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Last week thtre were a nuuiber of petty burzlaries commltted in thU city. On Thurgday morning last Dr. Ramsay's house wag entered by a burglar who prowled about the house along about 4 o'clock In the morning, and was 8een by a lady vlsltingthe famlly enough to identify hltn as a colored man. He got a purse with iifty cents in it for hls trouble. On Thursday nlght and Friday raornmg tnere were a large number of attempts made to enter houses, whlch were In gome instances successful. At Prof. W. H. Payne's a fellow cliuibed upon a ghed and entered a second story window, went down stairs and opened all the doors, which was a wide precaution on hls part for he was discovered soon af ter, and had not egresa been rapid and unobstructed he migut have had some cold lead chasing him up. Nothing of yalue is missing trom the house. At the house opposite Prof. Payne's on the north occupied by Mr. Dennison and rauilly, the thlef or thieves were more successful, securing some five or six dollara iu money, whlch appeared to be uil they were after, having passed over watches and sllverware without touching theui. An attempt was also made to enter tin reaidence of Uev. Win. Galpln, at tlie corner of N. Thayer and E. Ann sis., bui they were scared away before eflectiii" au entrance. At John H. Remick's on N. Thayei 8t., north of Lawrence st., souie fellow attcmpted to remove a scresn to enter the house, but before lie }rot tlie job done John'g dog awoke and a lively race ensued. The fellow got away from tlie dog, but lie took sonie long strides in makiiig bis escape. Mrs. Dr. Well's residence, at the corner of División and Ann sts., was alsoentered the same uiglit, but sorae of the inmates of the house awaking, the thieves were scared away, and nothing is missing. At W. W. Whedon's, on N. State ft., soine one was prowling around the house , but fouud the doors and windows all fastened. Thursday night Judge Harrimau's house, Washtenaw ave., was also ransacked. The lower part of the house was thorouhly searched for bonds or bilis or something of the kind, but to no purpose. They helpcd themselves to eatables.however, anil evidently had a good nieal. Something very singular happeued that night. A few days previous the Judge had had a rest coiitaining his gold watch taken from his house, lie said uothing about it to any one, conoludin that it would do no good. What was his hurprise to tind that vest contaiuiug the watch banglng on a nail in one of the rooms. The burglars flnding no money liad taken nothing, but left the house open and everything topside-turvey. There is somethiug quite singular about these annual rsids. Kvery year after the studenta leave, and when houses are quite generally without male oocupants, a seriea of burglarlcs oceur. What is still more singular light evening are preferred for the business usually. Tliat it is the work of "Jiome talent" there Is every eyidence. The "work" is done ia a bungling marnier, and then uothing is taken that eau be identitled. It is altogether probable that should one of the gang re pent aml dellver himself up, we would all be surpriaed at the familiarity of bis "phiz." We understand there is a scheme on foot to have the salarie9 of all cuunty officials In thls county ent down. Said scueine to be worked out by the board of Supervisors. If you vlsit the soldier boys in p;mip, oranyofthe pleasure resorts of Northern Michigan, take the Detroit and Cleveland steamern, tliey run four boats a week to Mackinaw Mand. Ollbert Bllu is tlieir agent In thls city; he Ban ticket you throuh and ;ive you any delimi Information In regard to hotel accomniodations. 13 The T., A. A. & N. M. R. R. C ). wl!l oliaiiije time Snrulay, July 15, the trains passing Ann Arbor as follows: Going north - 10:55 a. m.; 5:07 p. m. 2:00 a. m.: 7:00 a. m. for South L,yons. üoing South- 11:27 n. m.; 2:58 p. in.: 9:08 p. m.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News