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MlXtU DIKEOTOKÏ, .,, kbub Commakdbkv, No. IS meeta flrut 'fiu'silay of eaoh month, C. E. Hlsoock, E. 0,. John II. Mlner, Kecorder. VytiHTRNAVV ('IIAITKH, No. 6, R A. M.- m..,.[s ürsi Monday ecb raonth. J. U st'ine H P.; 7.. Roath, Beoretary. BUSINESS CARDS. W. W. l IIOI.S, DEHTIST. R,M)ins Over .Vuil Arbor Savings Bank, 0). Cimrt 11 ii-ic Sipiare. VITALIZSD A.IR A4lnltef''1. It to tcramMe and "y 'o tke, aml n ]r irniiüL' ettdrin 'oHow wiiiU' teetk reextnciuJ without ]ain. CHAS.L.ALÍOT, Gonbraotop and Builder. Plans nritl ftpecIfiOAtlona onrcfuMy drawn. (i-Mdeuce, 46 E. Catherine St., Ann Arbor, Mich. DR. C HOWELL, PH VSTCIAN Omes. Room j, Masomic Bi.ock. OIBee hoiirs : 1o 19; '2 U C. ]. m. DR. H. R. ARNDT, PElYSICIA.lSr Ornci Uyih Fibbt Natiohal Hank. goDB 11 "Kiici:: IO:"Mto IS o. m ; í! : i to ,, ni Can "¦ reacliud :ii resldenoe ;-l sircel. the "1'rDf. Nlohol plHt ") lv telephoni, No '¦', and will reply id e ilis in tha even Ing. tVIl.l.l UI UKRZ, House, Sign, Ornanioatal and FRESCO PAINTER! PaperUg, Glazine, Qltdlng, umi CWciraintlu; and work of every doctcriutiun duuc in beQt styK'.auil warrantcd to glve aatUfaOtlon, Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr. Arbor. o. :mi. n:A.iTiisr, CLOTiï CASKETS, MKTALIC Aail Common Cotilas. Culis attented to üay or Nlglit. Kinbalmlng a peclalty. stoieroom on K. WaHlitiiiton streel. Resideuce C'or. Liberty aud Kiftl. V. II. JAt'KSO.V', Il'iE3!l3a"lT?IIIIIfilllBriL OJTirrCH: : Orer Bach & Abel's Dry (Jood Store. Entrance next to National Bank. ËThe Greatest BlooJ Purifieri KNOWN. f I I TI1I3 Great Germán Medicine I? thc#, II Hlchfaiiostanil best. IS8doeêof srL-# II III HUI l:, li-.stli;in# 5 III HoDe cent a dose. It wtll cure theW ü fñ worst cases of skin dlsease, from m U common pimple on the faceW f tg Into thiit awful discae Scrofuliu J9 Illsi l.rillll B1TTKKS is thuW L? IBlM'-t medicine to use In all# Scases of such stuhlmru anily0IIr KM. III ¦ drep Rcatod (liseaaes. Io#neygan.oUtlll Haot ever take #of order. Tse III BLUE PILLS r,!i:,l.',IlV1UiIiE3 ¦ ormercuiy.theyaredcnd'Y'f'!?.: _'JI ILSS?;?S II ¦ medicine everniade'ySulphar BítterS I III SIíjoaTTongneGoated ' Sí öwlthayellowstlckyDon't walt untll yon Cl Hsuhsutncc'? Isyourare unable to walk, orín ¦ breath foul and Jfare flat on your back, III jlloffi'iislve? Yourbutget some at oni-c, It I I Hstomai'li Is out#wlll cure you. Suliiliurlll III of nnler. UseBlttera is ] iSlta Invalld's Frlend. Kj U'm""''llatclyiTlioroiinfftheaftcdanil '"t-ES m Isyuur t'rterin are soon made well by III Bine ttaickUiuse. Kini.nilx'r whatyoull M rojiy, clo Wmiul here, it may save yourll Bady, or#Hfe It has laved l.iiiidruda.l II Duu't wait until to-morrow, ï I Try a Bottle To-day! Q I o m Hl 5"# Are yon lowsiilrlted and wenk.l M 5 Ê or suffeiinjr irom the excesaea i I B ?#"""'¦' ' . -I l.I'HUU lilTTKItólU I Wwlll cure you. Send 3 '.'cin Mampa t.i A. 1'. Onlway It ' Oh Bostou.Muss., (or beat medical work ]iuí)llicd? C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Müln St., Anu Arbor. The oldest agency In the city. Establlshed "yer a quarter of acentury ago. Represeutlng me followlng flrst-class compaules, wltb over f60,000,000 Capital and Asscti. HOME INH. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA. IN3. CO., of New York. GIRARD IN3. CO., of Phlladelphla. ORIËNT 1N8. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MAKINE, of Boston. Rtes Low as the Lowest, Losses Liberlly Ailjiistcil and promptly I'aid. C. H. MILLEN. Jerome Freeman ! Moves frorn his present stand over Watts' to the POSTO FFÍCE, BARBER SHOP I BATH Uooms, Moncltu-, Marcli ]!). il WM ui HOT S.T1S !


Ann Arbor Courier
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