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A Tall Sensation In Paris

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The Kille! tower, now 300 leet bjb, and to be 1,000 feet high, Is tlie sensa!in of Hip bour in Paris. M. Oeprjre Prlce, Pari Repórter, :ives the followinjr ac coimt, of the work : After a visit, I must admit Hint I Cnn not cay whether the Eiffel towiT will be Inindsome, hut I om rei-tuin thut It will le snpiTh. It is impossible to describe ihh (fljfantlc scrrtfoWlnz o( I ron n geometrie design, whole fornunr a tremuiidou.1 pyramld. It 8 niiijestle, iinpresslv, aml yet o lljfht tliM.t frnm a distance tlie effWjt ignlnst the sky is that of a graud spider's eb. 1 walketl bank and furtli under these prent arehe, feeling ver}' Mimll. I lookcd on with fui'h amazèincnt tlmi I icarcely "lotlqed bolt of ron uliich feil like a blrtlel tiom the b.el({bU above upon Bume sheet iron at my teet. ït wns 8S0trp ii ti the fiis: platform, by o e:isy stalrcaie. Xeverlheless I was ;hi(l to hol'! on to :i tinn The Hrst plaltoiin is not jet eiiiiiely linishcil In iaits rough boards bridjie the (par froin beani to; throujrli the cracks yon COtlld see tlie eutli below. I walked :antioll-!y along and :is (clid to leacb a spntwhcrc :i solid brick livlil me U-. I u the center of the pl.ilforin i ;m iliense opening not yet pro.villel wilbi railin;. Peer.K "ver the edve, I conlil r-en tlie worKnicn bi l'w. l"ikin 1 ikbeetlei". Aroi n I the ont-idc ot the tow r h ralfroaa run?, bringlng beanx, sbeei iron, and other inntciial., Ahove our hends 160 workmen liHiuinereil at bi t rivet, aml the f'oni' ghint córner poeta stretched fkywurd. The VleW isininilicent. Up I K" Hjt'ni by a wlndliift sulrcase, to the top of the higheit beam held in place nierely by chiiins. Tl e wind whlstles throngh the RCi.ffddlng so that we have to hold our lials. Bilt we dis cover ii fplendid panorama. PaiU lies in sunlight at feet, with sliinin; domes, the whole veiled In a mist which drcpiiis on the dUtnnt hills. Tlie Seine looks like the inotionlcs las"' u-ed to imitate water on biji relief niaps; the arch of tl iumph looks like a pa ei -weight, tbc obelisk like needie, and tho vendóme colmiin likeitacu.-e 'rt we are only S00 feet high, a thlrd ot the way up that is to bc. I got back loground strougly inipressed. To tliose Bpott at the Eiffid tower I have but one answer: Go tind see it.


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