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What General Sherman Says

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General William '1'. Sherman says: ' 1 tliink tbcru could not have been a more poweríul ticket thaii Ilarrisou and Morton. I think ttiat every man who fought for the preservation ot' this goveriiment should vote for these uien. Tliey are botli stroop union-meii ; oou is a soldier and the other a statesman - botli well-tricd iu their couutry's service., I tliink, will be as strongas Blaine would have been. Of course I would ruther iny brother John liad got it, bul Ui r-piiili;4n imrty should be the jud;e and select its own standard-bearer. lt s now tlie duty of every truc cTtlzéh to stand by these nien who rere true to the country wln-ii ihe was in danger. There lias never been a tríie unión man sent to reprerfent t his country in rorefgn lamí Onder Chia adfrafnltfratlon, and it is time Cor a eliange. I believe Cleveland has done th best he conld. I have no fault to lind with hls administration. My fecln-', fhonjch, curry me b.ick to the war. I would not keep npsectional dill'erences. Every sonthern man has the saine rlglits that we have. But Cleveland has íent out to represent us men who would have sturved us durlng tho wur. They are what I cali the copperheads. Cleveland is seventeen ycars younger than 1. lie should Imve shouldered a musket and gone to the front. Everybody cnpable of carryiiiff a gun should have offered hls services. Then the war would not have lasted as long as it did. At Vicksburg and Gettyáburg we weru short handed, and if those men who huag in the rear lmd gone to the front the war would have been over a year soonerthan it was. The candldates named now are wonderfully good. Harrlson U a man of great character, good habits and lieuage. He is good every way, and u lit and proper perjon to go to the White House. Now it isa fair and 6quare race between ?he the two parties.1'


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News