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OH! MY HE AD. Tlir pain (rom Neuralgia and iu 001DJMQÍOI1 discasu Hlieumatism 3 excruciating. Thousands who could be quickl; cnred are needlesslv suflerini;. Ath-lo-pho-roi will do for othen wl.ut it dld tur the fullowing pan wmiamfwvt Ind,, Oct. 3 1887. Haring been allhctfil with neuralgia for ' iis, nnti tryintfalnioHt everytíuiiK'. t)Ut in vftin. 1 tinally henr-i of Alhlophorot AfttT tnkmK onebottle I fuund it tobo hflpiiic me, luid after tiiktnii foarboti AthlophorosHia on "f Pilis, I found that I jwontrlT mil. I thinL tile modioly a suri' Clin' oh unen n. reddici. Hl Carmel. 111.. Uuc M, !. I navr asad A.thlophann m niy faniily and fird it t. be. tli" grMtwt nn!u um t"r neuralgia m aiiatenoe and Invine hnd in fanjts I ned npuiiiiixf.irlhi'paot.HdyoarMlknow whereof I I v, ! Mus. .lll.n CHILTON. 4 Sciul I reno fur beantlftil colorad pío ture, " Moorish Malden." THEATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall St. N. Y. Beauty la desireil añil adaiired hy all. Among the things which may best be done to yrm enhance personal mSBA beauty is the daily jtt&f "s "f Ayer's Hair f''gBmé! Vigor. No matter what tlie color oí jBpv-Xjy tlie huir, this prepa¦?¦¦ ration gives it a lusSHBWn tre añil pliancy that yBfHK adds greatly to its X's 'rnSQ charui. Should the ¦HMflCJnky liaii b iliin, harsh, TWTjnïJIgKf dry, or turning gray, lvMdJgt Ayer's Halr Vigor w'" restore the " "íijk. color, bring out a - - 5 new growth, and remler tlie oíd soft and shiny. For keeptng tho scalp olean, cool, and healthy, theie la io lietter preparation In ilii' iiKirket. " I am free to contal that a trial ol A.yer'8 Halr Vigor has convinced me that it is a genuine article. Its use has nol only caused the liair of my wife and daughMr to be Abundant and Glossy, bul it lias giyan my ratlior stunted mustache .i respectabfe lengtb and appcarnce."- B. liiitton, Oakland, ühio. "My lmir was coming out (without any asaUtance from my wife, cither). I trled Ayer'a Hair Vigor, using only one boltle, and I now have as ftne a head .'f hair is any one could wish for." - K. T. Schmittou, Dickson, Teun. " I hare osed Ayer'a Hair Vigor in my family for a niunbnr of years, and reKanl it as tho best hair preparation I kinnv of. It koops the scalp clean, the suft and lively, and preserves the riginal color. Mywile lias used itfor a [ing lini" witli most satisfactory Teults.- Benjamin M. Johnson, M. D., Tkonias Hill, Ho. " My hair was beroming harsh and dry, lmt after osing half a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor it grew black and glossy. I cannot expresa the joy and gratitude I f. -i-l." - Mabel C. Ilardy, Delavan, 111. Ayer's Hair Vigor, , Ï'KEI'AIUU) BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold hy Druggists and Ferfumera. P,URE_ e?PRicrs CREAM AKlMg lts ranerlOT excellence proven In mllllonso homes ftr more tlian aquarter of acenlury. It is nsi-d hy llie Unili'il BtaiOB fïoverniiieut. Endorsed by tlie heails of tbeGreat Unlverslties iis the Strongest, Piirest.and most Health ful Ir. Prloê'8 t lic only líakiiiíí Powder that doei DOt oontaln Ammonla, Linie or Alom. Sold only In i-aiis. PRIGB BAKINQ I'OWDER CO., NI V YOnK. 1IIHAUO. ST. I.OÜ1S Ü6F I Ml WIACKUMAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamera. Low Bates. Pour Trips ier Week Betwoen DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Bt. Itmaoe, Cheboyean, Alpena, Harrisviile. ÜHCoda, aand Beacli, Port Huron, St. CUir, O&kland Houbo, Mtrme City. Every Week Day Bctween DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sunday Trips during July and Aufuat. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS J&atcs and Excursión Tickets will be furniahed by your Ticket Agent, or addrsas E. B. WHITCOMB, Gen'l Pat. Agent, Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICH. "CHICAGO TRUSS. " New ilriii BKSy dicnp. Ap Spring y''i.MB Pproved by hu d Hul,!,,,. j the hlghest Pn:i; Ij I glit &=- Medical Au Olean, Cool ":="lsi thorlty.Worn Durable, m0 day and night hy au Infiint a week old or an Adult SU yi-nr, Eusily udjueted. It meets all forras o Scrutiil, Perraoral, Inguinal, and Umbilical Hernia, In botn Infauts and Adults. Sattg tariiiiii guamnleed In in all canes. Any deKlrable pri-ssureobtutned. I.ady's {'mblllcsl Troaaei a (rand imnnOM. If your drugiRi diM's nol keep this Trans, enrióse Htamp uuc uddress, (IIICAGO TUI SN CO. Ba f Kiiftuph st., Offloe same place. Chicago, Hls. T. V. KAYXK, M anaiikk. SOIjI i. AIMN MIIIdlIlillli.i.lsTS Piso's Cure for Conm sumption is also the beat 3 ; Cough Medicine. If you havo a CoukIi without of the Hl J Lu ngs, a few doses are all ta voii ueed. Butifyounefg ¦ filert, this easy ineaii.s of Ml g safety, tho shght Cough KI tJ may becomo a serious KI EJ matter, and soveral bot3 tles will bo roquired. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Secnrity held for the protectlon of the jxillcjr CHRISTÏAN MACK Keire8ent8 the followlng firat-claas compftnlee, o !i one. the KtiiH, hu alone paid $66,UUO,000 ttr Ln Hlrty-flvuyeare: tna, of Hartford. f 9,192,644 Frankliu of Philadelphia 3,118,713 Germania, X. Y 2,700,729 Ghsnnan American, N. Y 4,06.'i,9ti8 T.ondon Assurance, London... 1,416,788 Michigan F. & M., Detroit... 287,608 N. Y. Undcrwriters, N. Y 2,596,676 National, Hartford 1,774,505 Phaïnix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Lotses übcrally adjusted and promptly pd PftHrics Issnttd at llie lowrpt ratee of premium mm


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