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Thi Legislativo, Exeoutlve and Judlcl! Ap proprlatlon blll occupled the time of the Senate on the th....In the House consideratlon ot the Fubllo Land blll was resumed, and tho amendment was acccpted allowlnff entrymen slx lnstead of three months in whlch to erect ft habitable dwellmg. TK time was occupled 1d the Senate on th Ï7th in conslderlng the River and Harbor Approprlatlon bill....In the House the Publlo Land blll was passed, and the debate on tbs Mills TarlCt bill was resumed. MR. Davis, from the Pension Commlttee, reponed back elght vetoed pension bilis to the Senate on the 28th, wlth recommendatlon that they be passed, and they were placed on the oalendar. Tho Army Approprlatlon blU was reponed, and the River and Harbor bill was furlher consldercd In the House the time was occupled in dlscusslng the TarifT blll. A protest agalnst the passage of the Tariff bill was sent to the desk of the clerk, slgned by over 800 Phlladelphia manufacturera who employ 150.0U0 men. The Senate devoted the sesslon on the 29th uit. to dlscussing the Army Approprlatlon blll In the House the Tariff blll was furthor considered and the free list was nnlshed and the dutlublfl list taken up. At the evenlng sesslon forty seven private penlson bilis wero passed, DOMESTIC. Threb explosions of tireworks oecurred in the variety store of Henry Rice, at Rondout, N. Y., on the 25th, and Mr. Rice's mother, afred nincty two years, who was unable to leave her room in the upper part of the house, was burued to death. Is a wreek on the Fenns.ylvania & Schuylkill railroad on the 'Jtith at Cable City, Pa., six laborers were killed and four wero fatally injured. The victima were all Hungarians. Mrs. Ciiiari Cigxarai.i was senteneed to be hanged August 17 by Recorder Smyth in New York on the 2tth for the murder of her husband. Nïd Ci. ark (colored) was lynched on tho 26th in Worth County, Ga., on the charge of attempting to assault a young girl thirteen years of ape. Wii.i.iam Moore, a negro, was taken from the jall at Charleston, 111., on the 26th by a mob and hanged for an indecent assault on Mary A. Bingardina, a weak-minded girl of sixteen years. lx a boarding-house at New York on the'36th Joseph Seaford, a bell-boy aged nineteen years, shot and killed Josie Stieridan, nineteen years old, and then blew out his brains. Jealou3y was tho cause. Ai'thoritï was given the Midland National Bauk of Kansas City, Mo., on the 36th to begin business with a capital of t200,000. A FA9T train on the Baltimore & Ohio road, heavily freightod with delesates from the Chicago tonvention. colliiled with a frclght train at Tiflin, O., on the 20th, and the engineer was fatally hurt and many of the passengers were bruised W. C. Fakkuí's l").O3O trotting stallion, Jubilee Lambert, died of apoplexy on the 2üth at Peru, Ind. A8A Brai (iiTON, his wife and ehild, were drowned in the canal at Medina, N. Y., on the 2Öth while out rowinp. Silas Roiii.xsoN, of Minneapolis, Minn., met his wife with Nicholas Weiss on the street on the 'itith, and after fatally shooting both of them fired three bullets into his own head. A DiscnAROKD stone-cutter named Louis Nicoli shot W. B. Wilson. a contractor, and himself afterward in Marquette, Mich., on the 26th. Both would probably die. Bt the burnlng of a small frame house nn the 'Jfith at St. Paul. Minn.. Maud meister, aged thirteen years, aud Mrs. Maggie Uoss were suffocated. Floods wore doing great damage on the SOth in the vicinity of Nelson, Nob. Elk creek was over lts banks and all bridges crossing it had been washed away. H. HonoBS, Bon & Co., dealers in straw goods in New Vork, failed on tue 26th lor 108,000. The saillng ship Farragut, from Calcutta to New York, was reported lost on the27th. Bhe was commanded by Captain Richard Hardwick, of Boston, and had on board his wifo, daughter and a crew of twenty-two men. A tire at St. Louis on the 'JTth destroyed the pianing-mill and the box factory of Henry Ganss & Sons, covering a whole block. Loss, $100,000. A train over the Michigan Central railroud from New York, carrying a number of civil engineers, arrived in Chicago on the 27th. Between Niágara Falls and Detroit a spurt of 112 miles was made in KWLj minutes, including stops. The small steam yacht Enid, containing a picasure party of eight, was struck by the steamer James W. Baldwin on the 27th near Newburg, N. Y., and Miss Anna Miller and Mis. Benjamin B. Odell, Jr., prominent society people, were drowned. George Wilson was hanged on the STth in the Albion (N. Y.) jail for killing his wife on the night of January 17, 1887. Foun men were killed and six injured on the Bib by a train falling through a bridge near Tensas, Ala. Ten thousand acres of growing cora in Central Illinois, near Tuscola, were flooded by the heavy rain of the 27th, and part of that city was submerged, ü f teen families being cempelled to move. The Mexican Central freight depot in Paso del Norte, Tex., was burned on the 27th, and also about seventy loaded freight cars. Loss, $200,000. Charles, a farmer aged fiftyOve years, living at Buena Vista, 111-, shot his wife dead on the 27th and then killed himself. Family troubles were the cause. Nine children were left orphans. The Government buildings and the on tire supplies of the quartermaster's and commissary department at Fort Apache, A. T., were burned on the 27th. Loss, $100,000. Wallace Miti'iiki.i.. of Syracuse, Kan., was hung to a telegraph pole on the 27th by an angry crowd for having killed Oscar Johnson, a lad of thirteen years. Dcrinq a storm on the 27th at Culbertson, Neb., two farmers named Foster and Startzman were struck by lightning and instantly killed. A Fi.TiNo ball of fire, supposed to be an electric bolt, descended in East Twentyflfih street, New York, on the 27th. Nobody was injured. A wiND-STOKM in Southwest Georgia on the 27th wrecked many houses and blew down miles of fences. Mrs. Robixson, the celebrated poisoner of Somerville, Mass., was on the 2Sth Bentenced to be hanged in the Cambridge jail November Ift Bt the explosión of a boiler on the 2Sth in a mili near Vandalia, 111., Samuel King and Daniel Logue wore killed. In a quarrel over a game of cards on the 28th at Harían, Ky., Marión Stewart shot and killed his wife and his brother John. It was reported on the ÜSth that pold had been discovered along Beun Blossom rreek in Brown County, Ind., and farmers in hundreds were deserting thelr rural puruits to wash the sand for the preclous metal. Cmnn McCaktht, the murderer of Michael Doraey, was taken from jail by a mob at MinnèaDOllS, Kan., on the .'th and hangcd. 'I'liis made four lynchings in Kansas ín twenty-four hours. ïwo men killed aDd half a dozen others serlously injured was the result of a riot on the -tli botwacu members of the Mormon coagregatlon at Bowmau Eidge, W. Va. Mixers in tho San Pedro (N. M.) región were jubilant on the 28th over the dlseovery of ore which ran $115 to the ton In olear silver. Focr indictments were relurned on the 28th at Frankfort, Ky., against James W. Tate, late State Treasurer, for embezzlement, the total amount set out being $404,085.85. The explosión of a boiler on the 28th In a saw-mill near Jasper, Ark., destroyad the building and killed two men. Is a fight on theSSth uear Black Spring, Ark., between revenue ofneers and lllicit distillers, three distillerie were destroyed and Kevenue Oflicer Trammell was killed. Muir Winkoop (colored), aged eighty ycars, was burned to death at Newburg, N. Y., onthe28th by spaiks from a pipe she was smoking setting tire to hor clothing. Bt the fall of a sraffolding on the 28th on a new building at Kansas City, Mo., three bricklayers were killed. Tiïe new home for Confedérate soldiere at Baltimoro was opened on the 28th. I-oiisa Gambacii, aged eighteen yearg, aud Louisa Uicnur, aged sixteen yoars, living In tlic town of Kreedom, 111., were drowned on the 28th while attemptiug to ford a swollen streain. At Romp, (Ja., on the 29th uit. the lat spike wasiiriven in the Chattauooga, Rome & Columbus i-.ii 1 rn. ut The Rosedale, Captain Ewart, the flrrt Englishbuilt ocean steamship to cross the Atlantic aud sail into the port of Chicago, arrived in that city direct from Loudou on the 9ttt uit. Lemuki. Dean', a sixtwn year-old colored lad of Jacksonville, Fla., poisoned hls father and five other persons in revengo for a whipping. The fathcr and two children died on the 29th uit., and two more ol the family were expected to die. the four-mile straight-away boat rae at New London, Conn., on the 29th uit. Yale defeated Harvard by twenty-four boat lengths in 30:10. TnE strike of members of the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers was begun at Pittsburgh, Pa., on tb 29th uit., the representativos of the mili owners refusing to sign the scale. Fully one hundred thousand men were affected. A touno woman, dressed in white, committed suicide on the tiJth uit. by jumpinp from Suspension bridge, the body entering the Whirlpool rapidsand being carried over Niágara falla. Eli Rhodes, aged seventy-fivc years, was stricken with ipoplexy while praying at Uie United Brethren Church in B6atrice, Neb., on the 29th uit Wuii.k Hhooting rats on the 29th uit. near Marly, Tenn , Wendell Whitoomb fired wide of the mark and killed hls two young daughters who were sitting on the porch of his house. Mrs. J. J. Gkiffitu and her littlo girl and Mrs. Dr. Walker, of Jennertown, Pa., were fatallv Injured on the 2!th uit. by the horse they were driviug running away. Daniel Hvbser disappoarod from Lancastei', O., thirty years ao. Hls relations learned on thc iitth uit. that he wag alive and living in Northern Kansas. Willie Eichei.i.s. a ten-year-old boy oí Kockville Center, L. I., accidentally shot and killed his baby sister on the '29th uit. while playiug with his father's rifle. Captaiv Bvrns, who arrived in San Francisco on the 29th uit. from Tahiti, said the Tahiüau government had abandoned its free-trade policy aud had placed a protective tariff on all articles landed on the ïsland from American and English ports. In a quarrel on the 29th uit at Carroüton, Mo., Jeff Eirp, a schoolteacher, and a young farmer named Haard fatally shot each other. Peter Hrokbk, a Bohemian, was hangcd on the SOtb uit. at t'i. Joseph, Mo., for the murder of his wife on April 17 last. The cotton worm was making sad havoc with the Arkansas erop on the 29th uit. DcRiNd the three months ended on the 39th uit. the failures nunibered 2,241 in the United States, agaiust 1,BO." for the same quarter last your; and in Canada 343, against 315. In amount of Habllities there was also an increasc in the ITnited statos - t29,2&)tx50, against $22,976,330 last year, but a deercase in Canada- $2,781,674, against $3,207,986 last year. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. STDjíer Howard Gat, a well-known journalist, died at New York on the 26th, aged seventy-four years. Daniel Bartlett, of Findlay, O., was ono hundred years oíd on tho !26th. His father and mother died at the ages of ono hundred and ten and one hundred and twolve years, respectively. The committoe selected by the recent Democratie convention to notifyMr. Cleveland of his reuomination fulfllled lts mission on the 2Öth, and ho acceptcd the honor. At a meeting of tho National Democratie Committce in Washington on tho 26th W. H. Barnuui. of Connecticut, was re-elected chairman of thc committee. General Haiirison's house at Indianap olis, Ind., was thronged by visltors on the 26th to congratúlate him upon hts nomination for the Presidonoy by the República n convention. He also receivod thousanda of telegrams. In the evenlng a masa meeting was held at Tomlinson Hall. Thb Prohibitionists of the Fourteenth Illinois district on the 26th nominated A. F. Smith, of Decatur, for Congress. Gardner Barbes, one hundred and two years old, and the oldest pensioner in the United States, was examined as to his competency In the Detroit probate court on tho 26th. Thb Republicana of the ïwentieth Illinois district nonr.nated George W. Smith for Congress on the 27th. The Republican State convention of Verniont, in session on the 27th at Montpelier, nominated a State ticket, with W. P. Dillingham at the head for Governor, anc adopted a platform which indbrses that passed by the Chicago convention. The Michigan Prohibitionists met in State convention on the 27th at Detroit, and nominated the following ticket: For üovernor, A. B. Cheney; Lieutenant-Governor, Stewart B. Williams; Secretary 01 State, Peter M. Hagel; Treasurer, Alfred Wise; Attorney-General, Lemuel Clute; Auditor-General, D. A. Waterman. The resolutions adopted indorse the platform and the candidatos placed in noniination by the Indianapolis convention. The New York Prohibitionists held their State convention at Syracuse on the 27th and nominated a State ticket, with W. Martin Jones, of Rochester, for Governor selected electors for the National ticket and adopted a platform indorsing the Indianapolis platform. W. W. Gnot'T, representing the Seconc Vermont district in Congress, was renominated on the 27th. Thomas B. Lincoln, the only man triec for treason during the rebellion, died ai Elkton, Md., on the "Jijth, aged seventy-five years. D. S. Hall was nominated for Cougress on the Astn by the Kepublicans of the Third distric of Minnesota. Eioii i noviun ftmmM at tended at DanUle Ind on the ÜStti a reuuion of thoaa ITho voted for John C. Fremont in 1856. TB Demócrata oí the First Ai-kansa Istriet on the 28th nominated W. H. Cate or Congres. The Prohlbitionlst oí the Seventeenth llinol district on the 28th nominated Rev. . L. Douthit for Congres. Kou kut Hale, secretary oí the Minneaplis Board of Trade, dieil on tho 28th from he effect of injurie rereived from falllng own the elevator of the Nicolett House. Ie was seventy-two years of age. Allem G. Tuurman was offlcially notified at hls home In Columbus, O., on the 28th oí hls nominatlon for the office of Vlce'resident by the Democratie party. The official can vaas of the vote of Oregon at the recent electlon was completed by the Secretary of State on the'iSth. The official vote OU Congressman is asfollows: Hermann (Rep), 33,820; John ML Gearin Dom), 25,413; George M. Miller (Pro.). ,974. Hermann's plurality, 7,407. The Miohigan Republlcan Ntate eonvenlon has been caüed to meet at Detroit August 8 and 9. John F. Burhi was nominated for Congress on the 28th by the Demcrat of the jecond district oí Kansas. The Democracy of the Thirteenth Indiana district on the 28th renominated B. F. íhively for Congress, and nomiuated A. N. iartin in the Eloventh district. The Iowa Republioan State convention will be held at Des Moines August U. Mayor Hewitt, of New York, on tha 29th uit. married the Duke of Marlborough and Mrs. Lily Warren Hammersley, one of America' prettiest and wealthiest ladies. General Washington L. Elliott, a veteran of the Mexican and civil war, aad vice-president of the Bafoty and Trust Jeposit Bank of San Francisco, Cal., dled n the bank on tho -flth uit. of apoplexy. Gkseiiai. Sbkiudam wiu stlll impravlng n health on the 29th uit. Hl removal to the sea shore had been postponed on account of unfavorable weather. The Union Labor party of Iowa met in State convention at Marshaütown on tha 2Jth uit. and nominated the following ticket: Secretary of State, J. Vancourt, of Marshalltown; Auditor, E. M. Farnsworth, of Decorah ; Treasurer, James Rice, of Indianola; Judge of the Supremo Court, W. H. Jones, of Bloorafleid; Atlorney-General, J. M. Williamson, of Independence. The letter of acceptance of Robert H. Cowdrey, eandldate of the United Labor party for the Presidency, was made pubiio on th(lth uit. FOREIGN. While service was belng held on trio 26th in a church at Brezerie, Austria tha building wa9 struck by Hghtning and almostentirely destroyed, and three persons were killed and one hundred iujured. The town of Sundsvall, on the gulf of Bot hnia, the center of the timber trade ot Sweden, was almost destroyed by flre on the 36th, and Umea was also partially burned. The damage would reach t5,000,OOa Immense tracts of forest land were also burned over. Dispatches of the -Xlh say that whola cltles in Central Mexico had been inundated bv floods caused by rains along the path of the rallroad. The loss of llfa was terrible, over one thousand deai bodies havlng thus far been recovered. Adïices of the 26th say that an unknown vessel heavily laden with human frelght foundered off tho Cape of Good Hope, and all hands were supposed to have been lost. General Díaz was elected President of Mexico for another term on the 37th. At the opening of tho I'russian Landtajf at Berlin on the KTth Kniperor William declared in hia speech that ho would preserve the prerogatives of tlie moimicliy and carejully guard tlie rights of hts subjects. Advice of the 27th say tht nlne Corea government officials had been behcaded in the streets of Seoul by the populace. The outbreak was attributod to Chinese instigation. A ïi ka v i gale on the Sth did great damage to the lobster and salmón fisheries in the neighborhood of Cape Breton, N. 8. Advice of the JiM.h uit. from Havana, Cuba, state that murdor and pillage werd running riot throughout the land. LATER NEWS. Fon the wcrK i-MdiMl mi ihc WMh uit. th record of ball club in the National Lcutfu was as follows: Chicago (gamos won), 85; Dotroit, :-. Boston. 83; New York, !M; Phlladclphia 'JT; Pittsburgh, 17; Indianapolis, 17; Washington, 17. The American Agioclatlou clubs stood: St. Louis (game won), 35; Brooklyn :: Philadelphia. :; Cincinnati, 82; Baltiniore, SS; Cleveland, 18; Louisville, 16; Kansas City, 14. In tha Western Association tho following wa the order: St. Paul (games won), 27; De Holnes, 28; Milwaukee, JO; Kansas City, 30; Omaha, 18; Chicago, 'JO; Minnoapolis, 13. DcniN'o the month of June over flfty thouaand immigrant lunded iu New York. Ten young: men of Port Chester, N. Y., lost their livcs in Long Island Sound on tho 80th uit. during a gale which wrecked their boat. Information of the iJOtu uit. f rom Swoden stated that the value of property destroyec in tho recent fires at Lundsvail and Unmea was estimated at 45,000,000 kroner; anc twelvo thousand persous were reuderec bomeless by the flames. A woman uamed Gouyo, aged seventy years, and two littlo ehlldren, were drowned on the 30th uit. at St. Albans, VL, by the upsetting of a boat in the bay. At twenty-slx leading clearing-houses in the United States the exchanges during the week ended on the 30th uit. aggregatec f826,414,077, apainst Í857,816,553 the previous week. As com pared with the cor responding week of 1887 the decrease amounted to 34. 1 per cent. The expense of coerción in Ireland for the constabulary alone during the twelve xnonths ended on the 30th uit. amounted to 11,500,000. Charles Samuel Washington, a negro boy. cut the throats of K. S. Layton's two ehlldren at Florence, Md , on the SOth uit. Ho Baid he was t ired of cari ng for the babes Neak Brazil, Ind., on the lst Mike Will iams and Allen Uampbell were run over by an exprens-tmin on the Vandalia road anc instantly killed. They were druuk. Queex Vu tokia on the 30th uJt. gave L70,000, the balance of the women's Jubilee offering, to St. Catherine's training hoa pital for nurses for the London poor. Oenehal K11EKIDA.N was placed on boarc the United States steumer Swatara on the SOth uit. at Washington and sailed for Non quit, Mass. J. B. Aldricii was arrested in Chicago on the SOth uit on the churge of having twenty-thi ee wives. All the iron milis in the West bu twelve operated by non-union men closet down on the ÜOth uit. because of adisagreement as tOTrages. A fire on the lst at Brainerd, Minn., de stroyed tweut.v ave buildings, causiug a loss of 1100,000. In the United State Senate on the 30tl uit. the Iliver and Harbor bill was further considered. Thirtv-live House private pen sion billa were inissed. In the House the Mills Tariff bill was discutsed and tlie Fourtli of Julv claims bill was uassed.


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