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Rev. Mr. Bradshaw, of Onlesburg, III., willfiU the pulpit of the Cougregational cliurcli next Sanday. The CouriKH offloe lias been awarded the contract tor printing 2,000 catalogues fortlie school library. The cutting out of the dead llmbs and deiul trees on the court house square Is a good deed, nicely done. The alarm of lire lliis a. m. was caused by the biirning out of a chlmney ia Thos. Flower's houae, Olh ward. The Savinga Bank being the highest bidder will have the custody of the school fuiuls for the cooiiuu yoar. Fried sparrow is the latest dish, aud It is saiil to ho gooi by those who liave triol t. It oaglit to bc good if frog legs re. The time to g;t your magazine! bound a daring the summcr nionths whcu work js all. WonUl it iiot pay you to see to It at once. All Michigan railroads aiiiiounce lialfrates to the Bay View sumraer resort, from July llth to 85tb, tickets good to return up tu Aug. 17th. The east and west side of Main st. strutiled In a gaine of base ball yesterterday on tho campus, the west winning by a score of 25 to 14. Main street is full of stones and sunken ditches froin places left where water pipes have been put in. The road scraper ouht Co bave a run over it. Sheriff Walsb bas been requested by seTeral citizens, to scll at public auction the bill board at the hoi th west corner of the Cüurt bousu square. Guod suggestion. Sernioii8 at tbe Methodist Episcopal oliiirch Ssbbatb npNt, in the morning on " Chrlst oor PrleRt," and In the evening on "The Golden Rule." VV. W. Ramsay pastor. The regular Union Suiiday school excursión uill occur this year about the latter part of tliis nionlh or the fiist of next. Arrangeinents have not been perfeeted yet, but will be in a short time. There were many drooping eyes and sleepy countenances last Thursday morning. But we have not seen h person who will adtnit but whiit he or she bad a grand time - and you know the Fourlh only comes once a year. John Cox, a colored barber of this city. Í9 a ineniber of the G. A. K Post, Imving been a soldier dming tlie war, and Is nlso a memoer nf the camp ot SoDSof Veterans, bis ftther haviug been a soldier also. A rare nstance. Co. A leaves the city on Tuesday, July 17th for the eiicanipiiieiit at Mackinac. Tliere are so nmny new memben tliat okl time proflclency in drill will not be shown tli is eason it is thoiirlit, but the boys will havi' a good time just the Bauie, Jilin K. Lawrence has been obüged to liire men with shot guns to uurd the wheat Held on bis farm south of the city lt 0111 (lcstniction by sparrows. They i'oiiif Ihcrc in Hoeks of' thousands and strip tlie hcal heads of every kernel in thi'in. The Ohio División of whoelraen are coinlnj; to Aun Arbor Jiily 'J4, by special train to take a run around the trhtngle and at 't p, ra. to have hill-clinibing coniMt, prolcibly on the Lowcr Tuwn liill. All the wheelmen In llie coimty are invited tu meet thein liere and riile around. J. Atistiti Beott woiked anil voted for General WilllRm H. Ilarrison. He beluDs to tht; Detroit Trlbone'a roll of honored veterans, whn voted for " Tippeeanoe aml Tyler Too," and wlio propose to vote for liis worlliy rraiulson. Benjamin Brown also cast his ballot for the Oíd Hero of 1840. Eleven concluí well filie! with people pulled out of M. ('. depot for Detroit, Wednesdtty last at (j o'clock a. m. A laríe Duniber went on the S o'clock train mul nome on the II o'clojk train. Hesides these the'l'.. A. A. A N. M. J{. 1{. (ook a larire d amber of puaaugen both iiurlli and smitli Kd. Nesnis, of Chelsea, has a Ilarri8oq loj; cahii) will under way at K-ivaiiaujili Ij ake, Chelsea's fainous suunner resorr, and Af. J. Xoyes of the sume place is to erect another oue soon. It is saitl tliat Negus hurralis for H.irrison every time a log is put in phice. That's tlie 3tiill' tliat wins. In the stliools Miss Howell lias heen traiisferred Irom the 2d to the 4th waru; Miss Lovejoy from the 5tli to the 2d, and Miss Haviland takes Mis Lorejoj'a room in the 5th wmiiI. .lrs. Lawrenee, of Saline, lias been appointed to lili the vacancy in the second ward c lused by Mss Taylor's resfnatlOD. ine last uiinaee Keporter siys or Kegent Wbltman'a Foorth of July oration: "Mr. Wliitm:in's oratlon was a in.ii-tei ly and pHtriotic ell'ort. pmd dWIvered in his usual eloquent marmer. It was listened 'o and tttmcted the clotett attentinn from a large audience of liearers, all of wtaom "ere greatly deliffhtod umi pxpreM tlieir ippreriation n tlie most liberal raaiiner." Mr. B.C. Whttlng. of Ann Arhor, wal In wwn on Salitrriay, on luisiness connected wltu her farm. SiieariDounces liersKlfa canUluatefor proseciiUiiK atlorney on the Jemocratlc ticket. -Manchester Knlerprlse. Now wlll the Ar?us, the Detroit Eveni"L News and other pnpers that have so x-rslstently misrepresented the Coukiek ui reference to this lady's candidacy, please read theabove item and then blush lortheir dishone.-ty in the miitter? Capt. Bortle, formerly of Ypsilunti, has rentfedthe Franklln house, and will niake M I ;i Iirntclu9g $1 a day liotel for coun['y people. Capt. Hortle has alto rented 'M Monitor barn on the opposite corner nil it will be run in conneotion witli the ". The houie will be tlioroiijflilv ovcrhauled. There was a bi? 9niah up between Lland's and Whitraore Lake, on Monday fnrenoon. The enzine of the ¦reiglit gnlog north jumped the track "d 8ome ten cars were stnashed up "y the means. How it was done no ojie apptar to kuow. The trains were " run via South Lyon nntil the debria was removed and track relayed. A very quiet wedding occurred last mnD"l? at tbe residence of Mrs. T. F. ""I. C. A. Pryer and Miss Fannie M. 'aylor, bcing tne contracting partie?, v. Dr. Earp offlriatinj,'. The couple ¦'"ve gone to the Pryer homestead in -oriiitieltl where they will settle down wibe quiet hut independent llfe of the farmers. }n the Uit of "Veterans of 1840'' who ,,, Vor Hllrriso Uien and propoae to , m . h'9 "ril"l'3OTi thisyear, published '"e Detroit Tribune of July 6th, we 'O'ice the following names from tbis mnty: C.W. Penny. Clarkson L. Pack, .' r,ri8 ' Ann Arbor; Gilman Davis, y Minor, David Edwards, P. Hask"i. Uavid Ellis, BrartOf Kamgon, Manley S?nk' Uob't Vanl)nsen, Geo. Perry, inVrv"' Cornelia B. Erl, C. Cdy, H"fYpsi„ti; s. H. Perkins, S. K. Peneer, A.8. Perry, Frederick Valenfolu ' A' Mosher, Manchester. The ,. ,. , lng "Rmts tl0nl th'3 city should be Sd to the list : Daniel B. Brown, A. '¦ 'Miirkham, Calvin Bliss, Horace Carf'f. Erastus LeBuer, Moses Kogerg, Nte J' M" Hanson OeïiXi"Mayor "JfJo. of Detroit, wan Wt to the frm of Senator J. S. 11,1 1""' 'n lj.villl". last week Thursday, , " furpn9(.d Mm in a way people im.? ,'C e id wftl, him a MwJT 8ett 29 volumes of Appleton'g k-u n .S Amcr'can Eucyclopedia, which Twr?1 Jl1"' and eight other prominent T 'foit peo)le who uniteil with him $140. man i W!'re l'r8ented to Senator (ior¦oii.i y J)"O" becane of their permlbi. rrHri1 l'im as u man. C ,i , ,Kift Bti11 more accepuble is the Uier. ii y Came froni "len tor hom oni P , had never Performed a perTas ' I"111''81 fl4Vor '" llis )ife. a"J lie "8& figüt to feel proud over it.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News