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"a Friend Of The Fair" Makes Some Wise Suggestions

"a Friend Of The Fair" Makes Some Wise Suggestions image
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Mr. EDtTOR: The time Is ijradually movltiR around wheu our a:iiiiiul luir wlll be iii x'ull swing imd from the large number of flne stock owned in Washtenaw counly, to-day It ia safe to predict that the showlngs of lt wlll be the most lnterestlug and stronger oontested of any wlthln oor meraory. ft la no secret that the most experienced and best lufornied forelgners who vlslt onr falrs are the most liberal in thelrpralse of themerltof our pure bred ntook, and wllllngly acknowledxe the great Improvement that has been made on all breeds of horses, cattle, sheep and swlne. In a general way throughout the oounty. as conipiirlug favorablo wltü lf not surpaaslut; thelr ibreign ancestore. That iiiimy mlNtakes and blunders have been cornmltted lu the past there Is not the slightest doubt yet we tbink Unit for the present the breedlng of flne stock mav be consldered In a healthy normal coudltion. The speculator lias to great exlent dlsappeared and the wealthy breeder of to-day belongs to a type of nion as gtrongly lmbued with a love of good stock and everythlng pertalnlng to honorable buccess as can easily be found, yet wlille all thls Is freely acknowledged there are a few small thlngs that In a marnier mar the harmony and good feellng that ought to exlst between rival exhlbltors. Amongst the fori'inoHt rocks of ofTence hitherto stands our unfoitunate system of maklng up awarding comralttees. Itcan scarcely be expected that we wlll at once arrlve at a perfect system, though lt lx to l;e lioped that all concerned wlll gtve the matter thefullestconslderatlon. This is In cvery respect a practical questlon thatcannot be solved In a satlsfactory matiner by placlng round men In square holes. We know no reason why such sbould ever be attempted lt Is not for want of havtng plenty of good round men for round roles, and vice versa.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News