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See cali fox republicun ward caucuses. Parrot üke, the Hegister saysyou're anotlier. Company A carne marclung home sgain last iilgbt. TheCülumbns base ball club took dinncr at the Cook House Tuesüuy. John Milli'i's Sundav druuk cost him f 5.33 at Jüïtice Frueaufís court Monday. An Aun Arbor Cftt likes ice cream. - Saline Obseiver. Kor cat substitute las. Alas'. Thereare 21 chances n the University fitoulty thii year, caiised by death, remnval, etc. W. 11. Burt s a democrat for oflBce only, iind never voted the democratie ticket Ín his life. Thechoir ofZion's cliurch serenadííd the faiiuly of ü. Schneider, ou First st., l,st Tlmrsday evening. Prof. L. L. Van Slyke, now of Honolulú Uüiveríity bus been appointed to a position in the Chemical department. Trampa broke into Will Hatch's house l:ist Snuday and stole an umbrclla, a bag of pea nuts and a lot ot harvest apples. Michael Brenner, of Manchester, appears to be all over the county, everywliere. Must be looking for something. C. T. 1'arshall picked 'Si bushela of Gregg ruapbcrrles at one plcklng ofl'l'j errs of ground. One jiicker picked W qiiiiits In 8 houre. An infitnt son of Geo. Walker was geverely injured Monday by íhüíbr froui the top of a box car on the side-track of llioT. it A. A. H.H. The Home Market Club of Boston is Ntdy to rapply proteetioo documents to any oiie who applies. Uepubllcao clubs rin send in their orden. J. D. Stinison tripped npon an obstructlon wliile viewing the wheelnieu yester jay u front of (Jook's Hotel, and feil heavily upon the stone crossing. At the Methodist Episcopal church, Dr. Ramsav will preacl" Sabbath inorning on "The Beauty ot Holiness," and in the e7enin; on " Cliristian HeroUm.'1 R. Waterman writes froru Bay View "I yoted for Harrison In Ann Arbor in 1840," añil he now proposes to five the graiulson all the help possible in 1888. Several Ann Arbor Main st. dudes tried to rnn a &iil boat at Whitmore Lake last Smulay, iri't ajjround onllii" bar, and was out long euougb in the big rain tosprout. Calvin S. Brice, the new chairman of tbe national democratie cimpaign comnuttcc, win) livi'S n New York Citv, isa gradúate of the hiw ilepartiiient, olass of 1S06. AüMUljC ÜW ïiaines of pensioners publislied in the papers last Fridiiy, was that of Uol. N. Ii. Blüridxe of Adrián, the Ibrnier KfireseiitatlTe In Congrets from this ili-tricl. There vrere parttM in tbc city Momlay lookiiiir aller the netels ofthli city in the way ni a slrcct railwMV, anl MMMtllllIg tangible in that line will result soon, it is tbóoght. The meeting of the Business Men's Assneiation w?is :igain postponed until nuxt TaAday evening at same liour and place. This time tbe circus interfered, it is liipposed. Prot. C. B. Cady havlng reslgned the olmir ot miisic in ine Univcrsity, the ret-Mits are not abl as yet to issue annüiniitt'iiicnts tor that department the roniing year. The Ampliion Club, 12 Btrong left tor Biy View Monday, wtaen Ihey are down on the boards for a concert, after whicli Uu'v ezpect to siiitr fir tb Macklnac poople one night befofe rilurniug home. Bórjtlari tttempted to breuk lato tlie luiusc of w. K. ('hihts Monday nicht, bul were f'i ightened iway by the awakeuing of neigbbora. Tbey broke into J. A. Herben barn, bilt look nol hing therefroin. Prol. Jas, JI. Shepherd, who hu been principal of the Ypsilauti high ictaool, Las resignrd, and goes lo Brooklagt, Dak., vvlurc: bil efforla bring more nioney. Tliis is probably some of Dr. McLouta'i tiguring. Tlie Argus Is quite faeetlous and very mucli worried over the republican ratitiCation meeting. Uon't ullow that to worry yon brotlier, for if you do, before the campaign is over you will be eiitirt-ly worn out. Clius. E. Kiug, of Ypsilanti, was prennted to the democratie convention hy Judge Joslyn of thls city, a a noininee tor uieinbcr of tlie state board of education, aod tlie coiivention accepted it. How a[iiropriate the inaii is to the poaltlon is a grave question. Chas. B. Davison while going into YpsiUmi witli the wheelineu yesterday, feil trom the wheel and tlie man followiiig liiin ranorer the rist ot lii.s right arm, breakingoneof the bones. Cliarlie walkKi lJi inilta ioto town and bad it set by Dr. Uwen. It is a painful injiiry. An ccident oocured about Iliree miles nortliot the city by wbich Fred Wyman, a woikmau wlio lives near Dexter, had liis hand badly lticerated while blastiii" one for the new tchool building. He liad drilled a hole in the stone and was pounding the charge in when it exploded permaiurely. Dr. jMcLaclilan says the wounds aie uot serious but very painful. Our frieniU of tbe Ypsilantian, have moved out of the old house Into new, light, and commodious quarters in the basement ot the bank blocc, Yptilanti. They are iiow suppüed with every comfort and 'icillty except a gns engine, whicli tbey ill hnve in course of time, and are to be smeerely congratulated upon tlieir improvid coudition. The iirm are bard working, deserving gentlemen. "Wliydon't you run a paper like thal?' JRrocery merthant said to a reporter f. f Week' t'irowing out a Chicago daily , M BU Mme ruason that you don't run rocery üke that" tbc reporter replied, urnlng to au advertisement of a Chicago "oiise, showing a twelve story building, '"egroceryman looked at the picture a noment undsaid: "Inever looked at it in iat way before." Hrry Herbert, a boy about 12 yca-s ol": sou of E. E. Herbert, of the Ut ward iilently shot blmelf tlirough the band ¦tunlay niglit. He was using a pistol i . liet;" b"k. the hammer of !"cli had to be tied up wlth a string. U&rling took the bullet out of the M", whicli had lodged near the wrist. more docile idaything will be found nt time, probably. 0{A" l'obison wears on bis coat one the old Harrisou brasa buttons witb lun wlli"s trilluu'd their coats in , 'Jt was one that his father James ; Kohlson wore during tbat campaign. noii haJ 't "sliined up" ana a wii i il W01llu "ot tempt hun to part hm "" ttie 'llee of tbc button is a r, cabin In front of whicli is represented a d of hard eider. John Goodspeed, Adolpb Kemper, .Ir. 'u a OOnple of Ypsi. boys stïrted for hlf e Ijllke' sU"uy, and when about tl ' " "ut !' lieavy storm Eet in and on ,1 "eitlier go ahead nor return II '"''r wlieels, sothcy were obllged to Inn i ert0 bri"lí thci" lack home. Uu. i t0 ret tlle wagon ready to make 'J'iurriey the boys bad to pilcb off a ütwheat with wbicb it was loaded. k-2 Uow Society house will „ L"nnH-nced at once. John Koch bas "mtract fór the masón work and Geo. y , '"r tlie work. (i-o Bisli il' ' excavilte tlie celInr and furentir i The stone work will be citv i-i ePent tronl nythlng In the iin.'i i'"'81011 will be lift in tbcir orin ir, P" exoept l'eing faced and laid tlie t nurse8' after tlie maiiner of MGiÜetWnrk ' the st'ition house bmiiii, It makes a handsome wirdiX.,!'16 bnndln will cost up4t Ut 'm and ' to be enclose.1 by


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