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In the Senate on the d the Rlver s,nd Harbor btll, whlch approprlates Hö,474,783, wm passed. The nommatlon of M. W. Fuller tobe ïhief Justlce was reported, without recommendatlon, and It was placed on the calendar. Adjourned to the 8th In the House the entire sesslon was occupled In dlscussinc the Paclflc Railroad Fuodlng bill. Tin: Srimlt' was nut in scstioa on the .ld - In the Unuo si Poii-ofnce Approprlation bill was reported and the Tarilt bill was further consldered. Adjourued to the 5ta Tm conference report on the Agricultura! Approprlation bill was concurred In on the 5lti In the Senate. A bill to malie the manufacture, preparation or sale of adulterated artlcles of food, drink or medicine a mlsücmeanor punlshable by Bne and lmprlsoament wbs Introduoed. McshiRes wore reoeived from the I'resWent vetolnif three prlrate Dension bilis. A4loutned to tlie 9th ...In the House bllls were reported to authorlze the appotntment of uu assisUnt Secretary of the Navy and to perfect the quarantlne service of the United States. The Senate Land-Forfeiture bill was dlscussed. Thi Senate was not In scsslon on the 6th - In the House the Land-Cirant Forfoiture bill was passed. If It becomes a law It wtir forfelt flfty-four mllllon acres. The debate on the Tarlff Uül was resumeri, and the oaly chiuiges made were to restore the present duty on woodscrews, pen-ltnlves and raiors, and ilxlnu the duty on new printing type at flfteen per Cent. ad valorem. DOMESTIC. Edwaiid ("orsiNS, a oolored man ia Lockland, O., out his own throat and that of his baby and noarly killed his wife on the iA. Whii.k bathing on the 2d near Eagle Rivcr, Wis., Frank S. Smart, Jesse Hnll and tho latter's son, aged seven, were drowned. Seligman, Mat & Co., wholesale dealers in boys' olothing at New York, failed on the 3d for 1500,000, with large assets. Twenty-tWo business houses and residences in Paragould, Ark , were burned on the2d. The consolidation of the St. Louis, Alton &. Springfiold and the St Louis & Central Illinois railroads was agreod upon on the sa. C. C. Nelsov, a banker of Atlanta, Ga., disappeared on the 2d, taking with hún tho funds of tho North Sido Savlngs Bank. M -Krn men stopped a stage coach betwoen Maderia and Hildreth, Cal., on the 3d, and secured $10,000 in silver bullion. Twkntï-fivf. people were injured in a smash-up on the Northern Faeiflc road, near Helena, II. T., on the 2d. The public-debt statement issued on tho 2d showcd tho total debt to bo tl,7O5, 9ítí,:üaO; cash in treasury, (Kn,iO,4W; debt less cash in treasury, H,l,68i,B, üecreaso during June, tl4,42,50;j. Decrease since June 30, 1S87, $113,tM4,080. Tiiree men were fatally sealded on the 2d in a boiler explosing at Port Huron, Mioh. Tut ten men recently reported to have twen drowned in I-ong Island Sound near Port llicster, K, Y., tarned up safe on tho 2d. Flagstaff, the principie towu on the Atlantic & Pacific road betwoon Albuqueniue and Los Angeles, was almost totally destroyed by firo on the 9d. lx a battleon tho -M bot ween offlcials and desperadocs Eufala, lnd, T., one of the former and two of the latter were killed. Tnr. Northern Indiana Insano Asylum at Logansport, lnd., was opened on the 2d Hnd the first inmato from Delphi admittcd. The asylum and grounds cost the State f500,000. Kmithson's lumber and nhingle milis at Petoskey, Mich., were destroyed by fire on the 2d. Soven dwelling house and all tho camps were also burned. Obeïn's Brigade, Sickles' Brigado and tho lrish Brigade dedicated monuments at Gettysburg, Pa, on tho M. Slany rojrimcnts also dedicatod monumouta, and tho corner-stone of the Memorial Church of the Priuce of l'eace was laid with solcmn services. Th ere feil due iu New York City on the 2d $77,000,000 in interest and dividends of corporate and other securities. Iv a practico game on tho 2d Capta n Dunlap, of the Pittsburgh (Vu. ) hall club, was struok in the face with a very fast ball and his right jaw was broken. L. A. Bukck anti hi wife were oaoh sca tenced on the 2d to four years in tho renitentiary at Cleveland, O., for forging a will which mudo thein the heirs of Martli Hail SliUonal.i. At a railway crossing near C'arrollton, Pa., on the 3d a man named Stokes and wife, from Olney, N. Y., were struck by a train and almost instantly killed. Owiso to lack of orders the Bigelow carpet milis at Clinton, Mass., shut down on theSti, rendering thirteen hundred hands idle. Am examination on the 8d of the accounts of John H. Vanloan, of the Second National Bank of Jefferson City, N. J., showed a shortugo of $15,400. Tm: "White Caps" in Orange County, lnd, took out of bed a man named Cook, un uscd of defaming his dead wife's character, on the night of the 3d and administered one hundred and flfty lashes with hickory switches on hls bare back. Ue was likely to die. The Music-Teachers' National Associa tion met in annual convention in Chicago on the 4th. A statue of Josiah Bartlett, the second signer of the Declaration of Independence, was unvailed at Amesbury, Mass., on the 4th. A foldino-bed snappod togethor on the 8d and nearly killed an old lady at Fayette, N. Y. Thieves broke into the ticket office of the Lake Erie & Western road at Findlay, O., on the 3d and carried away $500 in cash. There were no new developments at Pittsburgh on the 4th in the iron-workers lockout. Fifteen firms had signed the scale. Robert William Flack, of Syracuse, N. Y., lost his life on the 4th in an attempt to navigate the Whirlpool rapids at Niágara Falls in an open boat. The Nation's Birthday waa more generally observed throughout the country on the 4th than usual. At Genda Springs, Kan., three negroes set up a bar in a corn-field adjolning the grounds where the celebration was held on the 4th. and when Mayor Konyon and Justice Furry interfered they were flred upon, the mayor being killed and Furry fatally wounded. The centennial celebration was begun at Cincinuati at midnight on the ;td. the up roar on the streets of horns, blla, lirecrackers, drums, trumpets and human volees never haviug had a parallel in the city. The hilltops were ablazo with red flre, and the pyrotechniu display exeftod admiration. At eleven o'clock on the 4th the formal opening exercises took place in Music Hall. Governor Foraker made the address of woloome, and Mrs. Polk, widow of ex-President Polk, started the maehinery by presing an electric button at her home In Nashville. Tenn. Justice C. R. Fenximobb, a woll-known citizen living near Delanco, N. J., diaxl on the 3d from the effect of a bite by u rabid tlog receivod threo mouths ago. Calvin Moody (colored) was lynched on the M at Moulton, Al-, for murderlng hls wife. At Trafalgar, Ind., Samuel M. Henderson, aged sixty years, shot and killed hl divorced wife u-i the 3d and then cora mitted suicide. Henderson lea ves a widow, wliom he married recently. A i.arok number of business houses and residences were destroyed by flre on the 4th at Eücott City, Md. A cycloxe swept over portion of Iowa on the 4th. At Emmttsburg the Catholic church was unroofed and a doien smaller buildings demolished. At Belmont a number oí houses were blown down, and the towu of Angola was reported half swept away. John Zachar, the Raclne (Wis.) taster, on the 4th enterad upon the forty-seventh day of total abstinencc from food. He drank water and took a little medicine. It was the opinión of his physloiau that his braiu wa disuused aud that hi' was commlttloif suicide by starvation. A riRK on the 6th datroyed the village of Ulade Run, 11. Nearly every business place and forty housos were burned, and hundreds rf people were left homeless. FiiïT persons wero badly iujured on the 4th by the fulling of a grand-stand at Water Valley, La. By the capsizing of a boat on the 5th on Lake Johanna, Minn., Harry Tucker, night clcrk at the Ryan Hotel in St. Faul; his iather, aged sixty-four years, and Mrs. Stephen Dysinger ware drowned. Amonlmknt to Francia Scott Key, the author of "Star Hpangled Banner," was unvailed in Kan Francibco on the4th. AT David City, Mo., thirty people wers under local doctor' care on the 6th as the consequenca of indulglng fn polsoned icecicam. A nTSAMiTK bomb was oxplodnd near the Nieholasville (Ky.) court-house on the 5th, shalterlng a portion of the building. It was the result of a joke. Neak ChrUtianburf, Pa., a negro was lynched on the öth for commltting criminal assault upon an aged white woman. Stbkets and cellars at ScrantoB, Pa., were flooded by a violent storm on the 5th, umi Bartholeoiew Reagan aud John Armstrong were killed by llghtning. A iiRK dtd damage to the extont of $200,000 ou the 5th in tho business portion of Marysville, Cal. Mus. Wii-i.iam Elwki.i., aged sixty-flva years, and her son, about fprty years old, were killed by a train near Liverpool, O., on the 5th. Osk-iiai.f the business portion of El Moro, Col., was destroyed by fire on the 5th. Heavy storms of wind, rain and hail causod sorious damage ou the 6th in the Albany (N. Y.), New Brunswick, Millstona Junction, Middlebush and Asbury Park (N. J.) districts. Yachts were wrecked, shade treos and awnings destroyed, barns and farm houses leveled and crops ruined. Auoi i four thousand delégate from all paits of the United States were In attendance at the oeuing session in Chicago on the 5th of the National conventiou of the Societies of Christian Endeavor. ATGreeley, Col., the Johnson flouring mili and the buildlDga nd the fences ol the Weid County ïair Asaociation were destroyed by an iucendiury Jiro on the 5th. The stallion Rembrandt, valued at $5,000, perishcd in the flamea. AooOBDtxa to tho city directory for 188i, issued on tho 5th, Chicago has a populatiou of 870,000, an increase of 70,000 over the previous year. The bulness portion of Maumeo, O., was swept by flre on tho 4th. The firo was supposed to have been causcd by firecrackers. Thb entire business portion of Lake City, Mich., was burnod on the 5th. The National Conference of Charities and Corrcction beau iu tlfternth anuuul conference on the üth at Bftalo, N. Y. A desthk TivE Btorm vislted Youngstown. O., uit the 5th, wuihloi.' out culverts and duinuging streots. The little sou of James Duvc.v was arowned. Jons JmiNsox, a farmer living near Hamlin. N. H.. accldentally killed hls son, aged twenty-four years, on the 5th, who had come home for a visit. He then, iu anguish, killed himseU. Thrke men, Thomas Brodei'ick, J. A. Bowles and John Q. Wilon. were arrested on a train when noar (ihiraRoou tho 5th on tho ohargo of being engaged In a, plot to blow up wlth dynumite the Chicago, Bur lingtoo & Qulncy office buildings In that city. The men were suli to belong to the Brotherhood of Locomotire Eaglneers. AuvifEs of the 5th say that the recent wind and rain-storm in Iowa and IllinoU did great damage to growing crops, wrocked niany barns and feúcos and killed several horses and cattle. C. H. Waters, W. H. Stone and W. Stone, his son, engaged in a quarrel wlth pistola on the 5th at Hollister, Col., during wlnch Waters was killed and the two Stones were mortally wounded. Fi ve men were found dead on the 6th in the Kiuuishi mountains, ind. T. They were probablv killed by Indiaus. Ex-GovF.itNon Houser, of Helena, M. T., sald on the öth that this year the Territory would produce gold. silver and copper to the value of $40,080,000. Tkv building in the town of Warren, Pa., were burned on the 6th. The farm-house of George Dobbs, near Snuit Ste. Marie, Mich., was burned early od toe morning of the üth, and Ucorge Dobbs, aged seventy-two years; David Merrifleld, aged tweutyoue years; Allee Thompson, aged nine years, and another child perished In the flames. Thü Cinclnnati brewers' strike, which was beguu April 11, was declarad oS on the üth. President Clevkland on the Oth vetoed the bilis gratitiug pensions to N'athaniel 1). Chase, Harrlet Cooper, William M. Cumpball, Jr.. and Julia Welsh, and the bill for the relief of Van Buren Brown. Advices of the 6th say that owing to an epidemie raging among tne cat.tle iu Ko. komo, Ind., and vicinity the beef and milk trade there had been about ruined. Dirino the seven days ended on the 6th there were 149 business failure in the United States, against 20 the previous seveu days. The total of failurea in the United Btates, January 1 to date, is 5.401, against .VJ4:t in 1887. By a collisiou on the 6th of Pennsylvania passenger trains near Nantiöoke, Pa., a fireman was fatally hurt and thirty imssengers were badly shaken lip. Ges, a bootblack, was hangedfor the murder of William Morgan ou the Oth at Fort Smlth, Ark., making the sixtieth victim who had died on the gallows at that place. Two mes entered the ofBce of the Northwestern National Insurance Company at Milwaukee on thefith, and whilo one conversed with the clerk in charge the other made off with $2,000. A Wells-Fauoo express package contaiuing $1,000, sent from Bolton, Kan., to Little Hooking, W. Va., was found on Ra arrival ou the Öth to contain nothlng but pieces of paper. f.oME miscreant placed a nuiuber nt planks on the track of the Elgin, Jolie Sr lidstorn railroad near Plainfleld, HL, on th 6th, and a work train struok the ubstrwwtion, killing three Italians. Is his ónice in the court housn ut H,irdiusburs, K.v , County Judpo A. M. Pulllan shot and killed Jamfs Millor, a wealtbj farmer, oa the t)th. Cause unkuown. Ks explosión in a tanuery at Allegheny City, Pa., on the öthwreekedthestructure, killed threc horses and injured eight persons, three of them fatally. A riKï on the Gth in the building at New York purtl.v oocupiad by the Centvry Magazine Compuny Ousai loss of $15'),00D, many flrms belng sufferers. At the general land Office in Washington patent to agricultural lauds were issuod during the last üsealyear as follows; Cash entries, 29,893; homestoaU, 15,6'J; tlinher culture. 1.313; dert land, 30; sorip, 598; total, 47,1). There were also issued LOM patent to mineral lands, 114 to eoal lauds and 59 to private lands under grants. Sam 2 mes, the alleged leador of a jaDf of illiolt dUtillers in Koue Cuunty, Tenn , ia captured b i ti.-s on the ütli after a desperate strugjfle. Tns Uherokee Land & Iron Company, with a capital stock of $1,1)00,000, wai formed in Texas on the Öth. Mr. BfsH's yacht Coronet, on a tour around the world, anived in San Diego, Cal., on the Utb, one hundred and six day out from New York. William Landrktm was hanged on tha 6th at Dallas, Ore., for the murder of his stepdaughter, Simmie Ellls Antle. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Tnit Republicana of the First Vermont district on the 3d renominated John W. Stewart for Congres. Gbokoe Barnes was renominated for Congress on the 3d by the Democrats of the ïenth district of Georgia. A State convention of farmers, laborers and stopkraisers of Texas met at Fort Worth on tho 3d and nominatod a Stato ticket, with Evan Jones for Qovornor. The platform denounoe the Mills bill for plaeing wool on the free list, demanda the abolitiou of the National-Bank systeni and the electlon of the President and VicoPresident by popular vote. Thb Kansas Democrats met in State convention at Leavenworth on the 4th and nominatcd Judge John Martin for Governor. General Harrison was formally notil'n'd ou the 4th at his home in Indiauapoli of hl nomiuation for PreHidont by the recent Republlcan eonventlon, and in reply to the address said he accepted the nomination with so deep a sense of the dlgnity of the oftlce and of the gravity of the duties and responibilitlc as altogether to exclude any feeling of exultation or pride. At a convention of Democratie clubs in Baltimore on the 5th a National League was organizcd, with Chauncey F. Black, oí Pennsylvania, as president. Frank Fini.kv, of the EleTenth Kentucky district, was renominated for Congress ou tlie 5th by the Republicans. Kisi'atc hes of the 5th from General Sheridan's Hlongshore sea voyage, en route for the Massachusetts coast, representad his coudition of health as improving and eneouraging. The United States steamer Swatara, with General Sheridan on board, resumed her voyage to Nonquitt, Mass., on the 6th, arrlving at New York during the day. From all accounts the sufferer was doins nicely. FOREIGN. Dy, beiiis the twenty-thlrd anniversary of the confoderatiou of the provinces, was celebrated throughout Canada on the '.'d with music, excursious and picnics. Th ere were rumors on the 2d of an AnarchiBt plot in Berlin againstthelife of the Emperor. The Theater des Bouffes at Bourdoax, France, was buined on the 3d. Loss, fJOO,001). The Frenih Government on the 5th gave its assent to a lottery loan of $1, 00,000 to aid the sufferers from the locust plague in Algiers. Fokkst lires wero raging on the 6th along the line of the Canada & Atlautio road between Montreal and Ottawa. Eighteen miles of track had been destroyed. and inun.v cars, houses and milis had boea burned. LATER NEWS. Thi: record of the base-ball clubs in the National League for the weck eiuled on tho 7th was as follows: Chicago (games won), 38; Detroit, 85; New York, 84; Boston, 34; Philadelphia, 29; ludianapoli.s. '1 ; Pittsburgh, 1; Washington, 19. The American Assoclation clubs stood: Brooklyu (games won), 43; St Louis, 37; Philadelphia, 3B; Ciücinnati, 35; Baltimore, 27, Cleveland, 20; Loulsville, 20; Kuusiw City, 18. In tha Western Association the lollowing was the order: 8t. Paul (games won), 32; De Moincs, 27; Kansas City, 22; Omaha, 21; Chicago, 28; Milwaukee, 21; Sioux City, 2; Minneapolis, 17. Makt shops in the market place in Athens, Greece, were burned on the 8th, involving a luss of $750,000. The Swatara, with General Rheridan ou board, arri ved at Nontjuitt, Mass., on the 8th. The General' condition was quite favorable. Tuk Hepublican Committce on the 7th formally notified Levi P. Morton, at his home in Rhinebeck, N. Y., of his rommation for the V'ice-Presidency. At twenty-six leading clearing-houses in the United States the exchanges during the week endedon the 7th aggregated$879,123,574, against t82,414,ü77 the previous week. As compared with the corresponding week of 1SS7 the lacrease amountêd to 1.1 per cent. A kaïn and hail-storm on the 7th destroyed nearly all the crops in Sharp and Independence counties, Ark. [ A ctclone struck a coal-train on the 7th at Dayton, N. J., and Conductor John Dyer, of Trenton, with two of the trainmen, were blown from the cars and fatallv hurt. David Clauk and his wife were found banging in a corn-crib on A. Gage's farm near Sandwich, 111., on the 8th. They left b paper signed by each saying that they died for each other. The steamer Ville de Brest collided with and sank the steamer Charles Quint on the 7th at Savre, and four of her crew were drowned. A RAiN-sTOKM on the 7th in the yicinity of Wabahh, Ind., raised streams, and many bridge were swept away. On the Cincinnati & Wabash road the track Tor six hundred feet was swept away. At Huntington the damage to crops was great As the result of an old feud flve men ¦were shot on the 7th at Kising Sun, Tenn., two being killed instantly and the other three mortally wounded. Three men and a girl were killed on the 8th by a flash of lightning near Scranton Pa. Thsre was no.session of the United State Senate ou the 7th. In the House the Senate bilí providing for tho salo of the site of Fort Omaha, Neb., and appropriatiug $200,000 íor a new site and the construction of new buildings thereon was passed. The Ttriff bill was furthcr discussed, and the offering of an amendmeut plaeing sugaron tba free list and proposing to pay a bounty íor lts production provoked an aniinated iebate, but no actioa was taken.


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