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Signaled To Go Ahead

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A great deal of uneaslness lias been feit lest the republican cundidatc, called on by go many delegations representing varled interests and industries, shoukl Inadvertatitly talk too much or sty eome thlngs that would prove prejudicial to bis succes. No uneasineas need be feit on thls score. Gen. Harrison will miike no blunders because his direct lmnc-iv, purIty of pnrpose, and general excellence of cbaracter are suñicietit safeguards. He has nothlng to conceal. Last week a delegation of niilroad men, numbering 817 voters, called on hini at hls tinuse. Mr. Shaw, yardrnnster of the Bee Line, hearied the delegation, and takiog a posilion beslde Oen. iinrrtann, "pulled the pin," us the boys calk'd it, and started the speechrnaking. He told who the boys were, and why they had come to see the general. Some, he said, were conductors, some brakemen, some engineers, some firemen, and sotneclerks. "Some baggagemen," called out aman in the crowu. "Yes, some are basgagemen, some are mechanica, some are yardmen, some are officers, and some are in other capacities." The position of the republicun party toward labor was extolled. When Gen. Harrison "got orders to pull out" a nuinber of the boys shouted to hlm that lie was expected " to run rcgardless ol'anythlng on the track." Home one called out that -'the republican tick'.t dldu't need tocarry any red lights, for nobody could go last enough to run Into it." Another invited the general to in.sject lils aaml tank because lic was to do some "danged goud lunning and hli whcels shouldn't slip.'1 "You belter try your brakes, too; we don't want you to run past the White House,'1 excUImed a man who wore the badge of the Brotherhood of Kngineers. "Tliat's so, general," auotlier added: "the White House is a telegraph station. We'll have some orders tuere for you." General Harrison said : "Gentlemen: Your visit is very gratifying to me and is full of signlficance and interest. If I read arieht the language of your lunterng you have Signaled the republican train to go ahead. You have concluded that it ia freighted with the interests and hope of the American workingrnen and mast have the right of wav. The train has been inspected; you have givt'ii it your skilled and intelligent approval ; the track has been cleared and the switches spiked down. Have I read your Sign aright r [Ctieera and cries of "You have."] You represent, I anderstand, every departinentof railroad labor - tlie office, the train, the shop, the yard and the road. You are thu responsible and intelligent "gunts of a m.i system that, fr""i .1 iluinsy begin niug, has grown to be as line as the parts of the latest locomotive engiue. The necessities and responsibilities of the business of transportation have demanded a body of picked men- inventiva and skilled, faithful and cotirageous, sober and educated- and the cali lias been answered, as your presence kere to-night demonstrates. Heroisin lias üeen found t the the throttle and the brake as well as on the battlelield, and is as well worthy of stone and marble. The trainniiin crushed between the platforms, who used his last breath, not for prayer or a message of love, but to say to the panic-stricken who gathered around him: Put out the red light for the other train, iimcribed his name very high upon the haft where the names of the faithful and brave are written. "Thls early and very large gathering of republicau railroad men suggests to me :hal you have opinions upon public questiona whicli are the product of your own observation and gtudy. Some one will gay that the railroad business is a nonprotected industry because it has to do with tranflportation and not with production, but I only suggest what has already occurred to your own minds when I say that is a very deceptive stateineiit. You know there is a relation between the wages of skilled and unekilled labor as truly as between the prices of two grades of cotton cloth; that f the first is cut down the other, too, must come down. You know also that if labor Is thrown out of one line or avenue by ao much the more will the others be crowded; that, auy policy that transfers production from the American to the English or Germán shop vvorks an injury to all American workmen. But if it could be shown that your wages were unaffected by our systi'in of protective duties I am sure tiiat your fellowship with your fellow-toilers in other Industries would lead you to deslre, as I do and always have, that our legielation may be of that sort that will secure to them the highest possible prosperlty. I am glad to be assured to-night that the principies ol our party and all things uttecting its candidate can be safely left to the thoughtful consideration of the American workmen. They will know the truth and accept it; they will reject thefalseand slanderous. And now let me say in conclusión that my door will always be open to any of you who may desire to talk with me about anythlng that interests youor that you think will interest me. I regret that Mrs. Harrison is prevented by a temporary sickneiis froin jolning wi'tli me in rcceiving you tliis cveuing.1' At the conclusión of Gen. Harrison's remarks the memberg of the delegation passed throtigh the house, each paitttag to shake hands with the General. Editor Woodran" of the Ypsilanll Sentlnen voted for Wllllam Henry HarrlsuQ In lfllï but he'd ¦iicrlnuM hls other leg In h sUntlng rlnk before he'd agree to support Ueu. Ben. Httrrlson.- CUesanlng ArKUK. Not leg, arm brother. But we would not be ü to see Bro. Woodrufl' postmaster of Ypsllanti uuder President Harrison, after all. Magistrate (to plaintilV, with lump on his head) - If your wife threw a sadiron at you why dldn't you dodge?" l'laintiff - "Idid, Your Honor, and thafs how I come to get hit"


Ann Arbor Courier
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