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Dr. Dunster's Successor

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The late Dr. Dunster, haring unfortnnately been among tliose professors who have been taken away, leaves a vacancy whlch is bard to Uil. Whoever takes up his work should not only undeistand it thoroaguly but also be one wlio can tío it satisfactory to tlie students. He shoulii reside In Atm Arbor and be in sympat.hy with tlie University. Where a gradúate can be found, that too Ís soiucthing worthy of cncourageinent. Il is a matter nf general knowledge thnt as Dr. DllDtter was incapacltated from doing the greater part of liis work this past y car it devolved upon Dr. J. N. Muitin, who gTe tlie lectures and attendtd to tlie most of tlie duties of the chair. He did it so wel! that at the end of the ye;ir every senior llgned a reqnest tbat hebe giren tbe Professorship. The juniors also made a unanimous request. This endorsment was a reniarkable one tpeaklng of praise tor the qalet, gentlemanly and scliolarly doctor. The majority of the Medical faculty vutcd for liim and the largo majority of our physicians hope tint he will be honored by an appointnient to the chair of obstétrica, ríe hal the hlgheet respect ol citi.enp, student, and doctors; andas he s a hard worker he would butld up hia department ju-t as did Dr. Frotuingliam, Hr. Ford, Dr. flunn and others who went In to theli work young but able, enthuslaatlc and talented. Dr. Martin can ti'.l that chair, as he praclically has done, and bctng a growiiiíí, ambitious man he would mxke his work a stron touer in the University Medical department. Rer. Geo. Duffleld whose death was announced iu last Saturday's papers, and whoM rcinains were inlerred at Detroit yesterday, was well known in Aun Ariior, bavlng been a member of tiie board of regents for a number of years. He was of God's noblemen, in whose breatt beat a warm, pympathetic heart. His fanlts were few, bis vlrtuea many.