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F. J. Feldkauip ia Saüne's latest J. P. Sallneltes are settllog up there corporatiou t:ixc-. Brldgewater shipped two car loada of wool last week. The Picket says that hay is a ligtit erop at Soutli Lyou tuisyear. A public iraproveinent society is wint Stock bridge langulshes for. G. J. Nissly, of Saline bad 60 bichéis of strawberrie8 this season. Stockbrldge yoting folks are very shy aliniil taking out marrlage I censes. A Milán saloonkeeper ha paiiiled liis liouse of brverage red, white and blue. The Germán picnic nt Saline on the 4th brought In the niee littlesumof $750. Tlie G. T. R. R. emplo3'es are to have Hn excursión to Whitmore Lske July 22d. It cost the South Lyon district $2,259.34 to run the schools last year and tliere is a balance of $189.15 ou hand. The Itev. Hobertna, who has preaclied for the Germán Luthcrans at Chelsea and Dexter for som i time, goes to Huffalo, N. Y. Milk shake Is the great Whitmore Lake drink, and it takes some 70 quarts a d:iy to snpply one dealer alone. Great shakes! And aow farmers lu the southern part of the county report wheat badly damagcd by smit. The South Lyon Picket man wants concrete walks put down in place of wooden ones. He mu9t be engajfed in the boot and slioe trade some way. John Liilíue has bought about 1)0,000 pounds of wool this senson, and J. '. Huil about 8,000. The mark et s quiet at 15 to 23 cents.- Saüne Observer. Will the Register editor piense retrnct thnt bold asaertion tliat the Observer editor is a "well known prohibkionUt." If such is fame, all good angels delend us. - Saline Observer. The Ist annual convention of the Waterloo Snnday School Association announces a basket picnic ín connection therewlth for all of the Sunday school's in the townshlp, on the 9th day of August. A. Goodfellow will be principal of the South Lyon schools the coming year (a good fellow is always preferable to a bad fellow), and he wlll be assisted by Mlsses Etta Doty, Nettle Finton, Lulu Hendricks. The cannon fire-cracker oujfht to be proscribed by law. It is too dangerous a playthlng. Two men in Jackson are made cripples for life by it, and thlük of selling it to children ! lts sale should be prevented. - Stockbridge Sun. Hear! heai! When ei is tornera go to sleep while waiting for tlicir turn in a Saline barber shop thcy wuke them up by baptizing them wilh a puil of cold water. The last man so served has blood in Iris eye, vengeance in his heart, and the baptlzer is said to keep out of prominence when he is about. Now there is a use found for our lightnlng bugs. The reflection on the clouds, taken wlth the game from the Detroit lights enables the star gazers In Anti Arbor, to mensure the heights of the clouds, a most valuable piece of Information well worth thirty thousand dolhirs.- Ypsllanti Sentitiel. Tlie earth mu9t be shrinking terribly. The distance from Ypsilanti to Anti Arbor used to be nine or ten miles. The star gazers, at the University Observatary make it now only live miles and elght-tenths of a mile. At thnt rate the clties will have a collision in a few years. - Ypsilanti Sentinel. Laat Saturday mornln?, about three o'clock, borne one, who wisbed to make rreuter apeed than he was capable of, atole a horsc from Deacon Gooding's (at Nora) barn, and rode it down east a few miles and left it in the road to die. It ia supixjsed the borse was rode to death ; It was covered witti gweat when found. - Saline Observer. We heur n ereat many men, from time to time, speaking of the "luck" of other mcn as compared with their own. You may plek out the lazlest and poorest man in this town and yon will liear him grumble about luck. When he comes to explain bis career you will see he planted hU potatoes and walted for luck to hoe tliem, while he sut on the dry goods box and talked politics. The Ill-liick he growls about comes througli shlftlessneas and bad management, and generally no other cause. DllllgeDce makes luck. It is too late in the day to make pcople belleve tbat some people were bom to be ricb and others poor. It resta solely with the man, if he ia industrioiu and a good mnnager be will get along, but it' be spenda hls time In talklng about bis


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