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THEY DD IT. What ? Cured among othera the following. They write : Mi) Centnl'Ava.. ClncinnU. O.. Jauuiry 4tli, 1W f Athlophnros PiUa havo cured me of Uver complaint and dynpepnia. I gmye ten of PlUs to a f rieml wtio in troubled with indiirestion aud ho naa improvcd wonilerfully. F. H. Rowmamp. 16 ItOMttf St, New Haven. CL, l February lüth. UHL l Athloiihoro Pilis worted wonitat in my case of dyapepeia. EamtCuB. Atli-lo-pho-ros Pilla re small and pleasant to take, yet wonderfully effective. Iuwduable for kidney anil liver oomplaints, dyspepsia, indigestión, coustipation, headache, etc. They'll take away that tired feelint; giviug new life and strength. 3-Seiul 0 cents for the beautiful colored picture, " fT" Muiden." THEATHLOPHOROSCO. 112 WallSt. M. Y. The Teacher Who advised lier papila to strengthen thcir mimls ly W "f Ayer's Sai Baparilla, apnreciated the tnith tliat bodlly health la essential to mental Visor. Kor persons of delicate anil feeble ooii.stitiiüi'ii, wlu-ther young or olil, Miis medicine is reraarkably nenetioial. Bo Biire you git Ayer's Sarsupurllla. ¦ '. i i y spring and íall I take a numberol bolttea ol Ayer'B Barsaparilla, and am greatj li-iu-lit'fl. " - Mt. James H. Eastman, Sioneliam. Mass. I li;n.' t:ikrn Ayer's Sananarills with pn-at tienefil to niy genaral lu-alth." - MiasTliirza L. Crarai, Palmyra, Md. "My ifaugliter, twclve yeara of age, haasuffekd fot the rast yeu froui General Debility. A few reeks sint-a, e llagan to givo her Ayer's Sarsapurilla. lier health has creatly bnprovi-d.".- Ir. llarnct H Battles, Bouth CMiolmtfurd, Uass. "About nyearaRiiI began nslng Ayer'i Sarsaparillii as a reliiedy tov ilelility and neuralgia reMiltiug iroiu inalarial expoeurl In the arnir. I was in a very ban conffltion, bul six bottlea of the Sarfapat illa, w ith oeeasiunal close uf Ayer's 1'iLls, have greatly improved iny health. I am ajle to work, and foei tbat I canimt sa too mui-li for yoiit excenent remedief. - F. A. l'inkham, South Moluncn, Me. "My laughtcr, sixtoen years old, i usinc Ayer's Sareaparilla with good eff.-.-t . ' - Hev. S. J. Grahajii, United Brethren Church, liin-khannon, W. Va. " I sufferi'd froui Nervous Prostration, with lame hark and headache, and havo be n niiich benetited hy the use of Ayer' SarsapariHa. 1 am now 80 years of age. and am satisfiVd that my present health and prolonged 1 1 f ¦ are due to the use ot Ayer's Barsaparilla." - Lucy Moöitt, Killingly. Conn. Mrs. Aun H. Farnswortb, a lady 79 years old, tío. Woodstock. Vt., writes : Aficr se vi ral weeks' Bunering from mivous prostration, I prociired a bottle of Avei's Sarsaparllla, and before I bad taken half of it my usual health returned." Ayer's SarsapariHa, f PREFABED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price $1 ; ii boulei, %i. Wui Ui %'¦ % boUl. CBEAM AKlNg lts superior excellence proven In mlllions of Ixnoes tor more than aquarter of acentury. It isuBed hy the t'mteil siales governinent. Enilorsed by the lieails of the Ureat Uuiversities the Strongut, Pu rest, and mout Health ful. 1 Jr. 1 'rice 's the on 1 y li;ikmí I'owder that does not conlaln Ammonla, Lime or Aluin. Bold ouly In eans. PRICB V :AKINO POWDER CO., NEW YOBK. CHICAGO. ST. I.OIIIS. wJ% I U MACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Rates. Foor Trips per Weok Betwen DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Öt. Imace, Chabovean, Alpena. nrriavill OHCoda, Band Beaöh, Fort Huroo, St. Cloir, Oftkland Houao, Marine City, Bvery Week Day Bet ween DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sunday Trips during July and Auuit. OUR ILUUSTRATED PAMPHLETS Hatos and Exouralon Tioketa wlll b furnisbeil by your Ticket Af ent, or 4drea E. B. WHITCOMB, Gen'l Plu. Ag.nt, Detroit &. Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT. MICH. "CHICAGO TRUSS. " Splral Ë&gBgêWKri clieap. ApBoring Tnss E ït p r o v e d tiy llaul Rubber J the hlghest Pad; ia gin r ... Medical Au(Mean, Cool - thorlty.Worn Durable, aiW d a y and ïiiglit byaii iDíant a week old oran Adult M' yeara, Eustfy tfïjusted. It meets all forms of ScrottI, Formoral, Inguinal, and Umbilical 11' min, in botli InTants aml Adults. Satlifaetion guaranteed In In all cafes. Anydesiralile in sMire obtalned. L,ady's l'mblllcal 'l'russes a ranil suceess. If your druggist don Dot keep t hls Triiss, endose stampa aud address, HUI Al. TUI s-, i o lii East Randoph st., OfHce same place. hicajfo. 111. T. Y. KAYNE, Manager. .lil.l by tUBOII IHII i.i.ISTS. Piso's Cure for Consumption is also the best Ca M Cough Medicine. If you havo a Coush I without disease of the Lungs, a few doses are all Ej H you nead. ñutifyouneKa C3 )-'l '¦¦(, tliis easv ïneann of IBI tjl safety, tho slfght Cough Hl bJ niay become a serious EJ matter, and overal bottles will bo required. Q CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Secnrity held for the protection of the pollcy boldere. CHRISTIAN MACK Keuresento the followlnK first-clafe companteo, of une, thu Etna, has alone pald t56,0U0,0X) flre - .uulxty-llve ycar: iEtna, oL Hartford $ 9,192,644 Franklin of l'liiludelpliia 3,118,713 GermanfH, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán American, N. Y 4,065,968 líOtidon Assurance, Lonilon.. . 1,416,788 M (luirán F. & M., Detroit. . . 287,008 N. Y. Unilerwritcrs, N. Y 2,596,67a National, Hartford 1,774,505 l'hcenix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Losses iibcraJïy tdjusted and promptly païd. Policies Usucd at the lowrut rates of premium. 1191tf


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