With ita forty years I 'í mT oi unexainPlei1 8UC" I } Wtf 1 cess 'n "ie cure ' I ; _fflfe'.}7 f Blood Diseases, you Ii T"wl?w I can ma'te no In's" II Zrttl take 'n Preierrill8 WvÊt'li arsaPar'"a Ir &? 'fS&Á t0 any The (l( 'HO' fTSfL íore-runner oí mod1 Wi3 ernWood medicines, 'S? jfcjl$jk Ayer's Sarsaparilla 53Ícé5 i is still the most pop¦fc1 Já ular, being in greatO } (SSiï er demand than all j i ii In rs combiued. "Ayer's Sarsaparilla is selling faster than ever before. I never hesitate to racommend it." - George W. Wliitman, Driiggist, Albany, Iiul. " I am saie in saying tliat my sales of Ayer's Sarsaparilla far excel those of aiiy other, and it glvea thorough satisfaotion."- L. II. Bush, Des Moines, Iowa. "Ayer's Sarsaparilla and Ayer's Pilis are the best selliug medicines in my store. I can rccomniend thern eonscientiously." - C. Bickhaus, Fhariuacist, Roseland, 111. " We havo sold Ayer's Sarsaparilla Ijfre for over thirty years aud always recommend it when asked to name the best blood-purilier." - W. T. McLean, Driiggist, AiiRiista, Ohio. "I have sold your medicines for the last seventeen years, and ahvays keep them in stock, as they are Staples. ' There is nothing so good for tlie youthful blood' as Ayer's Savsapaiilla." - R. L. Parker, Fox Lake, Wis. "Ayer's Sarsaparilla gives the best satisfaction of any medicine I have in stock. I recommend it, or, as the Doctors say, ' I prescribe it over the counter.' "it nevcr fails to meet the cases for wbieh I recommend it, even where the doctors' prese rmtions have been of no avail." - C. F. Calhoun, Jluumouth, Kansas. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, FREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer Si Co., Lowell, Mass. Frice 1 ; iix bottlea, 0. Worth 5 a bottls. pBpmcrs CREAM QWDEf 2gT PERFECT MjOg lts superior excellence proven In mlllionsjof hotnes for more (lian a quarter of acentury. Il Iftnsed by the United .Slatea governmeut. Kndoned i" the neads of the CTreat Unlverslties as tin' Stronget, Purest.and most Healtliful. Dr. l'rice's tiieonl.v Baking Powder Ihat doei not contjiln Arnimniia, I.line or Alum. Sold only In eans. PBICE BAKINQ POWDER CO., NKW YOHK. HHAliO. 8T. I.OUI8. MACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamera. Low Ratea Pour Trip por Weck Betwen DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Bt. Ipnace, Ciheboyixan, Alpena. Harrivilio Oiooda, Sand lioach. Port Hurou, fit. Clair, Oakland Houae. Marine City, Kvery Week Dy Betwoen DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sunday Tripa during July and Aufut. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS RAtca and Bxounion Ticketa will b f urulshed by your Ticket Agent, or addresa E. B. WHITCOMB, Gan'l Pau. Agent, Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICH. "CHICAGO TRUSS." .' - Spirat Cjaa cheap. ApSpring 'J'russ "H y p r o v e d by llnd Rubber i t'ie hlghest Pa-J; Iilght C', Medical AuClean, Cool thorlty.Worn Durable, IP (la y and night liy an Infnnt a week oíd oran Adult80 years. EasxXy adjueted. It meets all forms of Sorotal, lVnnorul, Inguinal, and Umbilical Hernia, lu both Infanta and Adulta. Satisfaction guaranleed In In all cases. Any dei miile pressureobtalned. Lady's l'mblllcal Trnsaea :i grand succesa. If your druggtst doe uot keep thlR TruRs, enclose stamp aud uddress, (IIUAI.O I It I CO. u: Kast Randoph tt„ Office same place. Chicago. III. T. Y. KAYXE, Managkk. NOL by W isicoil DRIJCUINTH. Piso'8 Cure for Coni suniptiou is also the bost f3 Cough Medicine, g If you have a Cough ¦uiilKiut. disease of the En Lungs, a few doses are all El you neod. Butifyouneglect tliis easy ineans of Ml fc safety, tho slight Cough KH KJ may bccoine a serious Rl Ea mnitflr and overal bot3 tles will bo roquirod. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Security held for the protection of the pollcy CHRISTIAN MACK KeprcscnU the fillowlnK flrst-clae companles, ol whlch one, tbc JHnn, hi alone paid $56,000,000 Üre Iokbcs In slxtï-lve yers : Etna, of Hartford $ 9,192,644 Franklin of Philadelpliia 3,1 18,713 Gcrmania, N. Y 2,700,728 Germán American, N. Y 4,06ü,908 TiOiidon Assurance, London.. . 1,416,788 Michigan F. & M., Detroit. . . 287,608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,596,67e National, Hartford 1,774,505 Phoenix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Loasea llbcrally ailjusted and promptly paid. Policies issued at the lowcet ratel of premium. llUltf


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News