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Tariff Literature For All

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Thk American Pkotkctive Tabiff League Is publlshine a raot valuable series orTarlff documenta. These are prepared wlth a view not only to state the faoU and argumenU for Proiecllon, but also to cunvlnce doubtful votera, whether they are farmers laborer, inercliauts or professional men. Eaoh Issue of the series appeaU to those engRgod in seperateludustrles, and presenta Indisputable facts. eomparlsons of wages, oost of living, and other argumenta showing the henefl ts of Protectloo. ltecent issues lnclude the fotlowlng : "The Farmer and the TarlnV' Ooi, Thomas H. Dudlky is "The Wool Interest." Judgk Wii-liam Lawrenck 24 "Worktngmen and tbeTarlfl." 8 "Iteply to the President' Free Trade Message." B. P. Portkk 8 "oom view on the TarllJ by au OM Bnsl nees Man." Gko. Dkahkk 3Í "Tarlff Talks among Workingmen.'' Isaac E. Smitu 20 'Kallacies of Free Trade." E. P. Mn.mR 32 "Wages, Living and Tarlff." E. A. Hartshokn 104 "The Vital Question: Sliall American Industries be Abandoned and American Markets .Sur'endered T" 8 "The Advantaee of a Proteotlve Tarlff to the Labor aud Industries of the United States. First Prlze Essay. 1887. CRWFORD D. HüMNci UulV., P.W 32 "Protectlon." E. H. Ammidowk 4 "What Is a TarlfT!" Answers to a Worklngman'i Questlou 4 77i tnHr4 litt of lt Docum4uti-nearly 00 pagtt-will be sent to any addras, post paid, on reeeipt af TEN CENT.S. Address JOSEPH D. WEBKS, Gknïral Skcbbtaby, American Protectlve Tarlff League, it West Twenty-Thlrd Street, New York.


Ann Arbor Courier
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