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POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varíes. A rairvel of purlty etrength and wholesomenest. Morí' económica ihan ordiuary kinds, hik) cannot be sold h competlll .11 wiih'tbu nniltltuda i.i k te st. shor' wt-ilu aluin or ph spbate P' wilen. SulJ only il ean: Hoyai. I! kim; Po ii k Co , 106 Wall St. N. Y. e v eryïgStTscratc hëd I nlil UU Hkin whh ra. Body covcri'il H il II M'ulfK lik. ;it ni ni orlar. iirril Ity the ulleuia K medien . I ain tn teil von or extranrdinaijr charge your UUT1CUA4 Kbvjdiu perfannod on me. Ahont the flrnt of April lint I noticed mms red pimplen likt' c mlng out ii I over my body. bnt tlioui,'btnotblni;iif iiuM il soinet mie later on, wben it beean to look Uke spots of iu:rtar ppotted on, Htid which cume off In hneis, arecmpanled with inhi í,' i' wovM Hni'd) every nignt nntil 1 u:e raw. then the next iiijit the -cal s, bcril ,' lorraed ineii w'iilc, ere sermebed oll nr iln In valn dld 1 C' nsult all the doctors in the country, bnt without ld. After tfivm np all hopes ot recvery, I happened tosee in advertist-ni-nl in the tewspaper abont yonr ITtk t'RA HrmkImks, and purchased them fiom my draggiat, and ohulned a nrx-t lm medíate reliet. I iui;in to no'ire tlmt the ncalv erut'tloKe gntdually drepped off iiud di"Hppe&red one by one, and have heen lul y cu red. 1 luid the diJenMe thirteen mon hn heTore 1 bei; in takint; the OuticvKa RKMKiMKiand la Tour or live wek was entirely curert. Mydifteanew s pczenu and p((-riai-ie. 1 recimni ndid ihe citipuha Khxkuiks to all In my vicinity. and I knewof a Rreat miny who have taken tbem, and thank nio for the k&owlege of them, epecially mother wbo have bahes wiih ccaly eraptloiiH on tlieir headt and bodies. 1 cjinnot expreeH in w )rds ttie thanUs to yon for what theCUTKURA RrhBOIVS have be, n to mr. My hody wils covered sith scalPH, nd I was BD awtul pectacle to beho'il. Non ml skin la as nice and clear a n babv's. GBO. COTEY, Merrill, Wis. Pept. 21, 1S.--7. Feh. 7, 1KXK.- Not a trc wbutaocrer ol the dineaee from whlch I puflVred has shown itnelf since tnycure. l.KO. (JOTKï. We cannot do jutice to the estreñí in which Cl'TiruKA. the graal Skin ('ur.', and CtJTIOOEl Soap. hii ex(iii-ue "kin Beatttlfler, prepared from it. iind COTll lltA ItKvn.i i:nt, the new Blood Purifier, are held by the thouands upon thouaands wbOM livef hiive been m iele happy by the cure of (tir.ini'T'L', h ¦¦ idi ' I in' uil', iirinri" ily and pimply dmeaíe of the Bkin, scald and blood, wlth loss or huir. Sold cverywbere. Prlcei U0ncOFA,5Oc ; Soap, 25 c: EIksoi.vknt, il. Prepared by the 1'orriiK Duuu & C'UKXiCAi. Co., Boston, Mis. Eisend for "lio to Cure Skin Dlenacs," 01 pagea, 60 iünstrai ion-, and lint testimoníala. nilkll'I.KS, black -headp, red, ronijh. cbapped and II IVI jily kin preveuted by CüticUka soap. Catarrhal Dansers. To be freed from the danjíern or eoffocatlon whtle lylnir down ; to breathe freely, sleep aoundly and undisturbed ; to rise refreshed, head clear, braln active and free from pain or ache ; to kuow that do polsonous, nutrid maner denles the breath and rots wiv the delicate macbinery of nmell, taste and bearlni; ; to feel that tbe systera doe not through lts veli nul arteries, suck up the polson tbat Is sure to undennine and destroy, is indeed a blcsslns beyoud all other human eiijoyments. To pnrchaxe lmmunity from snch a fate sbould be tbe object of al afflicted. But tbose who have trled many remedies and physiclans despair of relief or cure. Sanford's Radical Cure meets eviry phase of Catarrb, from a simple head cold to the most ioathsome and destructlve stages. It Is locat and conatltutional. Instant In rellevini;, permanent In cnrin?, safe, económica! and never faillng. Sanukokd's Radical Cu ri consists of one bottle of ihe Kadical Curk. one box of Catarrhal Soi. vest. andoue Improved In ma luk, II wrapped In one pankae, with treatlse and dlrcctlons, and sold by all druugists for SI . NoRheumatizAboutMe in om; uiMi'i: q, t The Cutlcora nll-l";iln gr wvr% relieves Kheumatlc, Hcian ]M tic, Suddeu.üharpand Nervous Palns, Btf JLHtralns and Weaknespe". Fhe flrsl T Jfcind only pain-killliiK piaster. New, ( original, ïnstautaneous, infalllble, safe. A marvellous Antidote to Pain, Inflammation and Weakness. Utterly nnlike and vastly r-npertor to all other plasiers. At all drageitt, cents; flve for $1.011; or, poslaue free, of PoTtk 1)klu i Ciikhicai. Co., Boston, Mass. TXÏIE ÁNN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $80,000. Oreanlzed nnder the General Banktn? Lavr of this State, tbe tockholflors are indlvidually liable for au addltlonal amouut equal to the stock held by them, thareby creatliiK a üuarantee Fund for the benefit of Deposltors of $100,000.00. Tbree per cent. Interest Is allowed on all Havlngs Deposite of on dollar and upward, accordine to the rales of the Bank and Interest compunded gemi-annnally. Moneyto Loan on unlncnmbered real estáte and other good securltj. DIRECTOKS: CHRIHTIAN MACK, WM. V. HAHRIMAN, W.W. WINEH, DANIKLHISCOCK, WILLIAM DKCBKL, WILLARL) B. SMITH. IAVIU HIN8EY. üFKICiCRS: C'. MACK, Pre. W. W. WIN K8, Vlce-Pre C. K. HiacoCK.C.ishler. lUmHMIIIH i'"1 revolutlonlzed the world TlU ïïrWTTniï 'lurliiK the lant half cenlury. il I Uil 1 IUh Hot lenst iinioiiii the wunders """ ' ' nl luveotlvB proisre la a raethod and Rystem of work tlmt oan be perforraed all over the country without neparatlng the workera from tlieir homes. Pay liberal ; auy one cando the work; elthersex, young or old ; no special ahlllty requlred. Capital not uvedml ; yon aro tarted free. Cut tlilH out and return to uk and we wlll send you free, iioraethlng of great valué and Iraportance to you, that wlll start you In biiHlnesH, whloh wlll uring you In more money rlifht away thnn unythlng elue In the world. Urantl outfit free. Address True & Co., Aogusta, Malne.


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