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"don'ts" For Parents

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I. Don t forgetthat your cliiMreii carne Into tbe world without tlieir knowledge and consent. Yon have no right to embitter the lit"e you have thus tlinist upon tbem. I have known parents to make absolute laves of their children, coinpelling almostconstantattendanc, nnder the popular delusion that young limbs are uever tired; like tlie oíd slave im.ister, giving nothing in return but Food and clothes. 2. Don't 1hii1i nt and deride your children'a hobbie?. Etemetnber bow much brighter life spemed to you wlien you reali.ed a cherished drpuin, nd treut them accordingly. 3. Don't rorget that youtli necds amusement. Your children have Dot only bodies but minds. líest for tlií deniand9 of nature wliich too m.iny parents ignore. I f yon do not provide oliildren with lieiiltliftil und sufflcient amusement, then tliank Uod lor bis mercy on you if your children do not tike to'dangerous and wlcked pleasures when older. 4. Don't forget that your childreu are beginnnKlfe,whileyoii,perliaps,areendiní it. Give them the benetits of your experlence, bot don't expect that your experjence will serve in place of au exexperience of their own. 5. Don't be impatient with childreii when they doubt your estímate of the world's allureinents. Hemcmber it is you who have tested these thinjis, not they. You did not see with your father's eye, nelther should you expeet your children to see witli ymir cyes. C. Don't neglect your chlfdren'e f rienda. Invite them to your house. Show your children tlint their frieiiila ;iro your friends; that their fiicndá will be those you will approye. 7. Don't be jealous of your children's friends. If you make your society de[({htful to your children, they will prefer you to any other companlon. If your child prefers everyone else to you, stop and ponder whether yon have not


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News