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A wriler of considerable ability, as lar as tlie use of high soundmg woids go, tchea into ttie CouWBR Iq the columns of the last Argus with extraordlnary fierceness because of its view uion the tarlffqnestlon, and launches off uto hlj;h flown rlictoric, brilliant meUpbors, grand ima;;inary suppositlons, and ainbiguous asscrtions. Not a figuro, not :i fact i[pcars in the entlre artiule. Here is a specimen: Hut It clually bas drawn on Itn Imagiuatiou for European wages are hlgher than American, for a glven ainount of work done. ThUlsacknowledged by all honest Republicana. The only advantage the Americiui posesaes is tbat he il more than douhle the amoanl of work, and rpis a little laiger weokly wagestbuu the Kuropean. Perhaps the bost answer to thU is ;i comparison of wages butween Greal Iiritain and the Uolted States in varióos industries, the average lor a ilay's work being ten hours In eacli country. The current wages paid in flax aod henip npiantnc milis, In England anl in New York, for Marcb 1884, were : In New York. In England. Spinners (women)..$UK per day. 90operdy. Twisters! " ).. K5 " a Rovers ( " ).. 75 " 28 Spreadera( " ) 1.00 ¦ 30 Card Feeders(womn) S5 " :v) Overseers (men! :1.00 " 1.40 Hcklers i " 2.0) ' 8.5 Children 4) " US The following table, shows the actual average weekly wages imid by (lurk & Co. ín Paisley, Seotland, with whkh tablc we unite the waes jjaid by the Clark Thread Co., for the same work in Newiirk, N. J. These fiicts rcqiiUc no coment: Xewnrk. Palsley. Co] Winden I8) I4s or 3 60 Flnisbers 5 50 lOs ' ¦;."' Keelers 8 01 17n " J8 Hpoolers 8 00 NU " 8' Foreman 29 00 28 7 00 Pickers 7 00 Kis " HÍ Hank-wlnders 7 liO 15s " :i 7-ï f Ia hU last report Merritt embodies the statement of A. D. tíhaw, United SUtes Consul at Mauehester, of the wagen of h cotton faotory, at Bolton, Cheshire. By the alde of thuni we place the wages pald during Febniary, 1887. in a representative cotton mili in New York, as given by the superintendent: New York. Bolton. Card grl miers, men a week...$ 8 2S 8 5 SC Card Strl pers, men 7S 8 59 Blubber tenders, girl 01 4 tí Mulé spinners, men 10 60 5 1 Frame spinners, glrls 4 50 2 31 W rappe rs, g iris 600 421 Loom Jobbers, men, 12 21 'i 0( Muleoverlookers, men 18 00 lo Medíanles, average 13 10 7 51 F.nglne drlvers 18(0 10 2. Fl remen, average 8 40 6 00 In a similar wny, compare the wages pak! in a woolen mili in Aberdeen, Scot land, wlth those paid in oire like it in many respect3 in New York State, as taken from the looks of the computïy, wlth ratej: New York. Scotland Wool sorters.- Overseer $18 00 $ 7 (H Men 12 W - tU Dyers.- Men 7(10 ;i 73 Caidlug.-Overseer 20 fl 16 a Card tenders, glrls. 4 i) i 2 il) SplnnliiK.- Overseer 18 00 7 00 Mea 120' Boys 1 00 1 6j Warplng.-Overseer 18 Oí T9 Chlldren 350to400150 Wea ving. -Overseer 30 00 1U 60 Sectlou hnud.t.... 18 Sü 7 50 Weavers 10 00 5 7. Finishing.- Overseer MOO ISO Sbeirers 7 511 3 7 Pressmen 8 0) 8 7o Glggers und fullérs 7 BO "7 Then Rgaln, here is a Lable Sho wlng tlio comparative rates of weekly willes pai( in Great Britain and In the L'liiteü States condensed from the report of the Secretary of State on the state of labor ii Europe, derived from facts repoited by the United States Consuls : Usitkii Status. üreat New , ,,,,,„..„ BritaiB, -York. Chtc8Bakers Al to $ii fti 5 to 8 $ s to fit Blaoksmlth.. ' 04 to 8 12 lotoli 9 to 12 Bookbimlers S 50 to 7 83 12 to Is 9 to 20 linoklayers.. T 88 td 9 0: 12 to 15 6 t l Cabln'trnak's 7 70 to 8 48 9tol: 7 to 15 Carpenters A Joluers 7 :;:; to Si, 9 to 12 ViU3 FarmLahnr'M '! 10 to I l'i Laborera, l'oi, lors.etc. j 4 60 to 6 no 6 1m B m to 8 Painlers ... 7 25 to 8 Ui 10 to 10 (i lo 14 Planterere.... 7 8 to K i:s lOtolfi ito 1" PlumberH 7 i;i to s Ui 12 to 18 12 to Ll Printers ] 7 52 to 7 75 s to IK 12 to 18 suoeraukers. r i_ to 18 u to 18 Tallón 5 00 to 7 80 lötois e, to is 'l'insmlths .... ö 00 to 7 30; 10 to 14' i !¦ These Honres spek louder thun aii niHti's incre assertion, und onr etitic beller ponder over them a time. He continúes: WhiU the repuldlcan's oan't pfore Is the roniiectlon belweeu the so-callod protectlon and nlgti wages. The above lignres oujfht to be a suffl cient refutation of this assertion bnt if it is not please turn back to thé "jf'ood ok days" of 184U say, when democratie free trade had nearly deftroyed the business of the country, and the people chose the nominees of the whig party, Harrison an Tyler, whose battle cry was taritl' aiu protection to American industries am American labor. What condition whs the laboring man in then because of democratie iree trada legislation? Then astain in 18Ö2 to '00, democratie low tariff times, labor down to tifty cents, a day, and everything at a dead stand still, as the direct and only result of the de8tructive policy that the democratie party is apain tttempting to toto upon this country. Show us a time in the historjr of tuis nation when prosperity and free trade went hard in hand. It can't be done. In substantiation of this statement, here is a table coinpiled by the Sprfngtield Mass., Hepublican, (eood ¦ mugwuni HUthority) showing the in all branches of industry from ante-war wages: ,, Percent Rallroads H ''n 60 Woolen : . ¦ ¦.", Paper [..'.', gg buttons -,-, Clgars SS Whips 44 Domestlc or, Irou and Wood 84 Daylal)or 40 Average 52 Bnt If the Coikikk wants to know why the worker here gets more for hls weeks work than hls forelgii brother, and therefore foretKiiers flnd this country a deslrable place lo live la, let hlm study polltlcal economy. We should want a better teacher tlian that writer to read our lesson to us. He knows as mucli about political ecotiomy as the king of the Cannihal islanils about Chrlstianity, or Senator Colquitt and Kepresentative Stewart about coirimon courtesj'. The great dimculty is that the republlcan polley has not only brought lo II fe aiid fostered trusts, Iniqultous fiscal systems, and protectlve monopolies, etc. That is not original vith thewrte1-, but is kept standing in the editorial columns of the Detroit Kvenititr News and many other democratie papers. It isa pet scarecrow, and is as full of truth .is Judas I-cariot was of honesty. Show us a monopoly or "trust" in this country that is the diiect or indirect reeult of the tarift'. li it the Standard Oil Monopoly ? X, for that is a democratie iustltution, with Senator l'ayne in the United States Senate, and Joïinnie McLane on the Clhclnati Enquirer to back it tip. It fs owncd, controlled, and run by yood hunker democrats, who are sound ou the goose. Is the sugar "trust" the result of the tariff? If so ushydtd ntry dtmocrqftn tltL House vote against reducing the turirf' on tugar:' Please teil us ? Is it the telegraph or telephone monopoly? If so piense teil us how the tariff effects i-lther of them in any mnnner Vyill tl kï writer teil us how long Germany u8 had a tariff, and what effect said tariff had npon industries whit-h it ¦protect? But how abont the flrtit forelgners who carne to thl country? Even the Coukikr ought to Riiow that they left a hlghjy pro ectlve country, and carne to one without a custom house, and aiterwards went lo War rather tlian to submit to thl s much nrnl .1 proleclive business. Our forefathefs foiiijl.t .-igainst taxaion without represeutiition. There is no more com pa rison bet ween the stamp act and other acts of vlndlctlve opreieioii uaugurated by King GeOrge to punisli mr forefutbers, and the present tariff han there is between the dark ages and he clvillzation of to-tlay, and If the writer knows anything about historyor"polltlniil ecoBomy' ' 'ban l0 make hu' li au uooti i. The Hrtter sijrns liis aitn-lc "A CV A fect tliMt ptoves hiui to have bc.-u ashaiDP'l of it, or lie wonld have had the courage lo. have fatbered thp.i-ffbtt.nnder lits own -iifiiature. The Mm tb is at thu helm of state- that's evident. li is u uerfect procession f rom the democratie töHbewpubrfciin ninks. C'omc on. As it paaaed tbe II""1-'1 the other dav tlie now thoroughly infamou Mills bill liad a provisión ptactioaüy putting a premium upon 'the southern tnoonshine illlcittlistilleries. It ha= tixed the law so tluii it will be al mort; impossible to pro?ecute thefe soutliern law breakers, and il tliey ure prosocuted and their stllls and llquor siezcd, mstead of beinj; (Kwtroyeil M now, tliey nretnbe " kept and sold." Sulil to gomo oilier inoonsliiner, probiibly Could anytliiuï bo more conteruptible and .dojust V Tl)'' south must le iin tectcd. ' i . The L'tah Kxpoeition Car, in eliarge ol one of the pleasautest and most acooraodatinir jrcntlcmaii with Moni it lias been our pleasuta to raeéi in some time' Mr. II. Ij. A Culmer, lay apon tinside track of the M. C. R. B., nppoolte the new station house, durinL' ycstcrday lusulc tlici car was oiii' continual strean of proplc passing around aiul vien'ln); thi, thousamls ofwonderfql thfnk tobe wen cacli uut au illustratcd bonk descriptivo ol Salt Lakc Citr. Ft wouli be to altempt u dos-cription of the contentsof the ciir. for it would take a least two coliinins to nmko a coinmencement. Therc were sttawberries easily ï inclios in diameter, yellow niaK11111" plums kt larffe as hen'i egni wrheat cut June 'J."t!i whicti w8 6 fi'ft tall ; soveral suspi clous lookina demijohns; a carbov o water taken fiom the hot sulphur prints that tlows C)00 kh. per ininute; mcriiic wool 7 iuches lonc: ancora gout sUins lenther of all kinds; horse hair bridlos specimens of nurlilo, nd the yaiious lead. eopper, silver, rold and other ores ia tact everything that could be thotlgb of almost. '1'ln' enterprise has cost the people of Snit Lake City $ 15,000 to pu this car on the road, and óver 100,000 people have already looked througrli the wonileil'ul ciillection. It ia at least a novel way to advertise tlmtgreat country From here they ;o to Detroit, nnd thei down eat to New Enlaml and thei through tho south.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News