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Will Watts has gone to Xew York. Misa Della McLaren left for Buy Vlew yesterdaj'. Prof. W. S. Perry left yeaterday for Bay Vlew. Mrs. Wm. Noble is visitinj; triemlM in Albion, N. Y. F. Stolllet and fu mi I y are camping at Portaje Lake. Julius Worner of Afton, Minn., Uhome for the vacation. Eli Moore, Jr., luis gone lo Alhion to spend the suinmer. The seven-year-old son of Herman Hutzel is v;ry sick. Miss Tinnie Masten 8 visiting (Hendí iu Detroit this week. Mrs. J. J. Watts weut to lluilson yesterilay to visit a sister. Mrs. J. D. Muir luis returtied to her home in Grand Rápida. Mrs. Andrew Bell and daugliter C'arrie, are visiting in Battle Creek. Deputy Clerk Arthur Brown is at Cavunnugh Lakc this week. Miss Ella B. HUI left for Marquette Monday to visit' her brother. Dr. W. B. Smith went east Monday on a business trip of a few day9. Dr. A. Wlnchell and family haye gone to Bay View for the siumner. H. J. Brown and family are spending the week at Whitmore L:ike. Mr. Gleason, of N. Y. City, is the guest of Mr. Krueger for a few days. Miss M;ibel Murray of the.rth ward, Is vielting friends in Grand Rapids. Mi9s Huil, cor. State and Bowery, st., left Monday evening tor c;iucinnati. Mrs. Will Pack, of Minncapolis, is visiting Mi'. Pdrk%6 pareuts on Klrstst. Mrs. S. A. Newberry, of Dakota is visiting her brotlier Ilirain Kitredge. Mleses Ada and Millie Gilbert have gone to Whitmore L-ike camping out. Mrs. H. Bovee, of Grand Rápida is visiting her daugliter Mrs. Paris Banfleld. Miss Augustlne Sondheim, of Detroit, is visitir.g her friend Miss Pauline Birk. Mistes Ourrie and Emma Boyd,of Grand Raplde, are visiting at Israel ICuehnlc's. MastersHarry Hall and August Koeliin are at tlie I, ikr House, Wliitmore Lake. Mrs. Ja9. F. Snow, daughter of Kansas City, are vUttlng Hiraui Kitredge's family. George Vandewarker is spendin a week or two at Silver Lake with ti is cousin. Mrs. Win. Bowers, of Sliaron, is visiting her sister, Mrs. John J. Hobison of the 3d ward. Prof. J. C. Knowlton luis ben conflned to his lióme for a few tlays pnpt, but is better now. K J. Morton lias becn tukiiif; a trlp to Mackinac, Ssult Ste. Marie, etc, du ring tlie week pust. Adam Meutli, tlie Detroit st. butcher, starts for London, Eng., Itext Fridav, on t business trip. David Rliuey and family and Jaoob Sralioli and family are in 'i 1 1) at linsli l.ikc tliis week. Mis Lizie Tuttlc. of But Saglnaw, and Will Tuttle of Detroit, spcnt Sunday at the resident'1 of Mrs. MargmreC Bower, on X. IngalU st. Miss Carrle L Watt! and brotber Harry, left for Bay View yefterday, to be absent tluee weeks. Mr. Skinner and wife, formerly Mrs. Wellington, left for their home In L ckport, X. Y., Monday. Dr. Earp preachet] at St. Punl's churcli, Detroit, last Sabbath, Hev. Mr. OalplD filling bis pu'pit bere. Miss Bertha liose is enjnjrlng a portion of lier vacution at Xorili Lake, in tlie family of Prof. Morris. Mr. Law, the father of Virginia and Uobert Liw, of Monti-ny, M'-xk'o, is visitinr bis cliiUlren bere. Miss Hice, of Akron, Obi, il pnllnK ¦ few weeks witli lier eister Mrs. Jas, M. Stafford, of X. State st. Dr. Uarold Wilson b:ts removed ll'oin tliis citv to Detroit, Navlog opfliied an olliceat'lüO Miami Ave. Mrs. Andrew Climie and daiijjliters latend to ipend n 11 amber of weeks in Ann Albor tliis sumiller. Mrs. Jacob Wile, nee Nannie Ilaninunul, of I-a Porte, Ind., is visiting lier I itluT Alilennin Haiuinond in tlie 5th ward. Mrs. Gertrude Eaman, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kobison, wbo bas been very ill, is mucli better, we are pleased to state. Danl. C. Giffert, of West Point, Nb., is vlsillntf "is brother inlaw 1). F. Scbairer, accompanled by Win. Steufer, of tlie same place. Miss Allie Angelí, of Adrián, and Miss Florence Webster, of Cleveland, have been visiting at Dr. V. H. Payne's during the week past. With an increase of salary, Miss Mary Clitnie who bas been engareil in teaching in the high school at Battle Creek, bas accepted the posltion for nextyear. Misses Allie, Florence and Bertha Goodison, daughters of Prof. Goodison, of Ypsilanti speut the Sabbttli with tlie riaugliters of President Payne, ou N. State st. J. T. Jacobs, Maj. Harrison W. Soule, J. A. Gates, Win. Herz, Leopold lilaess and sons Charlle and August, and Capt. C. II. Manly, lelt Monday evening for a visit to the Centennial at Cincinnati. Prof. and .Mrs. Slawson left Friday evening for Syracnse, N. Y., there to visit triends, after whicb tbey anticípate a ride on tlie St. Lawrence to Montreal, Quebec and other places of iuterest. Rev. Dr. Steele with his family are spemling several weeks duriiig the sumiller in Detroit. Tbey are pleasantly located in a furnished iiousc of Mrs. Babcock, tlie tlaughter of llev. D. M. Cooper, at 365 St. Aubin Avenue. The Dr. is to continue as the supply of the Jeflerson Avenue Presbyterian cbureb until autumn, wben lie with the household will return to his home in Ann Arbor. Miss Elsie Hadley, of the lit. class of '80 luis acctpted a position as teacher of Mathematica in the Coldwater schools, umler Prol. Slawson, formerly of the Marquette schools, who transfers lus services frotn there to Coldwater. 1'rofessors Hennequin and Dr. Wood, of Ann Arbor, spent Saturday tishing on Harnburg's Silver Lake. The Uoctor fot a "reat bite and was so anxious to land his flsh that he stood up in the bout. The Professor says he did not shake the boat, but anyway the Doctor took a hender and down he went. We are glad to say the learned gentleman was none the worse tor the accident, any more thau being ducked. Why does the Professor laugh over UT- Hamburg, cor. South Lyon Picket. Under a recent act of Congress approved by the President, any euvelope, wrapper or postal card containinji on the outside anything which reflects injuriously upon the person addressed or any one else, or upon his diameter or conduct or is plainly calculated and intended to hijure his feelinjjs or reputation, or briii" hini into disciedit, or which threatens blm, will be excluded from the mails. AnythinK In tüc nature of an ofleDsive or t h reaten i ii K dun apparent npjW an envelope, outside cover or posta! card, or conveying the suggestion tluit rach dun is enclon-d, will be excluded as non mailable under this act. Emanuel Wildt he was the only Germnn here who joineil the Wblg party in lK, RnTd Cante outforTippccinocunil Tyler too, and he was c;illed "(lie bluck Iheep" by UIGennn friend. He helped build the oH lo; cahin on thecourf house Einare and he says they had a good time in it too, and he propones that the old boys "el tojtether and have a good time aain. Mr. Wildt is now in his HOth year, hale and liesrty, and ju.-t as stronjs a republican as he ever was. He canie here in 1831, and says that he was the lirst Germán settlintf here from the old country, those who eme about that time are all dead and gone, he alone being left.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News